Bike through the car wash! good idead or not?


Jan 29, 2010
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Newcastle upon Tyne
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Right guys,

How painful do you think riding through the car wash would be??

What damage could it do to my bike??

How hot is the water??

Is it a ridiculous idea??

should i just offer to be the camera person this time but i realy hate missing out on any fun???

Reason behind it, just for a laugh and it would make a cool you tube vid??

Cheers for any thoughts


If you do go through with this, please post vid here. Would make a great submission to the "dont be that guy" thread.
Best advice I can give: DON'T EVER NEWER DO IT!!!!!

A car wash uses high pressure sprayed water, - this will get in everywhere on the bike, - in the best case scenario this will only course corrosion and rust everywhere, in worst case, the bike just wont run afterwards.
Also consider the effect it will have on all the seals, on the engine, the o-rings in the chain etc..... these can not stand a direct hit with a high pressure water beam.

I think a remember a Jack-ass episode where they did it, - is was rather pain-full as I recall it.
Well, bikes get sprayed with high pressure water as part of their testing, to make sure that they won't short out or fail in any way. So in theory, you should be fine.

But that being said, I wouldn't.

I've used a coin wash in the past and used the sprayer on the bike, but I was careful about where I aimed it.

In general, a garden hose is a better idea.
I take my bike TO the car wash but this car wash is a high pressure spray/soapy hand wash/dry operation so no rotary brushes or ride thru :D

I really cant be bothered doing it myself.
I wouldn't do it, but you can see tons of movies about it on youtube...

Your bike would most likely be perfectly fine after it though... it's just water and soap...
Right guys,

How painful do you think riding through the car wash would be??

What damage could it do to my bike??

How hot is the water??

Is it a ridiculous idea??

should i just offer to be the camera person this time but i realy hate missing out on any fun???

Reason behind it, just for a laugh and it would make a cool you tube vid??

Cheers for any thoughts



Are you a car?

Is your bike a car?

Are you a retard?

Video of my ex wife running down the street on fire would make a good U Toob vid too.
I'm asssuming you are referring to the touchless car washes? The one with no brushes, just spray?

I agree with others and see no harm, as I myself have tried to do the samething. I could not activate the washer as my bike was too light or just didn't have enough metal to get the washer going. Only solution would have been to put in on the back of a pickup or trailer.

I just lost money paying for the damn wash.
Motorcycles are built to handle the elements, and more often than not, they do. You'll probably have no problems at all if you were to do this. But having said that...I wouldn't risk it.
I'd love to see a video of this.... just too damned funny to pass over!

Just make sure it is one of the "gentle" wash places! Don't forget to close the vents and visor on the helmet. ;)
Warning: Language NSFW!

[ame=]YouTube - The Car Wash Bet[/ame]

And again, NSFW

[ame=""]YouTube- The Car Wash Bet 2[/ame]
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My hubby is so anal about cleaning bikes - CT18 and Mr Sheene are his best friends - and takes so much pride in all our bikes, I think if I did this it would be instant divorce (and he would get custody of all 4 bikes and the quad)....

Do it on someone elses bike and video it - that would be funny - do it on your own bike - and you don't deserve to own one...... :BLAA:
Right guys,

How painful do you think riding through the car wash would be??

What damage could it do to my bike??

How hot is the water??

Is it a ridiculous idea??

should i just offer to be the camera person this time but i realy hate missing out on any fun???

Reason behind it, just for a laugh and it would make a cool you tube vid??

Cheers for any thoughts



Go for it. You won't be the first one though...

Watch Motorcycle Through Car Wash Video |


Those guys did ok...for a FREE track day, I'd do it. Definately worth it.:BLAA:
The idea is to park your bike in the car wash, and not get wet. The guy did it all wrong. But I guess it was a bet, so I guess he had to be on the bike.
The idea is to park your bike in the car wash, and not get wet. The guy did it all wrong. But I guess it was a bet, so I guess he had to be on the bike.

I thought about that too. Why sit on it in the wash?:spank: But then again, I wouldn't mind getting a soaking if it meant I was securing my bike. I wouldn't want that high-jet spray to blow it over.