Deals Gap with family and my Naked 2007 FZ6


The Emmy Winning Rider
Mar 1, 2011
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Richmond, Virginia
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If you haven't had a chance to ride "The Tail of the Dragon" at Deals Gap, this might motivate you. I shot it onboard my 2007 FZ6 (Naked) along with my cousins on other bikes and my 68 year old dad. Let me know what you think.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Dragon[/ame]
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Nice job. I might as well use this opportunity to plug my footage from last year again :p.
[ame=]YouTube - Deal's Gap Ride 2010 HD[/ame]
I'm envious. Enjoy it. It really is a great ride. The turns are frequent and tight enough that you can really have a great time while keeping the speeds reasonable.
Oh, I know...this won't be my first rodeo with the

This will be my 3rd trip down there and every time I get more and more comfortable with the road (don't read that as overconfident). I'm just learning it better, which makes it much more enjoyable to ride.

Of course, anything is better than the first trip I had across the Gap. I got 5 turns in after leaving the Crossroads and along came a monsoon of a rain! Head to toe leather and I was already soaking wet, so I didn't turn around, but kept right on going to the overlook. Enjoyed the view (in the downpour), climbed back on the bike, and rode all the way back...still in a downpour! Needless to say, it was one hell of a way to break your Dragon

I should get down there more often. I really don't have an excuse since I only live 4 hours away. But this is the earliest in the year I've got a trip in, so hopefully I'll get down there at least once or twice more before the season is over.
Thanks for watching. Deals Gap was as much fun as the video makes it look...if not more so. live 4 hours away? You are a lucky man. Now get down there and ride! Have a ball. I am looking ot go back down in Augsust following the AMA races at VIR. Ride safely folks!
Nice job Kyle...two different approaches to the same task. Love it. My favorite part on mine was my 68 year old father on the metric did he have a blast (even at that speed). Haha, God love him.
great clip. How many cameras did you use? Did it take a long time to make?

Thanks Whiskers. I just used the one camera. I am in the process of getting another one. I was there for two days and just moved the camera around a number of times. I shoot professionally for a CBS station and have been doing that for about 15 years....experience helps (haha). You should see this thing in the edit bay...Wow! Really pops! Take care and thanks for the response. Click on and watch again...trying to get the "viewed" numbers up. :)
Great video my friend!!!!!!
I can imagine you got a wonderful time in this trip.

And welcome to the forum, you'll find a lot of great people here.

I'm glad you got the FZ6, how do you like it?

Best regards,


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Thanks Angel.

It was an amazing weekend, and the weather was perfect. The FZ is running pretty good, though I need to clean the EFI. After the trip down the Dragon it is time for a new front tire as well. How are you?
Looks like a lot of fun. Was the Suzuki rider kinda new to bikes? I ask because a lot of his transitions into/ out of turns looked notchy, like he might've been unsure of himself. (I do that sometimes, when something spooks me.)
Good observation...I'm impressed. He is a relatively new rider and on moderately new tires. Over all he did really well....don't let the video fool ya, it is a challenging ride the first time down (for any rider).
Nice job Kyle...two different approaches to the same task. Love it. My favorite part on mine was my 68 year old father on the metric did he have a blast (even at that speed). Haha, God love him.
Thanks. I think I had as much fun editing mine as filming it...wait. No, I didn't have nearly as much fun editing as filming at all. My friend had his own camera as well (the guy on the VFR), but sadly I didn't have any means to bring a copy of his footage with me to use. He has hard paniers on his bike, so had his laptop with him and copied my footage over, but never came through on creating his own vid including the footage from both cams. He had a Contour HD so it would have been nice to see the footage contrasted against my GoPro HD.

Yeah, that was good footage of your dad. He looked like he was having a good time.
Oh, I know...this won't be my first rodeo with the
I should get down there more often. I really don't have an excuse since I only live 4 hours away.
Oops, I shouldn't have assumed it was your first trip. Yeah, I'm only a couple hours away myself, so I really have 0 excuse. Of course, I can hit the fun part of "The Snake" in about 20 minutes, so I guess I'm lucky.

421 The Snake Day Trip 1 - Ride "The Snake", Stay in one our mountain log cabins, or the house on Watauga Lake
Thanks Kyle and jblk9695. Hey Kyle, try downloading a software called MPEG Streamclip. It converts pretty much any format to any format. We use it a lot in television and I think it is free. I assume your GP is shooting MP4, and your friends is probably shooting AVI. If you need my help with anything let me know...I have a "Sendspace" account and I might be able to convert it if you have any problems. Cheers all, and thanks for the continued support!
Thanks Angel.

It was an amazing weekend, and the weather was perfect. The FZ is running pretty good, though I need to clean the EFI. After the trip down the Dragon it is time for a new front tire as well. How are you?

All right, pretty busy at work but still have some time to put some miles on the bike (close to 9,000 now).

Did you guys ride together (back and forth) to the dragon?

Take care,

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