
'Round here, we call it PMS - Parked Motorcycle Syndrome. The NYC motorcycle show tomorrow will help a bit, I suppose.

Last night I was able to ride out to get some sushi, it is really nice to get out once in awhile in January. :thumbup:
I would sit on my bike in the living room BUT my seat is being redone at Great day to ride
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so I guess I could put a pillow on it and go VRUMMM VRUMMM:ban:
I need to do the duel head light mod!!!
We all feel your pain, OP. Well, those of us that live in snow-prone areas in the winter, anyway!

You know what I've found helps to take the edge off PMS (never heard that one before, TeacherJoe, but I'm gonna use it from now on, hat-tip to you, sir!) MONEY. Yep, usually right around this time of the year, after Christmas and New Year's, you've got a little extra coin laying around and the bike is just sitting there begging to be modded. This is the time when I spend the most money on things for the bike.

For instance, I just installed the Givi side cases the other day. Check that one off the list. Oh, what's that you say? There's a list? Of course there is!

Side cases - check!
Top case to replace the one I stupidly sold
Replace the black front fender with the blue FZ6R front fender

Then there's the mundane, yet necessary maintenance.

Lube cables
Changed the oil
Change the fork oil
New brake pads, front and rear
Check coolant and change if necessary
Check chain and sprockets for wear and replace if necessary

The list goes on and on, but believe it or not, it gets me through the winter. Before you know it, it'll be March and the temps will start to rise into the 50's for highs around here and I'll be ON THE ROAD! :thumbup:
LOL I am then suffering from PMS. Projects are the way to go I believe. Got new tyres to mount, sprocket to install, brakes to replace and oil and filter to change.

:thumbup: gotta find some way to occupy the winter months
Hahaha my riders withdrawl started a week after i put my bike up for the winter. I get through it by buying new gear and wearing it around my house lol. Its too bad the jacket i got is mesh or id be wearing that everywhere.:thumbup:
my bike is currently in england, and i'm in amsterdam

reading bike forums, going to bike shops, and seeing other people on bikes isn't helping :(
I got BD43's headlight mod, new levers, DR403 bellypan with mounting hadware Puig smoke racing screen and a PC3. Only problem it's 5 F outside.......:( I got the medication but can't take it. hopefully it will warm up a bit soon.
I had my winter therapy all set & saved, I had almost all of the 2010 Motogp, WSB & Daytona Super/Sportbike series saved on my DVR, that I would view randomly throughout the winter to ease my suffering, and then my wonderful yet slightly o.c.d daughter decided to "clean up" the hard drive:eek:

This is gonna be a l - o - n - g winter....:(
I agree with everyone here. It makes me think about moving to a warmer state so I don't have to take the winter off.

I like the idea of winter projects I just haven't been able to actually do it. I also don't have heat in my garage so after being out there for a half hour my hands are cold. :(