BD43's mod saved my butt today!

I'm speaking from experience here...many times saved by Leo Vince. As an example, some lady was trying to change into my lane, I gave a little throttle (vroom!) and the lady quickly went back.

Yamaha thought of this, and they gave you a little button on your left handlebar with a symbol on it that looks like a horn. That's called your "horn," and its purpose is to give a quick, loud burst of sound, (not unlike a horn), to get someone's attention in a car. It works very well, and unlike loud pipes, it doesn't make that loud, obnoxious sound until you actually hit the button. Conveniently, the button is right underneath your unused left thumb, so you can quickly and easily cover the button "just in case" as you approach cars in lanes alongside you who may not have seen you coming up on them yet - and indeed who have not heard you coming up on them yet, as you demonstrated in your story... even with your loud, life-saving Leo Vinces, the car still didn't hear you until you blipped the throttle hard (which, by the way, took your drive train out of the equation momentarily as you clutched, right when you might've needed it.) It's genius, when you think about it. A little button to make a quick loud noise, right there under your left thumb.

P.S. I could careless [sic] what the public thinks about my loud pipes. I care more about my life than what they thinks. [sic]

You do not deserve the freedom and consideration given you by other people, as you abuse both.

P.S.S. I think I should make a poll.

Something tells me that you've already made up your mind, but fire away.
Yup, I'm in the market for an exhaust, but because I like the sound.

When approaching something like the OP's situation I use my high beams ( a few flashes), move a bit, and get ready with the horn.

While pipes are loud, what is going on in the car is quite loud, and they really have no depth perception without SEEING you.

Sound helps, but visual identification is the key.
Yup, I'm in the market for an exhaust, but because I like the sound.

Actually me too, for the sound. I think 2Bros with the db killers would be the best of both worlds - not annoying to everyone around me, and yet better than "sewing machine" stock.

But I don't kid myself that it's for protection, or that people around me can just deal with me annoying them every time I ride because I'm under the delusion that it might be safer (despite lots of evidence to the contrary.) I respect the rights of others, as I want them to respect mine. I want them to view bikes positively.
Iv'e heard a 1700CC meanstreak with strait pipes, pretty sure it's a bit louder, but you can't hear a damn thing in a car until it's right on you, so all loud pipes end up doing is scaring the crap out of cagers when you get next to them thus pissing them off. But hey if you want to play bumper cars with your scooter.............. Me? I have the dual headlight mod and pay attention to whats going on around me, 31 years on 2 wheels but hey what do I know.

Hey, I got 0.8 years on 2 wheels (with only 2 accidents), but hey what do I know. ;)

Actually me too, for the sound. I think 2Bros with the db killers would be the best of both worlds - not annoying to everyone around me, and yet better than "sewing machine" stock.

But I don't kid myself that it's for protection, or that people around me can just deal with me annoying them every time I ride because I'm under the delusion that it might be safer (despite lots of evidence to the contrary.) I respect the rights of others, as I want them to respect mine. I want them to view bikes positively.

Ok, Mr. Hypocrite. Your 2Bros with the db killers would still annoy someone, so don't even think about buying it if you want people to view bikes positively.

As for your freedom statement, you can shove it. I've already went to war to protect your freedom. What have you done?
Hey, I got 0.8 years on 2 wheels (with only 2 accidents), but hey what do I know. ;)

Ok, Mr. Hypocrite. Your 2Bros with the db killers would still annoy someone, so don't even think about buying it if you want people to view bikes positively.

As for your freedom statement, you can shove it. I've already went to war to protect your freedom. What have you done?

oh boi .8 years and you've binned it twice! chewing gum at the time were we?:Flash:
As for your freedom statement, you can shove it. I've already went to war to protect your freedom. What have you done?

Lemme see if I can follow the logic here... You went to war (this was before you were an MP in Chicago? Or is military police duty in chicago now "going to war"?), and that gives you the right to "care less what the public thinks about my loud pipes," because they owe you more than just their thanks for your service, they owe you whatever you decide? So military service gives you the right to do whatever you want...? Is that correct? I am not going to troll this back and forth - I don't care enough. I also don't care what you do with your bike - keep wadding one every 4 months if it makes you happy. What I DO care a little about (enough to wade in, foolishly) is that younger more impressionable guys read these forums, and they're going to take your absolutely BS statements about Leo Vince saving your life when your horn would've done the job 10x better and use it justify a personal decision.

We all want louder pipes. They're cool. They make riding more fun. They do NOT make you safer. That's what your skills, your brain, and your standard safety equipment is for. Just be honest about it - say "I know they kinda piss people off but I really like them." And if I bought 2 Brothers pipes with db killers and found them to be still too loud, I would sell them. Seriously.
We all want louder pipes. They're cool. They make riding more fun. They do NOT make you safer. That's what your skills, your brain, and your standard safety equipment is for. Just be honest about it - say "I know they kinda piss people off but I really like them." And if I bought 2 Brothers pipes with db killers and found them to be still too loud, I would sell them. Seriously.

