Criminal Traffic


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Nov 7, 2009
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In Arizona if you exceed 85 mph under any circumstance it is considered criminal speed:spank:. A criminal traffic violation means no traffic school, big fines and insurance sky rockets. If anyone knows what the threshold is in thier state please post it up for the benefit of traveling motorcyclists everywhere. :D
In this country the new law is that if you exceed the limit by 30km/h in an urban area or 40km/h on the highway your licence is automatically suspended for a year.
I believe that up here in Maine the limit is 25 over the posted limit and you get a chauffeured ride to the station. :spank:
That Arizona law is silly, just because 85mph is only 10 over for your highways, being that it's 75mph where there is very little traffic and nothing but desert.

Where you could be in a city where the speed limit might be 35mph, congested with traffic and pedestrians, and you're ticketed for going 55mph, 20 over. So this would be a lesser penalty?
Here in Northern Ontario Canada it is only illegal to speed if you get caught...just kidding!
30 km/h over posted speed limit is consider 'street racing' which implies a heavy fine and liscence suspension for a few months. Repeat offences will suspend your liscence indefinitely.
In California, if you get caught going 100mph or more, you can be arrested on the spot. Huge fines, vehicle impounded(see also : totaled), and the list goes on. If the cop is nice, you'll get huge ticket, and get another ticket for exhibition of speed, which is also rather large. Say he writes you up for going 110mph on the freeway. Between the two fines, your're looking at around $1K or more in fines. Everything else is just a matter of how many add-ons the cop can kill you with, like "racing", no front plate(for cars), window tint, exhaust, etc.

The BIG fines however, are in emissions modification. I can get in more trouble running a 4-1 header on a car, than some dude who robs a store at gun point. I'd face more jail time, and $10K or more in fines, as well as kiss my car goodbye. How's that for "justice"!
In connecticut, Its basically anything more than 14 over (ie 15 and above) is automatic reckless driving.. they can take your license, not 100% if they can take your vehicle, but im sure it would be impounded when they haul you away in a cruiser.. generally anything 10 and over is a huge ticket and up to the officers discretion..
Yes we also have criminal speed if you are more than 20 over the speed limit in a residential or business district ie 46 in a 25.

But yeah we can get a criminal ticket for going as little as 11 mph over the 75 mph speed limit. They also have the option to tow the vehicle and take you to jail but usually that only happens if you are an a**hole to the cop or try to run.
Here in Northern Ontario Canada it is only illegal to speed if you get caught...just kidding!
30 km/h over posted speed limit is consider 'street racing' which implies a heavy fine and liscence suspension for a few months. Repeat offences will suspend your liscence indefinitely.

its actully 50 over to be considered street racing, thats when they tow your ride, two week suspension, large fine and high insurance rates.

i dont like this law because they tow your ride and you have to pay impound fees. all this without being convicted in a court of law. if you are later cleared in court of the charges you dont get the money back.
I think here in MA you only get in trouble for double the speed limit. I've been pulled over 8 or 9 times last year alone (80% of the time it's for 25-30mph over the limit) and I always get away with warnings (except once in upstate NY where I got a ticket for 30 over which resulted in a $700 ticket that the lawyer I hired online turned into a $220 parking ticket with nothing on my record :))

If traffic allows, I never ever drive below 85mph on the interstates around here (speed limit is 65). I've been passed by cops while I'm doing 88mph and they never bothered with me. I'd say on an interstate, 80 in 65 is considered "doing the speed limit" around here (most traffic goes at around 75-80). I tend to cruise at 90mph.

I never exceed the speed limit in populated areas tho because:

1) it's retarded
2) small-town cops are generally a pain in the ass
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I never exceed the speed limit in populated areas tho because:

1) it's retarded
2) small-town cops are generally a pain in the ass

Why is it retarded? It all depends on what the limit is to begin with, and how far over it your're going, and traffic levels of course. In the Bay Area, speed limits are typically set pretty dang low, seemingly regardless of how many lanes, type of area(residential, business), or any other factor for that matter. And they often change several times on the same dang street, just for the heck of it apparently. lol Not trying to argue or be a you-know-what, just discussing. :cool:
Florida - over 30 - no traffic school option - $300+ fine.

