Helpme out

Your aware of the doppler effect I am sure. Light moving towards you shifts to the faster blue color, and light moving away shifts to the slower red color.
Silver and Black are considered more "Uptown" colors for the fancy boys.



If I had my choice of any color I would of chose black. I only had red or blue to choose from so blue it was. I mean its really really hard to find a Yamaha product in blue anyway.
Red. I initially wanted the blue one, but fortunately they sold it before I got there, so I got the Much Faster Red One instead. (It was written, you see....)
Besides, deep down.....really deep down...EVERYBODY really wants a red bike.
Resistance is futile....get the red one. :D
I prefer red, but I have a blue one since they already had one in stock and offered me a better price for it. Like I mentioned before, the salesman said that the blue has a better resale value, not sure if thats true or not. However, I think that silver or black tends to blend in to much with the asphalt or concrete, so the visiblity factor comes in play, so that's why I would stick with red or blue. But again, you could wear brighter clothing, but then it wouldn't match the bike. It's all about seenandbeinseen.

Your aware of the doppler effect I am sure. Light moving towards you shifts to the faster blue color, and light moving away shifts to the slower red color.
Silver and Black are considered more "Uptown" colors for the fancy boys.



If I had my choice of any color I would of chose black. I only had red or blue to choose from so blue it was. I mean its really really hard to find a Yamaha product in blue anyway.

Main article: Doppler effect
If a source of the light is moving away from an observer, then redshift (z > 0) occurs; if the source moves towards the observer, then blue shift (z < 0) occurs.
Because the doppler effect is based on the observer this would mean the faster Red FZ6 had passed the observer and the slower blue was still trying to catch up. :D
Yes thats it. Try and asuage your ego. LOL
Poor red bike riders. You will just never know the joy of the blue bikes.
If you get the blue stickers and put them over your red stickers, it will still be slower.
Oh the humanity.
Because the doppler effect is based on the observer this would mean the faster Red FZ6 had passed the observer and the slower blue was still trying to catch up. :D


I concur with the choice of red, but mainly because that's the color of my alma mater.....University of Louisville (much more respectable than that other school in Kentucky.:thumbup:
Blue, and here's why. If all of the guy's that have the so called "faster red" bikes will please go out and take a look at the tops of their headers where they meet the engine. What color are the pipes? BLUE! The high heat caused from running the bike hard(FAST) turns the pipes blue. So, no matter what color of FZ6 you have or how fast it goes, blue is right there with you. With that being said, I'd go with blue. At least your pipes will match your paint.:Flip::Flip:
:Sport: Regardless of speed, who's got the biggest blah LOL. You cant get away from the fact. That silver and black just oozes style and charisma. Just like the rider in fact.
Actually that was the only colour they had in stock. Besides I didn't understand the fancy light travelling equation. Did it mention silver?
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On a semi-serious note, they claim that red cars are pulled over by the cops more often than any other color. Wonder if the same is true of bikes?
On a semi-serious note, they claim that red cars are pulled over by the cops more often than any other color. Wonder if the same is true of bikes?
Well on a serious note. If you ask the red riders, there to fast to stop?