California snowstorm

Red Wazp

Super Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Peardale, Ca
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Woke up this morning to this:


Living in the forest sucks when we get big wet snows the trees break and take out power lines. May be several days before we get power but HA- I have a Kawasaki generator and heat with wood so all is well - not really but with enough adult beverages we'll make it.

Yes there is a pool in this picture. Wanna go swimming?


You can even get into the hot tub but it may be a bit chilly without power.


Just wanted to let our northern friends it isn't all beaches in Ca.
Are you sure you're not in Canada?? :D Hope you get your power back soon, and that you either have a snow-blower or a plow on truck/ATV. Good luck!
Thats about as much snow as Ive seen at my house in the last 3 yankess get wayyyyyyy more snow than us Canucks...:BLAA:
Are you sure you're not in Canada?? :D Hope you get your power back soon, and that you either have a snow-blower or a plow on truck/ATV. Good luck!

I'm starting to think I am in Canada. No power yet and may be another day or two as I'm on the end of a small line. LOVE my Kawi generator, keeps the brew in frig cold and the computer running.
4 wheel drive is a must living in these parts but I think I've shoveled enough snow for this year.
We get some snow every winter but every ten years we get the "Big One" like this. I'm only at 2,850' elevation but it's all the big trees in these parts that break in these storms that are the cause of all the power outages. We call this heavy wet snow Sierra cement. Not like the nice dry snow in Minnesota where I grew up.
I want that kind of snow here!!!

Not as much as I want it to be warm again, but if it's going to be stupid cold it might as well be fun too.

Sorry to hear about your power - the last ice storm we had knocked out my power for 9 days. It was 23 degrees (F) inside my house.
I want that kind of snow here!!!

Not as much as I want it to be warm again, but if it's going to be stupid cold it might as well be fun too.

Sorry to hear about your power - the last ice storm we had knocked out my power for 9 days. It was 23 degrees (F) inside my house.

Bummer! I heat my home with wood so we won't freeze like you did. With this storm I'll be adding to the wood pile from the snow damage.
I want that kind of snow here!!!

Not as much as I want it to be warm again, but if it's going to be stupid cold it might as well be fun too.

Sorry to hear about your power - the last ice storm we had knocked out my power for 9 days. It was 23 degrees (F) inside my house.

Shhhhh!!!! Damn, I've had my fill of stupid snow for this winter in Kentucky! You sound like my coworker...he keeps saying the same thing...that he wants a snow like this! Screw that!


Bring on the darn riding weather. I've had ENOUGH of winter!
No I-Feel-Your_pain from Upstate New York, Guy. I finished digging out this morning from the blizzard that hit the area yesterday. ...The 4th blizzard within the last three-weeks.

BTW does anybody want to join my elite corps of post-Apocalypse artic warriors?
I would love to heat my home (or at least the living room) with wood, but my fireplaces need significant repairs before either are usable - and there are too many other things on which the money could be better spent.

In general I hate winter, but I've hated this one more than any other recently. There have been too many pansy snow storms that have just made the roads bad enough to cause problems, but not awesome enough to make it worth it. There have been too many random tease days of warmer weather.
I got zero snow. :( But I simply drove about 12 miles down to 84, and saw plenty! :D Man, La Honda got quite a bit! It was strange seeing snow here! It was absolutely gorgeous going through the canyon past Haskin's Hill, and seeing snow covered trees, with the snow melting off, and all being illuminated by the morning sun peeking through. Wish I had had my camera!