I believe that the speeding law below was motivated by Sportbikes and racing, etc. I also heard that 50+ has a maximum penalty of 5 years in jail.

Effective Oct. 1, 2008, a new speeding violation can be written
under 316.1926(2) for violators who exceed the speed limit in
excess of 50 mph. * Fines for 1st offense is $1,000, 2nd offense
is $2,500 and 3rd offense is $5,000.
Why is it retarded? It all depends on what the limit is to begin with, and how far over it your're going, and traffic levels of course. In the Bay Area, speed limits are typically set pretty dang low, seemingly regardless of how many lanes, type of area(residential, business), or any other factor for that matter. And they often change several times on the same dang street, just for the heck of it apparently. lol Not trying to argue or be a you-know-what, just discussing. :cool:

^^ I wasn't clear what I mean by "populated areas". Populated areas to me are very densely populated areas like the burbs or downtown where there are parked cars on both sides of the road and anyone can jump in front of you at any given time. In all other areas (provided that there are no people walking around) I treat the speed limit to be 15 over the sign suggestions :p

Back to the OP's discussion: my experience is that in all of MA you're pretty much safe if you're doing 10-15 over the limit (except in downtown, school zones and the like). Double the speed limit is a felony tho. They CAN charge you with reckless driving for less than double the speed limit but that's up to the cop and unless you're doing something really retarded the odds are pretty slim (from my experience :p).

A few years ago they pulled my friend over (as well as 5 other cars) for 35 over the limit coming out of a tunnel on the highway and this was just a regular $350 ticket.
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Oh yes...the good old days in Yavapai county AZ!! That law has been on the books for years. I grew up in Yavapai county ridding a FZR600. Anyone ridding in AZ keep in mind outside of the phx metro area the only other Department of Public Saftey air support is in Flagstaff:Flip:
^^ I wasn't clear what I mean by "populated areas". Populated areas to me are very densely populated areas like the burbs or downtown where there are parked cars on both sides of the road and anyone can jump in front of you at any given time. In all other areas (provided that there are no people walking around) I treat the speed limit to be 15 over the sign suggestions :p

Back to the OP's discussion: my experience is that in all of MA you're pretty much safe if you're doing 10-15 over the limit (except in downtown, school zones and the like). Double the speed limit is a felony tho. They CAN charge you with reckless driving for less than double the speed limit but that's up to the cop and unless you're doing something really retarded the odds are pretty slim (from my experience :p).

A few years ago they pulled my friend over (as well as 5 other cars) for 35 over the limit coming out of a tunnel on the highway and this was just a regular $350 ticket.

Ah, I see now. Same here, it's suicide to go fast in those areas. Sorry for the threadjack.
I think here in MA you only get in trouble for double the speed limit. I've been pulled over 8 or 9 times last year alone (80% of the time it's for 25-30mph over the limit) and I always get away with warnings (except once in upstate NY where I got a ticket for 30 over which resulted in a $700 ticket that the lawyer I hired online turned into a $220 parking ticket with nothing on my record :))

If traffic allows, I never ever drive below 85mph on the interstates around here (speed limit is 65). I've been passed by cops while I'm doing 88mph and they never bothered with me. I'd say on an interstate, 80 in 65 is considered "doing the speed limit" around here (most traffic goes at around 75-80). I tend to cruise at 90mph.

I never exceed the speed limit in populated areas tho because:

1) it's retarded
2) small-town cops are generally a pain in the ass

I have heard that cops in big cities are just too busy to make traffic stops. Unless you are doing something really stupid. That must be nice, although I love the country roads with little to no traffic and even fewer cops.
Oh yes...the good old days in Yavapai county AZ!! That law has been on the books for years. I grew up in Yavapai county ridding a FZR600. Anyone ridding in AZ keep in mind outside of the phx metro area the only other Department of Public Saftey air support is in Flagstaff:Flip:

No freakin way, I never thought I would fine anyone on here from Yavapai co. Dont you miss running up and down Yarnell hill, and White Sparr? Got anything that compares now?