What's Your Crazy Riding Story?

A few years ago I was driving on the highway near my house. I was doing 75 on cruise control in a 55 zone. Cop comes up behind me, the disco light go on and pulls me over. Asks me the usual questions where I'm going etc. and then says he pulled me over last week and remembers me. I say "I'm sorry officer but I have not been pulled over in years and it wasn't me"
He goes to his cop car and comes back and says "do you have a brother?"
Cop:"does he own a motorcycle?"
Cop:"you're right it was him I pulled over last week, and he was with a buddy. I pulled them over and I let them go, so I will do the same for you today. I let them go last week because they were speeding but when I pulled out they were nice enough to stop"
(my brother and I are a year apart but we look alike a lot)
...yeah .. so my jow dropped. He let me go. I asked my brother later and he confirmed the story. The same cop clocked them doing 90 in a 55 on an empty highway (on a GSX1000 and CBR600) and they could have ran but he told them he will let them go because they were nice enough to pull over and not engage in a chase.

Moral: if you're speeding pull over, the cops want to get home to their families too... so maybe they'll cut you a break... then its a win win situation for both side :)
Some awesome stories here. That one about the black bear made me piss myself. Haha terrifying stuff.

As for me....lol, from my RR:

I come up to a fork in the road. One road has a sign post saying "This will take you to such and such area via such and such road" and the other road has a sign post with a car symbol with an ‘X’ through it. It says "this road is not maintained and travel is not recommended".

LOL….not recommended? Maybe not for others. But me? I’m extreme….I’m superman….I’m King-****ing-Kong. Carry on, full-speed ahead!
Well, it wasn’t quite full-speed since the road really did turn quite bloody nasty. Quite a few parts needed careful picking-through. I even got kinda airborne at one point (or it felt like I did, haha I probably didn’t get so much as an inch off the ground). Anyway, I kept on going. I was just on my way to find some vision of the most epic camping spot ever I had in my head. But it never came. An hour and a half went by and all I was getting was more of the same. There was a big drop to one side and a big climb up the other side. There was no level areas to set up camp or any way off this road/trail. This is why you research things. God damn it. I turned around.

I knew it would start to get dark in a while and I didn’t want to get caught up here in the dark. Navigating through the mess would be pretty ****ty in the night. So I picked up the pace a little bit. At one point I thought to myself, keep an eye out for wildlife….you’re going too quick you won’t be able to stop you will have to dodge.

Having just been through this area I had the rough bits pretty well mapped out in my head. I was making great time. I came through a straight section and saw something move out of the corner of my eye. A bear!! A ****ing grizzly bear!! Holy ****! It started running down the side of the road and started moving across but was not cutting straight across the road. It was weaving a little bit. I aimed for where it was and it shot across the road. The bike fish-tailed quite a bit but straightened out. Holy **** I can’t believe I ****ing dodged it! It was a bear cub but not a small one but definitely not an adult yet.

Now this is the part where the internet is bad for you. I had been paranoid about bears and read a lot of bear cubs and mama bears. So instantly at this point my brain snapped to "holy **** you just shot between a bear cub and the mama bear…..the mama bear is going to be chasing you!"

And this all happened within a split second.

-bear darts out
-I dodge
-I think holy **** is there a mama bear behind it??

I decide I’m not going to stick around. And thanks to the internet I remember adult grizzly bears can run up to 60kph in the wild. So I conciously decide to roll on the throttle and pick it up to 65kph…..just to be safe.

But as I am searching my mirrors for an angry Sarah Palin, the road disappears. My bike clips the rut in a way that has me land almost sideways. This time I did get airborne for damn sure. The bike snaps back the other way and I go flying off and do a nose-dive and face-plant into god knows where.

It’s quiet.

It’s black.

I try to stand up.

I fall.

I get up again.

Why can’t I see anything?

Light starts to bleed back into my world.

There’s a bike. That’s my bike.

There’s a bunch of **** scattered everywhere. That’s my ****.

I grab hold of a tree since my world is spinning, spinning and spinning some more.

Then….I remember…."HOLY **** YOU’RE BEING CHASED BY A ****ING BEAR!!"


Ok, so it turns out I wasn’t actually being chased by a bear. But at that moment in time I was dazed and confused and was CONVINCED it was either chasing me or about to be chasing me. I looked around and I couldn’t see a bear. But I couldn’t really see anything. My eyes couldn’t track anything. Everything was spinning, spinning, and spinning some more. I grab as much of my **** as I can and stuff it back into the bike under the tie straps loosely. The plastic is coming off I just kick it back out of the forks. I try and fail to get the bike up and then on a second heave get it back up.

I jump on.
It won’t start.
I’m in panic-mode.
GO GO GO mofo. Get a move on.
Get the hell out of dodge. This is not where you want to be.
You can’t see and your bike won’t start, but just roll away from here. I roll the bike down the incline and it starts rolling on it’s own. Then remember those crazy steep inclines? Well, what a great time to hit one. I try to slow down but since I am only barely able to walk I complete lack the ability to threshold brake. I am only building up speed. I lock the rear and think to myself, "right, here we go again…."

I fall and the bike falls on top of me. This time I’m awake for it. And it hurts. I lay there for a bit and think to myself, "ok, calm the **** down….you are still okay right now, but if you don’t get a hold of yourself you will find yourself in a situation you can’t deal with. You don’t have cell reception and nobody is coming down this road so it’s all you."
I get out from the under the bike and take a moment to get everything together. My leg bloody hurts. I see some blood but I can still walk. I get the bike started and very, very slowly make my way down after getting my wits back. After what seems like forever, I make it back to the hotel/chateau.

