checking in, and i wish it was with better news...

I'd already been in contact with Rob and Keira through other social media. ;) Again, Glad you're going to be OK Rob!!

The offer still stands... I can come get you and the bike any time and we can tear down and repair what is needed. You know I'm always happy to turn a wrench and with one busted wing, well, you can still hand me beers and grill some animal flesh while I get on with the repairs. :D Keira, Michele and the two little ones can cheer us on!

It doesn't look nearly as bad as you do. For the time being, just some touch-up... We can actually do a fiberglass patch of the side pod until you can find another one. Won't be the best looking but we can make sure the bike is 100% mechanically safe to ride.

Kudos for ATGATT as you've yet again proven to all WHY!
I'd already been in contact with Rob and Keira through other social media. ;) Again, Glad you're going to be OK Rob!!

The offer still stands... I can come get you and the bike any time and we can tear down and repair what is needed. You know I'm always happy to turn a wrench and with one busted wing, well, you can still hand me beers and grill some animal flesh while I get on with the repairs. :D Keira, Michele and the two little ones can cheer us on!

It doesn't look nearly as bad as you do. For the time being, just some touch-up... We can actually do a fiberglass patch of the side pod until you can find another one. Won't be the best looking but we can make sure the bike is 100% mechanically safe to ride.

Kudos for ATGATT as you've yet again proven to all WHY!

Count me in to turn some wrenches too bro
I hope not, too..... good eye spotting that one.

It's all too common a sight with these frames:(. It's why I'm gonna be switching to a cage for my donk:rockon:.

Still, it's not certain yet, and I'm still hoping for the best.

I'd already been in contact with Rob and Keira through other social media. ;) Again, Glad you're going to be OK Rob!!

The offer still stands... I can come get you and the bike any time and we can tear down and repair what is needed. You know I'm always happy to turn a wrench and with one busted wing, well, you can still hand me beers and grill some animal flesh while I get on with the repairs. :D Keira, Michele and the two little ones can cheer us on!

It doesn't look nearly as bad as you do. For the time being, just some touch-up... We can actually do a fiberglass patch of the side pod until you can find another one. Won't be the best looking but we can make sure the bike is 100% mechanically safe to ride.

Kudos for ATGATT as you've yet again proven to all WHY!

Count me in to turn some wrenches too bro

Good on ya's:thumbup: That's the sort of spirit that makes this forum great:bow:

Rep on the way:thumbup:
That sucks Rob, sorry to hear about your off :(

heal up soon, really pleased you was wearing your gear, or it would have been much worse.
The words "you're OK" have whole different meaning with those injuries as they are very painful considering you need to breath and do other bodily functions!
I am thankful for everyone of us who beats the odds when bad things happen and looks like you did it here!!!! Hang in there!

Hats off to you for pushing it back into place (albeit dangerous) as they'll leave them "as is" if less then 35 degrees of deflection. Don't ask how I know. . .

You will mend, just don't get sick along the way as coughing is no good!

Looks like the boyz in the hood are all over fixing your stuff, so it'll all come together!

What a support group! Very Impressive! :thumbup: Hats off to your wife too! ;)
Wow! Really sorry to hear this Rob, but I'm glad you're relatively OK! Hope you heal up fast and are back riding again soon!

Keira, I'm sure that was a scary call to get, and I hope you're doing alright too!!
Heal fast.
When you start turning wrenches, maybe post pieces you are looking for, so fellow members can look and help you save money.
Keira rode the bike home without incident, she said it was a little tough to shift, but the foot peg is a bit tweaked, so the shift lever is probably also bent a lil, just something else to look into. i found a new rear side pod same color and graphics on E-bay for $30 including shipping, i will be gathering pieces, but not a huge rush, i am going to have the bike ready when i am again... If i fix it too quickly i may be tempted to ride it before i am healed enough.

Also, I went back to the road today to look around, not sure 100% where my mishap started, but there was a 2 foot diameter oil spot in the lane i was traveling, and it is in about the part of the road i crashed at...So, I am gonna go ahead and list that as another possible cause... not ruling anything else out yet, but it is a start...
Keira rode the bike home without incident, she said it was a little tough to shift, but the foot peg is a bit tweaked, so the shift lever is probably also bent a lil, just something else to look into. i found a new rear side pod same color and graphics on E-bay for $30 including shipping, i will be gathering pieces, but not a huge rush, i am going to have the bike ready when i am again... If i fix it too quickly i may be tempted to ride it before i am healed enough.

Also, I went back to the road today to look around, not sure 100% where my mishap started, but there was a 2 foot diameter oil spot in the lane i was traveling, and it is in about the part of the road i crashed at...So, I am gonna go ahead and list that as another possible cause... not ruling anything else out yet, but it is a start...

Well, let us know if you want some help getting that project started, and to bring some beers over.
Well, let us know if you want some help getting that project started, and to bring some beers over.

We like beers :)

haha, we have some new parts on the way, but i'll let Rob figure out the timeline for getting it fixed. His recovery is going very well - so far it looks like surgery won't be necessary, and he's using pain meds less and less (averaging one in the morning and occasionally one in the evening now). Things are looking good for a late May/early June reentry to riding.
that Xray looks a little like mine last july lol, except my fz6 was declared dead and I got to upgrade to an FZ1.
Hope the recovery goes just as well as mine did, the only thing reminding me about it is a little bump on the once broken bone.
Just saw this! I hope you're recovery is continuing well, Rob. I have a parts kicking around if you want/need them, including stock levers.
Just saw this! I hope you're recovery is continuing well, Rob. I have a parts kicking around if you want/need them, including stock levers.

Everything major held up well, on the list of things that will get replaced are:

Left Mole Eye (eyelid surround thingy)
Frame slider did its job, which means the left one is toast
side pod got crushed
foot peg is a little bent, so i will get new

Touch ups:
Inner fairing will get the scrape cleaned up and called good enough
small scrape on engine cover
grab rail got worn down a lil, but due to cost i will probably just touch it up

anodized levers held up fine, bar end is slightly scraped, but i am not worried about that.

All in all, the bike held up really well, and i am in no real hurry to fix it since i will be tempted to ride it before I am ready.
My recovery is going really well still wearing the sling while sleeping, but the doc gave me the OK to take it off during the day as long as i don;t do anything stupid with it. My Ribs are still stiff, but they are getting better and i can actually sleep laying down now which is a huge improvement.
My recovery is going really well still wearing the sling while sleeping, but the doc gave me the OK to take it off during the day as long as i don;t do anything stupid with it. My Ribs are still stiff, but they are getting better and i can actually sleep laying down now which is a huge improvement.

Excellent news! :thumbup: