Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Hmmmm... i didnt know that was where you got your viagra from! :eek:

But, seriously, awesome! i reckon the weather will be ok, and with my new mirror extenders that i got today, i should be able to see those 4WD's trying to sneak up on me...

Now, anyone else...it's 4 just hours out of your busy lives....


Viagra?:eek:....lol. Like I need that....LMAO....is there a pill that does the complete opposite?:BLAA:

Just found out, I gotta go to Maccy instead or as well, but my oregano dealer;) will be in Maccy:D.
Viagra?:eek:....lol. Like I need that....LMAO....is there a pill that does the complete opposite?:BLAA:

Just found out, I gotta go to Maccy instead or as well, but my oregano dealer;) will be in Maccy:D.

I don't care where we ride...just as long as we ride!

Cmon SA fizzers, surely someone else is up for a lazy Sunday arvo spin???
Well, Surprise, suprise, it was just Mikey and me against the elements again yesterday....and not a bad ride either, for a low speed chug.

Both of us had track day spec tyres on our bikes, and in Mikey's case, his tyres were just about slick's...

But there was no drama, just an enjoyable ride to Strath for a coffee at Garage Motorcycles in Strath!

Thanks Mikey for joining me...i had a great afternoon...

And yes, we did get rained on, but not enough for the rain to make it a pain...

I am going out again this Sunday coming folks.....how about it, break oujt of commuting mode, and ride your bike's just cause you can, and want to.

Well, Surprise, suprise, it was just Mikey and me against the elements again yesterday....and not a bad ride either, for a low speed chug.

Both of us had track day spec tyres on our bikes, and in Mikey's case, his tyres were just about slick's...

But there was no drama, just an enjoyable ride to Strath for a coffee at Garage Motorcycles in Strath!

Thanks Mikey for joining me...i had a great afternoon...

And yes, we did get rained on, but not enough for the rain to make it a pain...

I am going out again this Sunday coming folks.....how about it, break oujt of commuting mode, and ride your bike's just cause you can, and want to.


Yup. Picked up my oregano:BLAA:....had a nice yak sesh at Strath. But the highlight was tweaking my forks, for max compliance in the wet...they feel very nice now...lol.

Stopped to wash my filthy bike on the way home 'cause the roads down here were dry, and I couldn't stand the sight of my filthy bike.....scrubba dub dub...ahhh that's better. Stopped to hire a movie on the way home....couldn't find anything I liked.....started raining...lol.....straight back to the car wash:rolleyes:...lol.

Thanks mate. Hope you weren't late picking up the kitchen slave:eek:...lol...That boy of yours get sidetracked easily:rof:...lol.
Almost forgot.....the :rockon:STONER:rockon: story we heard...lol.

Popped into Garage Motorcycles, 'cause he needed a bike for the day, and was told it'd be no dramas, just don't go nuts, and stay off the track...lol.....So what do ya reckon he did?...LMFAO.

1:12's at Mallala on an out of the box Tuono (I think she said) is what he did:eek:....He's just jumped up a notch or 2 in the off track image thing for me....LMFAO...that's freaking awesome.:D:cheer::BLAA:
Almost forgot.....the :rockon:STONER:rockon: story we heard...lol.

Popped into Garage Motorcycles, 'cause he needed a bike for the day, and was told it'd be no dramas, just don't go nuts, and stay off the track...lol.....So what do ya reckon he did?...LMFAO.

1:12's at Mallala on an out of the box Tuono (I think she said) is what he did:eek:....He's just jumped up a notch or 2 in the off track image thing for me....LMFAO...that's freaking awesome.:D:cheer::BLAA:

Yes, agree, it was an awesome story....yep, 1.12's at Mallala, and he was probably taking it easy!

Back to the business of this weekend coming.....

Can someone else other than Mikey confirm, that we are not the only 2 people who look at this thread...ever! It's been a long time since it's been anyone else other than Mikey & me who go for a ride from this thread!, and i must say, for a bunch of blokes (SA Fizzers) who were the driving force in getting the Aussie section of the forum up and running, i am pretty dissapointed!

