What do you look like?

Hold on, hold on. I'm at work, it takes forever to pull pics off my home sharedrive from here. :D

EDIT: Here ya go.

Me in 2008 on deployment. This is when we ported in Isreal.

Me on deployment last year. I'm receiving my ESWS pin from the Vice CNO.
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You wanna see an ugly mug, eh?

Well there you go:

But, in my defense, it was a theme party and I was dressed as a drunk hobo (including the blacked out teeth, eye and so forth) so...

Edit: Had to put a second picture. The first one makes me look too handsome and will give people the wrong impression otherwise. :D
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From my intro thread, that's me pre-military with my very visible jacket.


Having a bit of fun during a lull on the job. I'm the non-creeper on the right.

Every time I go looking for pictures of myself, I realize that I should probably take more. Now to just find a friend willing to snap shots of me on the FZ in a corner.
The new Comfortably Numb Rock & Blues Show 94.1 3WBC Thursday nights 6-8pm
3WBC 94.1FM Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Melbourne

for those of you that dont live in the eastern suburbs from Ringwood through to Camberwell in Melbourne Australia you can stream it on your pc if you have the time to drag it out

So its all all bluesy stuff from me in the second half of the show with only the merest hint of Frank Zappa
I'm on from about 7ish tonight, thats in about 2 1/2 hours from now.
I posted a pic of me on this thread a few months back (#427)...now you can hear me as well
The new Comfortably Numb Rock & Blues Show 94.1 3WBC Thursday nights 6-8pm
3WBC 94.1FM Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Melbourne

for those of you that dont live in the eastern suburbs from Ringwood through to Camberwell in Melbourne Australia you can stream it on your pc if you have the time to drag it out

So its all all bluesy stuff from me in the second half of the show with only the merest hint of Frank Zappa
I'm on from about 7ish tonight, thats in about 2 1/2 hours from now.
I posted a pic of me on this thread a few months back (#427)...now you can hear me as well
Blues Adrian? :thumbup:

I'm gonna have to have a listen to you when I get a chance

Planning to do another spot in 2weeks, keep you all posyed in plenty of time

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat fingers...you know!
Nice topic, I had no idea it existed....here's GkS:



- Ohh, not to forget, if someone has a nice job offer for a computer programmer in Europe, it would be really nice cause I'm currently loosing mine because of this damn economical/political crisis!!!
Nice looking stable you got there GkS - good luck with the job hunting!!!!

You got that right :BLAA: :D

After nearly 10 years, I know up from down :thumbup:

Also, by way of explaining: I'm not a furry. We all bought Tiggr suits in Tokyo to surprise our mates who we were meeting on the way home from a Snow Boarding trip at the airport...

Wore them all the way home... allmost got a smile out of customs! We came so close! Humourless bastards! haha

Jet Star loved it to the point of creepyness... hostess's wanted to know if they could take photos of us while we slept :confused:

Anyway it got us thru customs with no bag checks... let alone a rubber glove incident... so smugglers take note: Tiggr can bounce his ass thru customs unmolested !

My mate gets bomb checked every single time he flies... not in a Tiggr suit tho. Hilarious... he wasn't amused tho. hahaha
Yeah, I found couple of pictures on my comp, in all others am naked ahahahahaa.. Last picture is from really nice vacation on Ibiza, grandma rules

I would also put a picture from my girlfriend here, but it`s not in the thread subject, so sorry guys