2008 Fazer 600 S2 Engine Performance


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Mar 26, 2009
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Hello all, I am recently new to the FZ6- Forum and it's great to see us fellow owners have somewhere to go to discuss issues etc with our machines.

I currently have a 2008 FZ6 which I bought in October 2008.
I have about 5,000 miles on the clock and I noticed some degradation in throttle performance, when engine is cold and you wind out throttle, the engine bogs down and eventually comes back online. The engine does not seem as responsive either when engine is warm and riding on teh motorway etc and then you full throttle it, it takes a while to catch up and then you feel the power kick in. I have started using 97 rated fuel to see if this helps but no change as of yet. Could the injectors be dirty/clogged or is there some type of cleaner that can be used to clean out injectors or improve performance? Any repsponse would be much appreciated. Thanks
Now your into the realm of powerbands and gearing!

I know what you mean about having full throttle, nothing and then a sudden burst of power... I guess your opening up around 3-4k rpm and then hitting 6-7k before there is any oomph!? I'd suggest playing about with your gear abit, try changing at higher revs, see what happens to the response. Tooth conversions seem a popular choice if your after more low end, I'd have a lurk around the mods section for more info.

Motorway riding on the otherhand, not alot you can do about that without some level of modding... I installed a K&N which added to the low end and mid range, however made little effect too the top, which I guess is what you are probably after? There are alot of threads on exhausts and Power Commanders, which may be of some use to you, I don't have any personal experience in these areas... Yet!
Thanks dude, It is not even when I am actually riding the bike, it is when I first start it...say in the morning and rev it a bit, It bogs down and then eventually kicks in. It seems ok more or less when engine is warm. Did you have to adjust anything when you got the new K&N filter or did you just drop new filter in and away you go? Thanks
Thanks dude, It is not even when I am actually riding the bike, it is when I first start it...say in the morning and rev it a bit, It bogs down and then eventually kicks in. It seems ok more or less when engine is warm. Did you have to adjust anything when you got the new K&N filter or did you just drop new filter in and away you go? Thanks

Hope this helps, had this problem before on a bandit. Have you changed the s.plugs, weak/ poor spark can c`reate similar symptoms.Have come across the contact tip of the plug come loose. Check the enamel for cracks also.
Thanks will look into this at some point as it is not something I would be confident doing.

Had the origianl spark plugs replaced on service in October, still doing it, although it does not seem quite as bad, in fact I think the colder air is probably improbing the problem slightly. Will have to keep eye on it or try more injector cleaner or a throttle body synch as someone else advised. Thanks again.
First, stop whacking the throttle open when it's cold. :) Mine definitely has a lag in throttle response when it's cold, but it should be fine once it warms up. Definitely at freeway speeds you shouldn't be getting any hesitation. If the plugs have been changed recently then I'd look into the throttle body sync. If it hasn't ever been done then it's way past due. If you have the right tools it is really easy to do. It's like a 10 minute job. I have the Morgan Carbtune and I highly recommend it. A little expensive, but no toxic mercury or annoying liquids to deal with. Their web site is http://www.carbtune.com/. The first time taking it to a dealership pretty much pays for it and you're saving money every time you do it yourself after that.

Only other thing I can think of is some valves out of spec, but that seems extremely unlikely with only 5k miles. Most of results I've heard on this forum are that they are still in spec at the first check at 26K.
First, stop whacking the throttle open when it's cold. :) Mine definitely has a lag in throttle response when it's cold, but it should be fine once it warms up. Definitely at freeway speeds you shouldn't be getting any hesitation. If the plugs have been changed recently then I'd look into the throttle body sync. If it hasn't ever been done then it's way past due. If you have the right tools it is really easy to do. It's like a 10 minute job. I have the Morgan Carbtune and I highly recommend it. A little expensive, but no toxic mercury or annoying liquids to deal with. Their web site is http://www.carbtune.com/. The first time taking it to a dealership pretty much pays for it and you're saving money every time you do it yourself after that.

+1 on the above info. Chevron "techtron" makes an excellent fuel stabilizer/ cleaner. Gas can go stale in as quick as 3 weeks. Run it thru a couple of tanks. I bought my carbtune direct from England, about $85.00 delivered to my door. Yamaha gets over $100 for ONE sync....

Hello all, I am recently new to the FZ6- Forum and it's great to see us fellow owners have somewhere to go to discuss issues etc with our machines.

I currently have a 2008 FZ6 which I bought in October 2008.
I have about 5,000 miles on the clock and I noticed some degradation in throttle performance, when engine is cold and you wind out throttle, the engine bogs down and eventually comes back online. The engine does not seem as responsive either when engine is warm and riding on teh motorway etc and then you full throttle it, it takes a while to catch up and then you feel the power kick in. I have started using 97 rated fuel to see if this helps but no change as of yet. Could the injectors be dirty/clogged or is there some type of cleaner that can be used to clean out injectors or improve performance? Any repsponse would be much appreciated. Thanks

Mine does the same and I asked that very question last month. The answer is, it's normal.

Let your bike come up to operating temperature before romping on it. Start and let it idle while you put your gear on. By the time you're ready to go, it will be ready as well. Once it is up to temperature, there is no hesitation. It goes like it's tail is on fire a head is catching....
Yeah bike had service in October and they changed the plugs then...well so I was told but I trust the guys at my dealer, they are pretty good! Thanks will try throttle synch at sum point!
Might be worth looking at them just incase, alot of dealerships take a look at alot of things on your bike, make the executive decision that they don't need changing then happily charge you for it anyway, despite not doing the work.
Did you put in any fuel injection cleaner? Injectors can/will clog up as can the inside tank fuel filter.

Another post (on this forum) had worse problems with his throttle and the cleaner solved his problem. As stated above, warm up the bike (ride it easy until it warms up) .

Just went for a ride yesterday, two up. Rolled on the throttle from 55MPH, pulled hard without hesitation to 100MPH (on a bridge-flat end of it). Thats how it should run.... Stock gearing, Scorp pipes...
Mine does the same and I asked that very question last month. The answer is, it's normal.QUOTE]

Think about it in this way. The bike is only 600cc and it is a high performance motor, when you first start the bike its cold the timing on your bike retards a little till it warms up, so when you try and rev the bike when cold, you essentially are letting the bike suck in a whole lot of air when there is not a lot of fuel, and the bikes sensors have to readvance the timing back forward to compensate.

Basically summed up in a nut shell. when your bike is cold your air to fuel ratio is higher than when it is warm.