*Pokes head in... Waves

Can't make Sundays at the moment.. sorta booked as family day.

*Pulls head back before Jamie slams the door :rof:

Hope to get out again soon... Hmm, better get around to washing the bike... it's filthy. Can't wait for winter to pi$$ off.

I look too....also dunno why. Usually no replies, either way to posted rides, except by Wolfman, so I can get the same result with a phone call:thumbup:...lol.
Well, it's like this...i started this thread, i have consistently driven this thread, i have organised many rides, cooked breakfast for you lot, had Moto GP parties at my house, my workshop, etc, and none of you buggers seem to give a flying fat one anymore...i am majorly grumpy about this, and have been for a very long while....i continue to post ride's of all types, as does Mikey, and these days, we get nought back in return!!

So unless you other SA Fizzers, can give me a decent enough reason not to do so, i am closing this thread in 24 hours...cause it is freaking pointless...

We are supposed to be a community of like minded individuals, who share a common interest, riding our bikes...

I understand that we all own, and ride our bikes for different reasons, and different purposes, but it does'nt take much effort, even to say sorry, i cant make it....but most of you dont even do that anymore....i am insulted, and bemused...as is Mikey, and i am sure he wont mind me saying that on his behalf...

This Sunday, i am going on a ride with another group of riders, cause i am sick and tired of treading the same boards with Mikey...not that i dont enjoy riding with Mikey...i actually consider my rides, and tours with Mikey to be a high point in my everyday life...

So, i am sorry if i am offending anyone else here, but you have offended me, by your inability to respond to posts...at all!

From now on, i wont bother posting rides on this forum, cause it's a waste of my time, and effort!

I will just ring the people i know who will be interested in coming for a ride with me.

You know, i know we all have family commitments, etc, but faaaarkin hell, 3 or 4 hours out of your life, every month or so, aint that hard to give up.

I consider this to be the death knell of the SA Fizzers, once a vibrant group of blokes who enjoyed each others company....not anymore!

That's it for my dummy spit...i think it is well overdue...6-9 months of trying to enthuse you lot, without any input other than a few responses from a gentleman named Dave (stumbles), you lot have just ignored my prompts....

I have fond memories of some of our rides and outings....such as the Moto GP barbeques, the Hill climb ride, Beers at Lobethal, etc, but that's all they are now...

Over it...


Have faith Jamie , as Jim Morrison said in Waynes World 2 "If you book them , they will come"... Sounds good but we all know Jim did like a bit of :smoking: :tard:.. :D

Dont close your thread , I'll ride with you soon enough :thumbup: And maybe once winter is gone the boys might come out of the wood work...
Well this morning i am feeling all nostalgic, so i thought i would re-open this thread.....

Mick is single now, so i expect him to start riding...as soon as he gets his new house sorted....

Mikey and i always ride, Jay Jay needs to come for a ride, as does his mate, Spook, then there is Dave (Stumbles), and Andy (Apollo) who EITHER i have not seen for way too long, and our new friend Mave!

Boys it's time we hooked up for a day out....



And anyway this used to be the first and biggest Aussie rider thread....it's time to get stuff happening again boys!

Definitely need to get back out there with you lot.

If the Missus's work gets any worse, she'll be back on dayshift and I'll be looking to escape on the weekends... Lmao. (If I still have a job.... bloody cut-backs).

sounds good to me :)

Definitely need to get back out there with you lot.

If the Missus's work gets any worse, she'll be back on dayshift and I'll be looking to escape on the weekends... Lmao. (If I still have a job.... bloody cut-backs).


lovely.....2 boys i expected a response from re a call to arms, so to speak!

I am thinking that a Sunday ride is the best option....

maybe a lunch ride, leaving about 11am, and ending up at a midpoint in the ride at about 12.30-1pm, before riding back to our starting points after, for about a 3pm finish....

sound good???

Hope its been a good one in SA the wind is shocking here and just started to rain
Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat fingers...you know!