The police?

dealt with the police

  • never been pulled over on the bike

    Votes: 220 74.3%
  • accident situation

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • this is my story

    Votes: 67 22.6%

  • Total voters
When was the last time you had an encounter with the police while on your bike? What was it for? What was the outcome?

I have yet to be pulled over while on my bike. Only time while on a bike was a long time ago. A friend wanted to borrow my car to take out his girlfriend, so I borrowed his bike for a little pleasure ride. It was relatively new and still had the temporary tag. It was kind of cold out, so I put on my bright orange insulated jump suit and headed out. I went down one of my favorite curvy roads, when I got near the end I saw the lights come on behind me. I pulled over thinking maybe I had been a little too spirited through the turns. I got off the bike as the officer approached, and then saw that the stupid cardboard temporary tag, which my buddy was keeping as long as possible, had fallen off. The officer did not say anything about my speed, but he did write me up for not having a tag on the bike, about which I could not really argue. He told me to take the bike straight home and pulled away. After he left, I found that the side of the road where I had pulled over dipped down and was muddy and slippery. I could not get the bike out of there. After twenty minutes or so of pushing and cussing and sweating in the darn suit, a couple of people from a nearby house came out and helped me push it out. I was covered in mud, but happy to be un-stuck and headed for home. When I was about 2 miles from home, sure enough, I see the lights come on behind me and a different cop pulls me over due to the lack of the tag. I explained that I had already been cited and showed him the ticket. He said something like, “this was a half hour ago, you should have gone home...” I explained what had happened, but he made me sit in the back seat of his cruiser, (mind you, covered in mud) while he radioed the other officer. He was kind of d**k, but he didn’t give me another ticket.
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I've been pulled over 3 times each was in the first week of September 1 year apart. The first two where in town for 12mph over the limit, the last was 67mph in a 35mph zone. I was on my way home from work it was 9:30pm, I turned off the main road onto a side street and opened it up a little didn't realize how fast I was going but apparently the cop was following me. The road is long and straight but has 3 crests on it I was on top of the 3rd crest as I saw the flashing lights come up over the first so I pulled over and waited for him to catch up. In that time I killed the motor took my gloves off and turned on my hazard lights. When he caught up he told me thru the load speaker to put my hands in the air and drop my keys. He asked if I have been pulled over before and if I had any weapons on me ran my license and wrote me a ticket. Turns out the cop used to race motocross so he cut me a break and wrote it up as failure to follow posted signs or something like that which saved me my license and about $100, I thanked him we stood and talked bikes for a few minutes then told him to have a good night and he was on his way. I'm in my second year without a ticket so I think I broke the early September curse.
So this is my story. I was out for a beautiful Saturday Ride with some friends on Mullholland Highway first time since they repaved the section between Malibu canyon and the residential area just before Rock Store. I am leading the group and feeling a little frisky also the fact that I can actually hold a line without getting bounced off by holes and big bumps tar snakes and sh***y ashpalt patching is letting me push the acceptable sped barrier on this stretch of road. Well I come around a turn and look ahead and see a CHP parked in the shade just waving me over looked down at the speedo 55 in a 35. S**t S**t S**t S**t S**t S**t:spank::spank: Well after some scolding by the CHP he generously let me off with a warning.

Here is a video of that ride. they did not get me on film while I was pulled over but listen to the commentary around 1:30ish

[ame=""]YouTube - Disturbing the Peace 7.17.2010[/ame]

A week later I got pulled over in my Explorer speeding 50 in a 45 and the bike Leo gave me the ticket WTF!!!
Fun thread!
I was coming back from Reserves duty, doing 80 in a 75 zone west of Salt Lake City, and I noticed a HWP creeping up on me in the passing lane. I held my speed, he got in my blind spot and matched my speed for awhile :eyebrow: and then started passing me.
Then, he slows again, pulls behind me, and turns on his lights. :disapprove: I pull over, and he gets out and says, "I just wanted to see your luggage, I've never seen that style before!" :thumbup: I had my hugazz Bags Connection tank bag and saddlebags on with my uniforms in them, and we chatted bikes for about twenty minutes. Didn't say a thing about my speed. :cheer:
On behalf of the eighteen members of this forum, it was probably here.


No tickets were issued, but plenty of warnings including some fix it tickets that could have been issued. One was for David's Blue Windscreen. Everyone was fully geared and were accepting the consequences for being stop without zero argument. Oh, by the way, it was like 115 degrees.
he told me "If your going to be doing speed like that, do it on the back roads, not out here where the glaring eyes of the Gardas can see you". He handed me back my license and rode off.