I did with mine! Seriously, TB's even with the tips are very loud. The tips kill the bass-y drone, and knock off a few db's, but that's about it. They're still over 95db easily with the tips.

Obvioulsy, Vegasrider hasn't been on this thread yet.

That's the hard part, getting a throaty sound without being loud. The second cans are baffled, they lose a fair bit of bass. Maybe some else can chime in, as I prefer the F1 car/super-sport type sound. lol

Sorry! :hijack:
Make it!! All you need to do is run a jumper wire from the left side light to the low beam terminal on the right side:thumbup:

For the record I did this originally, had issues, un-did it, and have now ordered bd43's kit. It "worked" but it drew 2x the amperage across the one headlight feed wire that it was designed for.
I have now received and installed bd43's kit. I consider $34 (I think that's what it was) shipped fairly cheap, so if that's a ton of money for you, read no further. For your money, you get a very, very well put together wire of just the right length, with perfectly made / soldered fittings on both ends and protective sleeving on it. He also printed and included instructions with photos, which did help during the install. If you're afraid of removing your battery box or airbox, get over it... it's not that hard and you should know how to do this stuff. That's the worst of it. What would normally be the diciest part, the terminal connections, are now the easiest part - his pins snap perfectly into both connectors. I was so confident I buttoned everything up including the seat before I tested it out, and I was not let down.


This guy deserves your support, though I suspect he makes next no money on these. Couldn't be happier.
oooh, some juicy issues here...ill deal with them chronologically...

1. yes, the headlight mod is WELL worth it. two headlights is better than one for driver recognition.

2. op, not trying to judge, buy why would you rely on drivers 'panic' to save your hide? since you knew well ahead of time the roads were slick, why not just slow down according to your environment? only go as fast as you can stop quickly. regardless of your light, had she kept going, or been slow to react, you would not have had the same outcome because you were going too fast for conditions. (and thats what your ticket would have said-at least it would here in the states)

3. loud pipes do not save lives, they just piss off everybody else that votes. thats why i cant ride my bike on the citadel campus, or kiawah island, or parts of mt. pleasant, or parts of isle of palms, or a zillion other places that are becoming more restrictive due to other peoples loud bikes. they dont mount horns on the back of vehicles for a reason...your loud muffler is exactly that, pointing the wrong way.

tc, i realize you may 'not care' about how loud your bike is, but you will when local legislation affects you or your wallet. i already care because its affecting me.

4. if you are next to a car and it starts to come into your lane, why in the world would you waste valuable time by revving your engine and hope that makes them aware of your presence? if it doesnt, whats left in terms of options and time? horns are useless for the same reason...EVADE the threat first, make noise later when your safe.
horns are useless for the same reason...EVADE the threat first, make noise later when your safe.

Make noise later when your safe? You have it the other way around.

Although we cannot rely on our horns all the time, it does work if it is used in what it was intended for; Getting people's attention. Riding a motorcycles requires you to use more mental skills rather than relying on your physical skills. Therefore, if you have identified the hazard, sometimes just a blast of the horn is all it takes. If you don't use it, then you have to rely on your physical skills.

So if you think you need to depend on your physical skills first, rather than your mental skills, you have it all wrong. You must know where and what to look for before it becomes a hazard. The horn is the most underated defensive feature we have on our bikes. Learn how to use it!
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backwards? no, i do not. a horns sound, or a 'loud pipes' sound may not keep you from getting run over or pushed out of your lane, but an evasive maneuver/defensive driving will (which is most of what you stated, proper identification of potential hazards). sound is porous, and a car can punch right through it.

ive been a part of many driving/riding safety courses, and you will not find one ANYWHERE that teaches honking/yelling/revving as a means of avoiding trouble. they will teach you to drive/ride defensively instead by maneuvering out of harms way.

if you can maneuver and make noise at the same time, then thats perfectly acceptable, but relying on sound alone to save your hide when trouble is merely a few feet away (and weighs approximately 4000 pounds) is NOT a good plan. not everybody, especially newer riders, can focus on a fine motor skill (such as pushing a small horn button) when under stress in a 'severe reaction' situation. maneuvering is a gross motor skill and tends to come naturally with even the least amount of practice. lots of practice only makes that better (and makes you safer).

im not taking away from the importance of a horn. it has its merits and purpose, but there are too many things that drivers are doing these days that make the horn second on the list of things to do when inches and fractions of a second make a difference. remember, when your rolling on two wheels, sometimes life and severe injury/death are only inches and fractions of a second apart.

as a former motor officer, i can tell you ive reacted a time or two against cars trying to take over the space i occupied. i can also tell you that people alot of times dont even hear sirens, so a horn doesnt stand a chance in that case.

react first, live to honk later.
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