Riding endurance


Flaming Hot Doughnut
Elite Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Maynardville, TN
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Over the last few months I have noticed an interesting trend in my riding endurance. On my previous FZ6, I was not able to ride it any decent distances without needing breaks. Today, I was able to ride for 3 straight hours, 140 miles, with no more than putting my feet down at stopsigns or the occasional traffic light. It finnally hit me when I got home what might be helping me with my riding endurance.

Back in August I picked up road biking. Now, I can usually do a good 15-20 miles in a ride, with an occasional 30+ mile ride. So far, I have ridden around 550 total miles since August. I think this has greatly increased my body's capabilities to ride the motorcycle for longer distances.

So the overall moral of this, one of the best things you can do for your motorcycle riding abilities, is get in shape :p, and bicycling is a fun and easy way to do so that keeps you on two wheels.
Over the last few months I have noticed an interesting trend in my riding endurance. On my previous FZ6, I was not able to ride it any decent distances without needing breaks. Today, I was able to ride for 3 straight hours, 140 miles, with no more than putting my feet down at stopsigns or the occasional traffic light. It finnally hit me when I got home what might be helping me with my riding endurance.

Back in August I picked up road biking. Now, I can usually do a good 15-20 miles in a ride, with an occasional 30+ mile ride. So far, I have ridden around 550 total miles since August. I think this has greatly increased my body's capabilities to ride the motorcycle for longer distances.

So the overall moral of this, one of the best things you can do for your motorcycle riding abilities, is get in shape :p, and bicycling is a fun and easy way to do so that keeps you on two wheels.

I'm guessing that tiny little bike seat makes your @ss allot tougher too! :thumbup: It's all true - the more you do, the more you can do later.
I've lost a few pounds and started exercising this year, and have also noticed I can ride farther on my motorcycles. My little XT225 doesn't feel so bad for "extended" periods (which on the XT is like 30 minutes :)).

Good for you for getting in shape, though, and for sharing the benefits here!
This is so incredibly true. Before my daughter arrived, I could do a 300-400 mile day no problem. After pregnancy, I was exhausted after 50 miles without a break. A whole day trip was 150. I did P90x this winter to get myself back in shape for life in general, and after putting 1000 miles on in one week (a couple 200+ mile days in there), decided that I should rest so I don't wear myself out too early in the season. Fitness is a huge factor in riding endurance, and core strength and leg strength are the two biggest things that will help you.