Would be great if the plod had this kind of attitude out here, but they don't.

The mind set over here is your a dirty criminal :spank:
i got pulled over after about a year of bike ownership... was acting like an a$$hat weaving through some traffic (low speed).. was gave a stern talking to and a much needed safety refresh.. no ticket, but it changed my mind about how i ride.. no more weaving...
On behalf of the eighteen members of this forum, it was probably here.


No tickets were issued, but plenty of warnings including some fix it tickets that could have been issued. One was for David's Blue Windscreen. Everyone was fully geared and were accepting the consequences for being stop without zero argument. Oh, by the way, it was like 115 degrees.

Look at that boring straight road. How could anyone not fly down it! lol And a blue windscreen isn't legal? Really, I don't know. My father has a red one on his FZ, and cops don't look twice at it.

Haven't been pulled over on the moto's yet. Emphasis on "yet". It's only a matter of time. lol
2 1/2 years ago, when I totaled out my Buell Firebolt. No ticket, just a "man, your lucky, most people who wreck up here are injured". Hit the dirt at the corner exit doing about 60 after standing the bike up due to gravel, got spooked by it all over the road =\.
On behalf of the eighteen members of this forum, it was probably here.

No tickets were issued, but plenty of warnings including some fix it tickets that could have been issued. One was for David's Blue Windscreen. Everyone was fully geared and were accepting the consequences for being stop without zero argument. Oh, by the way, it was like 115 degrees.

So why did 18 members get pulled over?
Last fall i was stopped in the pouring rain on my way to work, around quarter to 8. I was going about 25kph in a 30kph school zone. The constable waited 20min before coming to talk to me. All he asked was "Are ya' late yet?" I said "Yup". Then he said "Okay, get out of here."
Not on the bike yet, but I’m sure that day will come. . .

Best story of catch and release goes like this: I was working for AAMCO transmissions where we diagnose, test, repair and rebuild transmissions and automobile drive train components.

On a test drive to verify the customer’s complaint I needed to exercise the full potential of the beast below me, a 454c.i. Camaro SS with TH400 trans and locking rear end. I was driving down a 4 lane highway with a limit of 45mph and had assessed that the trans shifts nicely in all ranges. Now for the load test to which the customer said the transmission slips and chatters during gear change. I pulled into parking lot to turn around; I enter the highway and come to near stop, I nailed the gas and lit up both tires through 1st and 2nd gear feeling the rear end hop and chatter as the suspension was not able to handle the load. Looking in my mirror I had colored the air blue and lit it with flashing lights! (Bad sign!)

I pull over and the officer tells me I was being reckless. I said, “no I wasn’t. I meant to do that.” He said, “what?”
Office I put a new transmission in this car and the customer said it slips and chatters. I know that’s incorrect. It’s the tires that slip as this has too much power!

He shook his head and let me go. I think I was laughing and grinning all the way back to the shop! I so deserved that ticket. . . And yes it was an unmarked car. . .
Talk to Lefty (and Mark?)
I can't wait to hear this:spank:

This was the second time I got pulled over(and this one doesn't count as were all stopped anyway waiting for 2 of our riding partners to catch up:rolleyes:)
First time was on a highway in Rancho Cucamonga, I just pulled away from the light a little fast:spank: and the cruiser lit me up. After I pulled over and waited for the officer to walk up I then took off my helmet, the look on his face when he saw the gray haired old fart was priceless:D:D Said he would have given me a ticket if I was a little younger, old age does have some benefits:thumbup:

And officer Peterson was very cool even in 114 degrees:D

here in dfw, we have an epidemic of riders running from the police... so ill say i cant blame the cop for this.. but BS anyways..

leaving our monthly TSBA (texas sportbike assoc. AMA chartered..) meeting, i and another member stopped to fill up for gas at the same pump. as i was finishing up, a cop pulled in behind us, not next to pump, but right behind us, no lights, no eye contact.
we stayed for about 3 mins and decided to suit up and pull out.. he followed. about 2 blocks down he lit us up. we pulled over, took off our gear, he greets us, checks my buddy's plate an says, theres been guys just runnin so i was just checking your plates to make sure you werent one of them, have a good night.

Here in Vegas, there is a no chase policy for the cops if any rider decides to run. So it's like 50/50 if they decide to light up a bike.