I must be missing something!


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Jun 14, 2007
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Beaumont, AB Canada
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This is my first year with a street bike, previous I have had dirt bikes. I'm confident with how I ride, but am always improving and learning and always being caucious of everyone. But for some reason I am not thrilled or excited as I feel I should be to get on the bike. For instance this morning, perfectly nice morning 25 Celcius and no wind, and I chose the the KIA POS for the ride to the office instead of the bike. I feel as though it's just another mode of transportation that involves a helmet and a jacket... The bike isn't even broken in yet with 1400km on it. There are some who ride full out and that's how they get their thrills, but I'm never going to shoot down the freeway redlined in 6th gear because I have a family to come home to, the thrill just isn't there.

The bike is 3 months old and I'm already talking about selling it... In the spring (If I still have the bike) if I'm not geeked about getting on the bike, it will definitly be sold.

Any suggestions on what I might be missing? When I got the bike I was pumped about it, but after spending some time on it... well... and it's definitly not the bike.

Maybe it's just not for me!
Man I dont know what to tell you. I am happy to ride anywhere, anywhen, anytemp, and anytime.
As of today I have 15696 miles of riding experince starting Jul 24th 2006. I can tell you what I find fun. You may try it, and see why I love it.
You said you like offroad so this may do something for you.

Parking lot practice. Get some cones and whip figure 8s untill your arms hurt.

Then again you may just be a offroad guy, and street riding is a boring thing for you and is just taking up valuable offroad riding time.
Maybe it's just not for me!

That could be. If I'm not getting a thrill or having fun out of something I feel the same way. Maybe your years of exciting dirt bike riding had you expecting more from riding a street bike. It's hard to say. Maybe if you hook up with some other riders in your area and get some group riding in your interest may rise. Could be the FZ6 is not the bike to light your fire. You may need a bike that trys to rip your head off every time you twist the throttle to give you the thrill you may be looking for. Who knows. Sorry your not enjoying street riding. I wish I had more to offer.
This is my first year with a street bike, previous I have had dirt bikes. I'm confident with how I ride, but am always improving and learning and always being caucious of everyone. But for some reason I am not thrilled or excited as I feel I should be to get on the bike. For instance this morning, perfectly nice morning 25 Celcius and no wind, and I chose the the KIA POS for the ride to the office instead of the bike. I feel as though it's just another mode of transportation that involves a helmet and a jacket... The bike isn't even broken in yet with 1400km on it. There are some who ride full out and that's how they get their thrills, but I'm never going to shoot down the freeway redlined in 6th gear because I have a family to come home to, the thrill just isn't there.

The bike is 3 months old and I'm already talking about selling it... In the spring (If I still have the bike) if I'm not geeked about getting on the bike, it will definitly be sold.

Any suggestions on what I might be missing? When I got the bike I was pumped about it, but after spending some time on it... well... and it's definitly not the bike.

Maybe it's just not for me!
Have you seen a Doctor? LOL I don't know whats wrong with you, could be terminal. I perscribe taking your street bike off road and see if the grins come back. If they don't Im afraid your diagnosis is
idio-aterafirma (we dont know why you dont like roads)
Treatment : imediate street bike ectomy.

Good luck
What a shame, it appears that you live in an area where the riding condition is excellent this time of year. At least take a trip out to Jasper Park and send us some pics with your bike before you get rid of it. Maybe a day or road trip will change your mind. You are more in touch with your surroundings when you ride your bike, and if the surroundings is more scenic, the better the ride.

say it ain't so, do you ride by yourself? try a group ride. I used to ride motocross, I thought it was a blast also!! but I love street riding more. try ramdomly opening a map book which ever page it lands on thats where you go. otherways its different strokes for different folks. maybe twisty roads isn't your thing.
For me wanting to commute on the bike isn't really a good measure of how much I'm enjoying it. Commuting is just a little reminder that tides me over until I can get out of town on the weekend and actually ride. If I can't do that often enough my enjoyment with the bike goes down but then I just make it a point to get out somewhere. And as mentioned - a couple of other people to ride with to make you get new roads and sights helps a lot.
I rode motorcross and from my many miles of experience on the treet, i can say that the road and dirt are 2 completely different animals. I have seen it before, a guy buys a street bike because he thinks he can ride on the street the same he rides on the dirt. It just isnt so, there are way too many things that can go wrong on the road than on a dirt track. Once he figures this out the average dirt rider will go back to dirt because there is less of a headache. You might have also answered your own question with the last sentence in the first paragraph. You are worried about coming home to your family. It is the best reason out there for not riding. You should have your family come first. How i look at it though, and this is my own personal opinion.
I grew up riding and was always told it is dangerous. I have even totaled out 8 bikes and spent time in the hospital. It didnt get me down because i have always been taught too that you have to overcome your fears and push on with life and you cant always live in fear.

