Drove thru a torrential down-pour today!


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Jun 7, 2008
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So, I went with some friends to Yorktown today from the Richmond area. We just got to Yorktown and parked in a parking garage at the beach area. No sooner do we walk out to the boardwalk area and it starts to rain. We got some drinks and waited for a bit and it passed over. Made it all the way back to Hopewell without getting rained on and then.....OMFG!!!! The heavens just opened up and there were bolts of lightning all over with thick sheets of water running across the roads. I was laughing so hard in disbelief because don't think I've seen it rain like that since living in Florida. I just hunched over the tank and plowed through it. Passed people pulled off to the side (made me laugh even harder :D). Had some kind of long sleeve shirt that acted like a damn sponge. I'll swear that shirt weighed 10 pounds when I eventually took it off. Felt the water pool up in my shoes and every, ahem, uncomfortable area. Did I mention there was no forecast for rain? Anyways, it was a hoot. +1 for experience for sure.
I was riding home from work the other day and it was raining. Not a huge deal for me because the gear I wear is all waterproof, but I left my pockets unzipped and the inside isn't waterproof. It also decided to hail on me, which wasn't fun either. I had my jacket on, but just a short-sleeved shirt under it, so the hail hurt like a *****.

In other words, I feel your pain. Arkansas has crazy weather, too.
I was riding home from work the other day and it was raining. Not a huge deal for me because the gear I wear is all waterproof, but I left my pockets unzipped and the inside isn't waterproof. It also decided to hail on me, which wasn't fun either. I had my jacket on, but just a short-sleeved shirt under it, so the hail hurt like a *****.

In other words, I feel your pain. Arkansas has crazy weather, too.

So, I went with some friends to Yorktown today from the Richmond area. We just got to Yorktown and parked in a parking garage at the beach area. No sooner do we walk out to the boardwalk area and it starts to rain. We got some drinks and waited for a bit and it passed over. Made it all the way back to Hopewell without getting rained on and then.....OMFG!!!! The heavens just opened up and there were bolts of lightning all over with thick sheets of water running across the roads. I was laughing so hard in disbelief because don't think I've seen it rain like that since living in Florida. I just hunched over the tank and plowed through it. Passed people pulled off to the side (made me laugh even harder :D). Had some kind of long sleeve shirt that acted like a damn sponge. I'll swear that shirt weighed 10 pounds when I eventually took it off. Felt the water pool up in my shoes and every, ahem, uncomfortable area. Did I mention there was no forecast for rain? Anyways, it was a hoot. +1 for experience for sure.

Those 2 minutes, unpredictable storms make for some crazy ass stories. Just like you said, there is nothing really to do other than laugh at the situation.

I'll never forget my first long distance trip. Rode about 250 miles up to a vacation house I rented. Took off and it was beautiful weather. By the time I got about 50 miles away, the temp. dropped 30* (what it felt like). I experienced some of the worst rain I'd ever seen in my life, while riding through it. Reached some dirt roads that led around the lake before getting to our cabin. Freezing my ass off, soaked to the bone, riding down muddy dirt roads- I start getting pelted with golf ball sized hail.

When no one gets hurt, the best thing to do is laugh at the hilarity of it all.
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Those 2 minutes, unpredictable storms make for some crazy ass stories. Just like you said, there is nothing really to do other than laugh at the situation.

I'll never forget my first long distance trip. Rode about 250 miles up to a vacation house I rented. Took off and it was beautiful weather. By the time I got about 50 miles away, the temp. dropped 30* (what it felt like). I experienced some of the worst rain I'd ever seen in my life, while riding through it. Reached some dirt roads that led around the lake before getting to our cabin. Freezing my ass off, soaked to the bone, riding down muddy dirt roads- I start getting pelted with golf ball sized hail.

When no one gets hurt, the best thing to do is laugh at the hilarity of it all.

Seems like once you get soaked - being cold is inevitable even on a hot day like yesterday. I felt my teeth chattering and body shivering (which only added to the hilarity of it all).

Tell you what, though. If it starts hailing, I WILL get the heck off the road and find the nearest shelter. That is just nuts!
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