Now as I pull into the parking lot the adrenaline is still surging. Holy **** man, you made it! That was close. And you’re still relatively uninjured. I start to feel an immense sense of relief. I walk up to the front door of the Chateau. I throw open the door. Literally everyone in the quite full lobby turns to stare. Civilized folk are enjoying glasses of Sherry and Cognac sitting around a piano. A big hairy indian man throws open the door covered from head to toe in white sand. I am sure at least a couple of them thought to themselves, "Oh God, this is how it ends….the terrorists have found us!" haha

I limp up to reception and try to decide if I want an ambulance or a room. I think about it and decide to get a room.


Sorry my motocycle story is from the dirt. My freinds and I were racing on the beach of a lake at a local motorcyle park , the sand was perfect, not to loose not too wet. As I was passing another rider I gave him the who's your daddy look and my bike came to an abrupt stop, the front tire had sunk into quick sand, I flew over the bars and landed in the lake and skipped like a rock. It took almost an hour to dig the bike out while I was wet, dirty and in need of clean shorts.
Well I used to have a 74 XS650 (TX650A) The "TX" means the XS with the cool parts.

I was riding on one of our local inner city highways which is 8 lanes wide at the point of my incident. I was riding in the left most lane in the twilight hours of a nice fall day. The light at this time of day at this latitude can be warm and eerie as well as early as this happened during rush hour. Everything looked orange and brown including the pavement and the 8 foot long pressure treated 4x4 that was laying perfectly across the lane directly in front of me.

I was moving along at about 90 km/h (52 Mph) when I realized what lay ahead. I was not a very experienced rider at the time and practically "loaded up my pants" when I saw this piece of wood and at the very same moment in time realized that I have to hit it as there just was not enough room for an evasive move.

I muckled onto the handle bars and hit the gas in an effort to lighten up the front end but anybody that has ever riden an XS650 knows that the front end will not "lighten up" from power alone. I hit the 4x4 the bike jumped with one of the most violent motions I have ever experienced. careened through the air for probably 10 to 15 feet and then landed with the front tire hitting first. The bike then went into a speed wobble that lasted for about 75 feet and then straightened out. I then checked my mirrors, blind spot, hit the brakes and pulled over into the centre median.

I was shaking so bad as I inspected the bike for damage. The wheels were aluminum rims with spokes. The front one took some heat and had a flat spot. I figure I owe my life to it for not buckling entirely.

This incident has shaped my riding. I still take chances and have fun but when I am on the bike I am always scanning the road and paying attention.
No this is not a deer story or a woodchuck?:rolleyes:

No animals were hurt in the making of this Crazy rider story but me:eek:

It kinda reminds me of that last story
Away back I mean in 1969 I got a used Yamaha 650 and back then it was not considered a starter bike [had the bike for 1 week] This was not my first bike
Some friends and I were riding out in the Illinois country side, where at the time there was no need for a helmet
Then we crossed the border in to Indiana sooo I put on my helmet, then I got it in my head to get up to speed ,not fast just faster 60-65
We were out in the middle of corn country [Orvelredinboker country it's a fact jack]
Then out of no where, will that's not true a side road, this 62 Chevy pulls out sees me and stops in the middle of the road
I have no time to do anything but hit the car.:(
As I'm flying through the air I notice his brake lights are on, dos that matter you say, well no but that's what I saw will playing superman.:rockon:
When I finely come down and quit rolling I hear my bike is still running so I get up and run around the car and turn it off.
After that I sit down kind a shock up and as I look at the car I see where my head had hit the wind shield and shattered it,I had no idea that I had even hit it. Please remember for later reference that 5 minutes earlier I didn't have on my helmet!!!:eek:

Just to add a little more history to the story. the next day I'm laying in bed really sore but not hurt, my mom comes in with the mail with a letter for me. Keep in mind I'm just 19 I don't get mail!!!
It says Greetings from the president of the united states you have just been drafted into the us ARMY:cheer::cheer::cheer:
To say the least I was not a happy camper, two weeks later I was in the army and 4 months later I was on the other side of the world keeping my head down:scared:
No this is not a deer story or a woodchuck?:rolleyes:

No animals were hurt in the making of this Crazy rider story but me:eek:

It kinda reminds me of that last story
Away back I mean in 1969 I got a used Yamaha 650 and back then it was not considered a starter bike [had the bike for 1 week] This was not my first bike
Some friends and I were riding out in the Illinois country side, where at the time there was no need for a helmet
Then we crossed the border in to Indiana sooo I put on my helmet, then I got it in my head to get up to speed ,not fast just faster 60-65
We were out in the middle of corn country [Orvelredinboker country it's a fact jack]
Then out of no where, will that's not true a side road, this 62 Chevy pulls out sees me and stops in the middle of the road
I have no time to do anything but hit the car.:(
As I'm flying through the air I notice his brake lights are on, dos that matter you say, well no but that's what I saw will playing superman.:rockon:
When I finely come down and quit rolling I hear my bike is still running so I get up and run around the car and turn it off.
After that I sit down kind a shock up and as I look at the car I see where my head had hit the wind shield and shattered it,I had no idea that I had even hit it. Please remember for later reference that 5 minutes earlier I didn't have on my helmet!!!:eek:

Just to add a little more history to the story. the next day I'm laying in bed really sore but not hurt, my mom comes in with the mail with a letter for me. Keep in mind I'm just 19 I don't get mail!!!
It says Greetings from the president of the united states you have just been drafted into the us ARMY:cheer::cheer::cheer:
To say the least I was not a happy camper, two weeks later I was in the army and 4 months later I was on the other side of the world keeping my head down:scared:

Thanks for putting your life on the line to keep ours safe! Even if it was against your will. Thx for the story as well :thumbup: