So, do you have a tattoo?

Do u have a tattoo?

  • No, never!

    Votes: 71 33.2%
  • No, but I want one

    Votes: 42 19.6%
  • Yeah, I have one

    Votes: 53 24.8%
  • H*ll yeah!! I got a few

    Votes: 48 22.4%

  • Total voters
H*ll yeah!! I got a few....and here they are :rockon:

1st on my right shoulder:
from 13yrs old to 18 i kept saying i'll never get a tattoo, but if i do i'd get
a superman symbol on my shoulder. i hadnt changed my mind for 5 yrs so...
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2nd on my left shoulder:
had to balance it out!
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3rd on my back:
it says "freak" if you cant tell.
View attachment 36564

4th on my left calf:
i lost a very good friend :(, i now carry him everywhere i go
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ok so no tattoos here but 8 of 16 piercings (the other ear looks the same)
any guesses where the rest are :eek:
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dangggggggggg..... do U have a though time putting your helmet on? nice ink though.
My bike is being made to match the cherry blossoms on my tattoo. here is a pic of my tattoo, and my custom tank pad :)

I plan on a similar design on my fairings when they arrive!

:drool::drool: ............ o I'm sorry I was just trying to..... read your tattoo. :D

But seriously, what does it say?
View attachment 36545

Hate my tattoo. Got it when I was big in to DJing. It's (if you are old enough to remember) one of those plastic inserts you get in old single records. I wanted something that nobody else had and had something to do with mixing.
Still have my decks and all my records but my love for biking is now far greater. I just look at it as a chapter in my life.
Has to be said though, that is the only one I have ever seen. Still Unique.

I answered "no, never" but truthfully, I've always considered getting the St. Michael on my arm.

It's basically good triumphing over evil, which is related to my job. I wear a St. Michael pendant, but a tattoo would be even more personal.

I'd have it look something like this...

I'm a huge, huge Calvin & Hobbes fan, so I got the one that was published on my birthday, July 12th, 1988.

I've wanted to get one of Calvin & Hobbes where Calvin is trying to ride his bike but ends up on the ground with his bike standing over him. I can't find that pic anywhere on the net. I've seen it in the comics though I just don't remember where. I wanted to put it on my leg/calf too.

I have a few and they are on my DeviantArt page.

Wh0M3's deviantART Gallery
I've wanted to get one of Calvin & Hobbes where Calvin is trying to ride his bike but ends up on the ground with his bike standing over him. I can't find that pic anywhere on the net. I've seen it in the comics though I just don't remember where. I wanted to put it on my leg/calf too.

I have a few and they are on my DeviantArt page.

Wh0M3's deviantART Gallery

Is it this one?
maybe I'm mixing things up and that's why I can't find it. I found this one but I thought it had the bike in the back ground. Maybe I can just edit it to look the way I want. :BLAA:
Option 5 - No, I have thought about it and thus far decided no, but wouldn't be truly opposed if the right one came along. I don't want one, per se, but I am not anti-tattoo either.
I voted "no, never" but only because there was not a "I don't think I will ever" choice. Never say never. :)
Like others, even if it was a design I liked NOW, how can I be sure I would still want it 10, 20, 30, 40 years later? The exception to this, which thankfully I have not yet needed to consider, is the loss of a very close loved one. I might consider one in their honor.
Some of these are very amazing work by some talented tattoo artists. Thanks for sharing! :D

That is exactly how I feel, although I have considered it more ever since my daughter was born. She is a gift,and rightly born on my birthday,s o I have thought about getting some form of gift between my shoulder blades. Want to wait and see if I have any more kids first, though.....don't want to leave one out!
Its not about getting something you will LOVE in X number of years, its about getting something that is meaningful to you, something to signify who you are or a life altering event that you never want to forget.

We all change, so you may not be the same person you are now in a few years, but when you do take the time to retrace the lines on your skin, you will remember who you were, whether good or bad. Tattoos are art, and can be a statement. I am someone who has a few, and my only suggestion is place them in places you can cover up when required.

Those who have tattoos will all tell you the same thing; they are addicting and a huge rush. I say go for it, its so socially acceptable now, why the hell miss out on such an experience??
my sentiments exactly...I have a few. And while I might not have chosen the same ones if I had to start over today, I still look at them and I remember exactly who and where I was when I got them and that means a lot. I would never be without or have them undone.

Even the one I have which is slightly messed up I wouldn't have it retouched to "look nicer", because the way it got messed up is an essential part of the tatoo and to me that's important.
i would never get one but have no problems with people that have them. my biggest beliefs with tats is that there should be a d@*$ good reason for one or at least a killer story, and at least try to make it unique.
How have I never seen this thread?!

Yes, I've got a bunch of ink...

Yamaha emblem - always will remind me of the fizzer years.
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On my chest I have a bunch of Easter Island statues, you can only see the top one in this photo. On my shoulder, curving up to my collar bone and down my back is craft battle scene. There's a terran soldier shooting 2 zerglings, all sorts of muzzle fire and alien blood flying. Definitely one of my favorite pieces.

I love star craft, and I love aliens, and by the time i'm done -- my back and arm will be covered in various fictional alien characters.
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I love them, and can't wait to graduate so I can finally finish them without feeling guilty about blowing 1,000$
First one is about 12"x6" names in the middle are my grandpas who passed away. I tell people the second one if in case they find me dead in a ditch, the cops can ID me faster. Advice for people without tats. DO NOT get a tat on your ribs if it is your first one.
First tat. 13 yrs ago i have a couple from that same time . 18th birthday, 2hr 45min :eek: for the cross. i would like to get more but what i want would prob get me another bike:spank: +1 on sunscreen melanoma will f-up a tat:( better than the alt..:thumbup:




The cross is have the "feeling" that someone/something always has your back.
My name in chineese letters is to remind me that even if no-one understands who it is , i do.
The dragon on my side(gut now:eek:) is to trust your inside feelings and they will protect you.
looking back i could have gotting some bad a$% tats to say the same thing but they is part of me and helps remind me of "old times"