New England Meet in VT - Aug 15th, 2009!!!

I know I told a couple of you this story, but the night before, I was at the corner of 100 and Stratton Arlington Road at West Wardsboro, picking up firewood to camp near Grout Pond...

right here:

doing this:

So I was strapping the 2 bundles of wood onto the fizzer in the parking lot, and I heard bikes coming by out on the road, which was a hundred feet away or so, and when I looked up it was like 15 FZ6's or variants thereof. I almost **** m'self. I started waving my hands over my head like Gilligan at a cruise ship, out of sheer surprise I guess at seeing so many fizzers at one time. But nobody saw me, because you were all coming to a stop and taking a right.

I got back to the campsite and told my buddy on the bonnie what I saw, and then the next day, lo and behold but there some of you were again. ...The first, and possibly last, day that my bike got looked at and his got ignored. It was Bizarro World.
Well, now that you're a member here, you can sign up for the annual meets. There's typically 3 or 4 a year this side of the states. Next year, we are looking into a Catskills, Bear Mtn, Harriman run.

In the May/early June time frame, the Deals Gap Meet will be taking place.

There will likely be an impromtu fall folliage run in NH or VT as well. Look for something as we can gauge the color changes.

So, :welcome: and thanks for signing up after we let you know at the 7-11!
I know I told a couple of you this story, but the night before, I was at the corner of 100 and Stratton Arlington Road at West Wardsboro, picking up firewood to camp near Grout Pond...

right here:

doing this:

So I was strapping the 2 bundles of wood onto the fizzer in the parking lot, and I heard bikes coming by out on the road, which was a hundred feet away or so, and when I looked up it was like 15 FZ6's or variants thereof. I almost **** m'self. I started waving my hands over my head like Gilligan at a cruise ship, out of sheer surprise I guess at seeing so many fizzers at one time. But nobody saw me, because you were all coming to a stop and taking a right.

I got back to the campsite and told my buddy on the bonnie what I saw, and then the next day, lo and behold but there some of you were again. ...The first, and possibly last, day that my bike got looked at and his got ignored. It was Bizarro World.

Great seeing you up there! I think a comparison of the situation was made...

[ame=]YouTube - Blind Melon - No Rain[/ame]
Blind Melon, exactly right. It was so strange. I never see more than one other fz6 at a time.

My first kid is due in about 3 weeks, so fall rides that are longer than ... 3 hours... are likely to be out for a bit. But I'll enjoy living vicariously in the meantime.
Blind Melon, exactly right. It was so strange. I never see more than one other fz6 at a time.

My first kid is due in about 3 weeks, so fall rides that are longer than ... 3 hours... are likely to be out for a bit. But I'll enjoy living vicariously in the meantime.

Congrats on the upcoming birth! :rockon: I'm sure we will have a ride or two down your way... something close by. :D
Thanks Eric and everyone else for organizing the ride and for letting a few of us non-FZ6 riders join the fun.

I had a great time and enjoyed meeting and riding with everyone.

It was very well run and the leaders did an excellent job of keeping the group together and timing the breaks.
Thanks Eric and everyone else for organizing the ride and for letting a few of us non-FZ6 riders join the fun.

I had a great time and enjoyed meeting and riding with everyone.

It was very well run and the leaders did an excellent job of keeping the group together and timing the breaks.

Thanks David! :rof: on your ID here... Hope you bring knee pucks next meet!

It was really great to meet you and we were happy to have you join us. You certainly showed some of us "how it is done" on Rte 17! The shots of you are GREAT!!! The track days are paying in spades for you. Well done! :thumbup:

I hope you can also make future meets. And I hope those go off as well as this one did. :rockon:
I'm going to start planning the next meet for next Aug. I'd like to do a Catskills/Harriman/Bear Mtn run. I have two new friends in the FZ1 forum who live and ride these places and can both lead and sweep and give us all a great tour through these areas. I, for once, can relax in the pack and enjoy the show for the whole ride. :D

While I do not mind leading, I was very happy to have some time to play in the pack as well as sweep the group. Leading is a big responsibility and requires a lot of extra consideration and thinking. An entire day of it can make a trip quite stressful and take some of the fun out of it. It is nice to move among the group and enjoy the show, or sweep and play blocker, even if it isn't quite legal. ;)

Thanks to all of you for helping out but more so for everyone making this a safe ride and a friendly weekend. I don't recall anyone having any issues with another rider. Everyone seemed to mesh together to make this a great trip for all who came. Can't thank you all enough for the ride, the good times and the laughs. Simon and Alison of the Kitzhof Inn were fantasic hosts and went out of their way a few times for us. These folks and their establishment will be mentioned whenever someone is looking for a place to stay in southern VT.

I'm unsticking the thread and will be starting a lot sooner than later, a new thread for next year. This trip was hastily planned but we pulled it off with thanks to Scott for his mapping ability. Mother nature was very kind to me for a second annual New England Meet and gave us a perfect weekend for riding.

Ride safe all!

I'm going to start planning the next meet for next Aug. I'd like to do a Catskills/Harriman/Bear Mtn run. I have two new friends in the FZ1 forum who live and ride these places and can both lead and sweep and give us all a great tour through these areas. I, for once, can relax in the pack and enjoy the show for the whole ride. :D

While I do not mind leading, I was very happy to have some time to play in the pack as well as sweep the group. Leading is a big responsibility and requires a lot of extra consideration and thinking. An entire day of it can make a trip quite stressful and take some of the fun out of it. It is nice to move among the group and enjoy the show, or sweep and play blocker, even if it isn't quite legal. ;)

Thanks to all of you for helping out but more so for everyone making this a safe ride and a friendly weekend. I don't recall anyone having any issues with another rider. Everyone seemed to mesh together to make this a great trip for all who came. Can't thank you all enough for the ride, the good times and the laughs. Simon and Alison of the Kitzhof Inn were fantasic hosts and went out of their way a few times for us. These folks and their establishment will be mentioned whenever someone is looking for a place to stay in southern VT.

I'm unsticking the thread and will be starting a lot sooner than later, a new thread for next year. This trip was hastily planned but we pulled it off with thanks to Scott for his mapping ability. Mother nature was very kind to me for a second annual New England Meet and gave us a perfect weekend for riding.

Ride safe all!


I highly recommend not setting an exact weekend until LRRS comes out with their 2010 schedule. Mostly because I know our ability to attend will be dependent on that schedule. However, "next August" is probably ok for now, the schedule should be out in January.

I highly recommend not setting an exact weekend until LRRS comes out with their 2010 schedule. Mostly because I know our ability to attend will be dependent on that schedule. However, "next August" is probably ok for now, the schedule should be out in January.


I'm going to work with my FZ1 friend first on a route, then see when those two are available as well.

If no one minds, I might put this up in both forums and have an FZ# meet instead? More bikes, more faces, more good times!

BTW, the guy I am asking to lead will NOT be irresponsible. After 20+ years of clean driving, he just got nailed HARD and is very ashamed of it. He's a 10 mph over guy once again. ;)
While trying to put together my potential vacations for 2010, I remembered what a good time we had in VT last year. The FZ6/FZ6R/FZ1 meet is definately high on the priority list for this year.

The LRRS schedule is up now. Looks like Aug 7 & 8th is the weekend to avoid.

How about the following weekend? 8/14 & 8/15?

Sorry if this seems pushy for someone not running things. Maybe the umpteenth day below freezing is getting me thinking about riding.