Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Have fun boys.
School holidays just starting, and we're working all week, so am taking the rugrat out today to try and kill off some of the boredom she'll accrue over the next 2 weeks.


Have fun entertaining the tin lid, while we have fun entertaining our need to go round corners!
Well Mikey and i had a fairly decent ride again yesterday, was a little more than gentle, but not crazy...the "highlight" being Mikey's FZ1 stepping out about 2-3 feet, upon opening of the throttle, coming off a corner....i was right behind him, and it definitely got my attention....am hoping Mikey got it on video...

Yikes, sounds crazy!

Lol! Mikey didn't seem to fazed by it! Apparently this is about the 5th time this has happened to him since he has had Michelin pilot pure's on his FZ1! He says he won't be getting the pilot pure tyres again...they don't seem to get warm enough on a cold day...

Mikey definitely was not on the "ragged edge" at the time
Yup...Michelin tires just don't like to warm up for more than a gentle ride on a cold road. Been riding for ages, so they should have been warm, and gave a little bit out of a turn (half expecting it to step out) and it doesn't squirm...it doesn't wiggle....it just lets go completely.

Scared the carp outta me the first time. The second time was a little more expected, but still not good for the ticky-ticker. The third time I just rolled my eyes and kept riding, and the next two times I didn't pay much attention at all.

When it lets go completely and utterly like it does, the only answer is to back off a fair bit, steer into the slide a smidgeon (to keep the front wheel closer to being in line when the the rear hooks up again), stand up a little and move over to an off balanced position, so that when it hooks up, it doesn't unbalance you, but instead puts you back on-balance again, and loosen up at the hips as much as you can while gripping with your legs.

This is not something you can really plan for. It's more a reflex action from all sorts of BMX accidents, and dirt bike carnage...lol. To this day I've still not been high sided:cheer: (although there was this one time...at band camp....where I ended up doing a hand stand on the bars teetering between falling over the front and back onto the seat for about 40 metres at 80 km/h. Fortunately I fell back onto the seat, and the only damage to me was bruised shins from me gripping anything I could with my shins on the way back down so I wouldn't mash my family jewels on the tank:eek:...lol)

And as soon as I hit the seat that throttle was smashed wide open again...lol.:rockon: Really impressed the guy on the 250 who was trying to catch me on the little 100 I was riding...lol.

I'm waiting until they're used up to post my opinion of the Power Pures. It won't be scathing, but it won't be great either. Going back to Bridgestones. Might splurge and get me another set of BT003's. Love the 003's:rockon:.
Yup...Michelin tires just don't like to warm up for more than a gentle ride on a cold road. Been riding for ages, so they should have been warm, and gave a little bit out of a turn (half expecting it to step out) and it doesn't squirm...it doesn't wiggle....it just lets go completely.

Scared the carp outta me the first time. The second time was a little more expected, but still not good for the ticky-ticker. The third time I just rolled my eyes and kept riding, and the next two times I didn't pay much attention at all.

When it lets go completely and utterly like it does, the only answer is to back off a fair bit, steer into the slide a smidgeon (to keep the front wheel closer to being in line when the the rear hooks up again), stand up a little and move over to an off balanced position, so that when it hooks up, it doesn't unbalance you, but instead puts you back on-balance again, and loosen up at the hips as much as you can while gripping with your legs.

This is not something you can really plan for. It's more a reflex action from all sorts of BMX accidents, and dirt bike carnage...lol. To this day I've still not been high sided:cheer: (although there was this one time...at band camp....where I ended up doing a hand stand on the bars teetering between falling over the front and back onto the seat for about 40 metres at 80 km/h. Fortunately I fell back onto the seat, and the only damage to me was bruised shins from me gripping anything I could with my shins on the way back down so I wouldn't mash my family jewels on the tank:eek:...lol)

And as soon as I hit the seat that throttle was smashed wide open again...lol.:rockon: Really impressed the guy on the 250 who was trying to catch me on the little 100 I was riding...lol.

I'm waiting until they're used up to post my opinion of the Power Pures. It won't be scathing, but it won't be great either. Going back to Bridgestones. Might splurge and get me another set of BT003's. Love the 003's:rockon:.

Yes, my black bike is off to Race Bike services for a much needed suspension overhaul tomorrow, and when it comes back, it's getting a new throttle cable, and a set of BT003's....

Bloody great tyres! Ride up walls stuff! :D
Hey folks, looks like the worm has turned, weather wise!!!!

Tomorrow, i have no kids till 3.30pm (mental note: must remember to pick up child from school...not like Monday! :eek:)

So, am thinking that a ride is in order....take a sickie, mental health day, whatever you wanna call it, and come join me for a Hot Dog at Lobie for lunch.

I dont care, i am going riding regardless, need to put some serious kilometre's on my bike's...I have been way too soft recently...


Not me. I've pretty much killed off a set of tires in the last week or so...lol. Just in time for the weather to go to carp. There's gotta be a first time for everything:thumbup:.
Anyone up for a ride this sunday arvo???? will be from about 1pm - 5pm, just a short blat to Strath & back, probably via Lobethal first, then, track our way across the hills to Strath, then the short way home via Meadows, Mylor, Eagle....

Taking the Touring Mule....

Anyone up for a ride this sunday arvo???? will be from about 1pm - 5pm, just a short blat to Strath & back, probably via Lobethal first, then, track our way across the hills to Strath, then the short way home via Meadows, Mylor, Eagle....

Taking the Touring Mule....


Funny you should mention it, but I've got to go to the Strath Markets, on Sunday to pick up a parcel (secret men's business...lol):BLAA:

So you could probably twist my arm.
Funny you should mention it, but I've got to go to the Strath Markets, on Sunday to pick up a parcel (secret men's business...lol):BLAA:

So you could probably twist my arm.

Hmmmm... i didnt know that was where you got your viagra from! :eek:

But, seriously, awesome! i reckon the weather will be ok, and with my new mirror extenders that i got today, i should be able to see those 4WD's trying to sneak up on me...

Now, anyone else...it's 4 just hours out of your busy lives....