5 of those wrecked bikes were motorcross and the other 3 were street. The worst street wreck was going end over end on my 06' FZ6. A friend of mine had his throttle stick wide open and he landed his front wheel on my back seat at 60MPH. It twisted my frame and sent the bike flying from the impact. The bike flipped 3 times then skidded under a truck, luckily it didnt flip on top of me. I always were full gear but that didnt stop 3 left ribs and my right wrist from breaking. I also dislocated my knee and had little road rash on my arms from where my jacket sleeves rolled up during the skid. After my friend hit me he slammed into the side of a van and got thrown over the vehicle. He walked away fine. Of course our bikes were totaled, but as soon as i got my payoff check from the insurance i bought a red 07 FZ. I liked the first one so much that i had to get another.:Sport:

Please do what you think is right. If you always picture something bad happening while your riding you should probly not ride. That fear will cause panic when something does happen. There are 2 kinds of riders: Those that have fallen and those that will fall. Only you can make the decision to ride or not, you have no control over the cars that you share the rode with.

sorry about being long winded, im at work and waiting for UPS to drop off a package for me.
I'm getting grief of my wife at the moment. Apparently, I spend more time with the bike than I do with her. But, I don't think she'd have it any other way, since I got the bike I've been 'grinning' a whole lot more than I used to :O)

Of course, you've got to think about your family. But, everything you do has a risk, the trick is not to let risks destroy the fun.
You riders may be right, I need to take a trip on the bike... Almost all of the km on the bike are to work and back, in rush hour traffic. The unfortunate part about where I live is that there are numerous highways that are all straight, no twisties until you hit the mountains 3 hours away. The closest thing I have to twisties are the on and off ramps to the highways....

A buddy of mine rides quite often (SV1000), he has asked several times to head out on day trips, he's getting married in a few weeks so his time is almost up... I'm sure riding with a group would be better also.

I hope I don't have "idio-aterafirma" but thanks for the diagnosis and treatment suggestions perryn, (by the way, did you get rid of that ticking noise?). And for some reason I thought only North American women gave grief about stuff like this, nice to know it occurs even in the UK... I just have to get my wife on a bike of her own, I have a lot of work to do...
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You riders may be right, I need to take a trip on the bike... Almost all of the km on the bike are to work and back, in rush hour traffic. The unfortunate part about where I live is that there are numerous highways that are all straight, no twisties until you hit the mountains 3 hours away. The closest thing I have to twisties are the on and off ramps to the highways....

A buddy of mine rides quite often (SV1000), he has asked several times to head out on day trips, he's getting married in a few weeks so his time is almost up... I'm sure riding with a group would be better also.

I hope I don't have "idio-aterafirma" but thanks for the diagnosis and treatment suggestions perryn, (by the way, did you get rid of that ticking noise?). And for some reason I thought only North American women gave grief about stuff like this, nice to know it occurs even in the UK... I just have to get my wife on a bike of her own, I have a lot of work to do...
Hi mate, I was just aving a laff with ya about the diagnosis after all im only an ER nurse, what do I know. The best thing about advice mate is:
a) Its free.
B) you can ignore it.
Take a ride with your buddy have a go on his bike, I hate to even suggest it but maybe the FZ6 is just not for you. Soon he will join the nagging wife club and you may lose him for a while LOL. If your still not happy you will make the right decission for you. As for the ticking, I think I was being parranoid. It's no where near as bad as it was, after chatting to other riders it seems the FZ6 has these funny characteristics.
Curves may be The Answer

Hi there in Beaumont.
I Remember travelling in your area by car .
If memory serves me right you are probably riding one straight stretch to a cross road or T junction then changing to another straight section and doing the same all over again.

Thats if you stay away from Highway 2.

My suggestion get out to the West look at the varying terrain"Banf ,Jasper, Rocky mountain house,Canmore.....or God forbid spend some good Alberta cash over here in B.C we take it at par you know.....;)

Just pull up a map of Beaumont on Google maps and a map of Kelowna to see what I mean.Google Maps
and type in westside road Kelowna B.C then Zoom out to see the roads drawn as Squiggly lines on the maps.

this may be what you are missing.
Thanks for the advice, if I'm ever down there with the bike I'll be sure to find that road, even the roads through the mountain would be a thrill compaired to what I have.