Wing mirror arm corroded


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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Yesterday I removed my Motorbike cover (carefully) and I saw a few pieces of peeled paint flutter down. To my surprise (shock) I saw that the paint had come off my wing mirror arm (for want of a better word), not only had some paint come off but it was also corroded underneath.

I bought my bike at the beginning of June 2007, I can't believe it's already disintegrating. Now I know my bike is outside nearly all of the time, but I do use a motorbike cover, and wash it regularly. Before the winter I had sprayed most of the engine parts and bare metal with anti corrosion spray, but I didn't think it was necessary for the wing mirrors.

Well I'm going to go to the dealer on Saturday and see what he says about it.
Yesterday I removed my Motorbike cover (carefully) and I saw a few pieces of peeled paint flutter down. To my surprise (shock) I saw that the paint had come off my wing mirror arm (for want of a better word), not only had some paint come off but it was also corroded underneath.

I bought my bike at the beginning of June 2007, I can't believe it's already disintegrating. Now I know my bike is outside nearly all of the time, but I do use a motorbike cover, and wash it regularly. Before the winter I had sprayed most of the engine parts and bare metal with anti corrosion spray, but I didn't think it was necessary for the wing mirrors.

Well I'm going to go to the dealer on Saturday and see what he says about it.

I have a bad feeling they will tell you that you are SOL. but does it look like aluminim underneath? If so it will be easy for you to polish or sand down and repaint. G/L :thumbup:
can you PC Aluminum? i would take the assembly apart and have it PCed after sanding and cleaning it up a bit.
Yesterday I removed my Motorbike cover (carefully) and I saw a few pieces of peeled paint flutter down. To my surprise (shock) I saw that the paint had come off my wing mirror arm (for want of a better word), not only had some paint come off but it was also corroded underneath.

I bought my bike at the beginning of June 2007, I can't believe it's already disintegrating. Now I know my bike is outside nearly all of the time, but I do use a motorbike cover, and wash it regularly. Before the winter I had sprayed most of the engine parts and bare metal with anti corrosion spray, but I didn't think it was necessary for the wing mirrors.

Well I'm going to go to the dealer on Saturday and see what he says about it.
Those red ones are poor quality alright.
I am gutted for you mate. One of the problems of covers is that they are just like having a warm body breathing inside a tent. The condensation will kill your bike + the salt on the roads. I used to also use a cover and have suffered the same problems on previous bikes. You could try putting the cover on once the bike has cooled.
Wow, thanks for the tip! I have noticed some chipping of the paint on the mirror arms of my 07, too. I can't see any corrosion, yet, but your pics show that it is inevitable, and I had better pull & refinish these.

It appears that the paint/coat stops at the rubber boot. If I have this recoated, I will coat much more below the boot. I don't use a cover, but living in the hot/humid/salt air on the Gulf Coast, I have not only seen plenty of aluminum bicycle parts corrode, I have even seen stainless steel distillation towers stress crack from the chlorine in the air.

As an alternative, would anyone recommend a replacement brand?
You could treat it as an opportunity to get some nice aftermarket replacements.

Unfortunately I was totally happy with the wing mirrors :(
The thing I don't undestand is that I had my Diversion (seca II) kept in the same way for four years without any ill effects (obviously keeping it clean and using anti corrosion spray in the winter), and now a bike barely 8 months old :confused:
I do agree salt and salt air can do a lot of damage, I live about 2 miles from the coast and I work on the coast so I do realise this.
I had understood that for about the last 3 years the paint finishes on cars/bikes became worse due to strict enviromental laws (forbiding usage of certain chemical products).

Oh well I've had enough of a rant I think I'm going to try and put it out of my head (for now) until I get to speak to the dealer :(
Those red ones are poor quality alright.

LOL....but on a seriious note, you would figure that it would be under warranty? All this time, I thought the arm was made out of hard plastic. I have an '06, my mirror may be different. So far, my arms are still fine. My bike has been exposed to wet weathers at times, there is no covered parking at work.:(
so, do we think that it is because the bike has been under cover? or do we think that this would happen either way? just curious seeing as i haven't gotten around to storing my bike anywhere other than heated storage, so when summer rolls around, i want to avoid this type of thing.
ok, rule #1: Chaosratt and madmanmaigret are not allowed to post next to each other until one of them changes their Avatar.
Well I went into the dealer today, he took one look at it and said it was covered by the warranty. :D

After looking over the bike he saw that the bike had almost reached 10,000 Km, so I'll fit it when your bike comes in for its 10,000 service, a bit cheeky but I didn't mind, I planned to have it done at the dealers anyway (whilst the bike's still under warranty).

But it now raises the question, does the motorbike cover improve things or simply make things worse?

Unfortunately I don't have many options especially as I don't have a garage. I think I'm going to put an advertisement in my local supermarket to ask if someone wants to share their garage, a mate of mine found someone who was willing to share with him but it was 10 minutes walk away. :(
Another option is to extend my shed, but considering I live in a terraced house and I have a reasonably narrow alley way at the back (of the house), I don't think I'll make many friends, and simply annoy the neighbours.
Oh well for now things are staying the way they were.
Well I went into the dealer today, he took one look at it and said it was covered by the warranty. :D

After looking over the bike he saw that the bike had almost reached 10,000 Km, so I'll fit it when your bike comes in for its 10,000 service, a bit cheeky but I didn't mind, I planned to have it done at the dealers anyway (whilst the bike's still under warranty).

But it now raises the question, does the motorbike cover improve things or simply make things worse?

Unfortunately I don't have many options especially as I don't have a garage. I think I'm going to put an advertisement in my local supermarket to ask if someone wants to share their garage, a mate of mine found someone who was willing to share with him but it was 10 minutes walk away. :(
Another option is to extend my shed, but considering I live in a terraced house and I have a reasonably narrow alley way at the back (of the house), I don't think I'll make many friends, and simply annoy the neighbours.
Oh well for now things are staying the way they were.

I'm glad that they are covering the stalks for you, i agree that it is somewhat sneaky to suggest that they would fix it when you come in for your service, i would probably say for them to just get me the parts and i would do it myself, but if you were actually going to have the dealership do the service they i guess there is no harm.
The same thing has happened to my bike, it's only 17 months old, 57reg (2007 model) bike which is kept in a garage.

Also have mirror glass corrosion too.

I've shown the dealer and they're contacting Yamaha to find out if they will replace them under warranty

I believe its a manufacturing fault, with poor cleaning treatment before powder coating, which has cause them to corrode underneath the paint.
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