Scariest Photo of the Year!!!

that poor bike!

did quite well, considering it was carrying about 40kg's more than the reccomended load limit in the owner's manual....was only one incline at very low speed, that it got grumpy about.... poor bike!

LOL When the picture was just a thumbnail, I thought it was MP.... Then I opened it :jawdrop:
Still laughing!....Did you at least cover your ear on that second photo?

and they don't teach you anything about this stuff in those motorcycle safety courses...

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Takes a real man to go "nut to butt" like that....

I think that's when you know just how gooda mates you are...when the fat bugger behind you makes sure his nuts dont come anywhere near your butt for 140km's of the most horrifying time on a bike for either of us.....both of us couldnt wait to get off, and away from each other....

I hate being a i did feel for Mikey, as i know he hates it too...

Next time he bins it, he's taking the bus!

I think that's when you know just how gooda mates you are...when the fat bugger behind you makes sure his nuts dont come anywhere near your butt for 140km's of the most horrifying time on a bike for either of us.....both of us couldnt wait to get off, and away from each other....

I hate being a i did feel for Mikey, as i know he hates it too...

Next time he bins it, he's taking the bus!


Next time:eek::eek:?:D
Yup. It's tucked in the E/C thread...didn't bother to start a new one.


Re: Who's going to EC this weekend?


Well the Sydney trip is done and dusted. Back at home now (have been home a while catching up) and pretty happy with the trip except for one part.

The Accomodation was great and in a top location as well. Sort of between Eastern Creek and The Blue Mountains.

Got to meet Benjie, but unfortunately Dunno couldn't get away at short notice.

Eastern Creek looks like a fun track to ride. Saw some great racing and met Amy O'mara.

Enjoyed some great food in a fantastic "pub", and was generally shocked at how much it had all changed since I lived there nearly 20 years ago.

Had a ball on Putty Road and managed to get some vid.

Had a great lunch at Wolombi at the pub, and from there on the trip took a turn for the worse.

I Broke my bike

I came through a corner a little 'hot' (left hander) and so ended up towards the centre line and then saw a 4WD coming my way, slightly in my lane (the road was very narrow with no lines), he headed back towards his lane but there was no way I was going to miss him.

I tucked my foot under the seat between the hugger and exhaust as far as I could and got as much lean as I could just before impact.

I hit pretty hard and as the bike stood up on impact I pulled my hand off the right hand grip so as not to lose any fingers when the bar end hit, and lent my head over the tray of the 4WD ute so I could push my torso away. I hit his rear wheel pretty much.

I managed to stay on the bike and coasted away down the road. I went to put my foot on the peg and apply the rear brake and had a bit of a moment when I couldn't touch the peg. I wasn't sure if I'd lost my foot or not. After taking some breaths I had a look and phew...foot still there.

Unfortunately aside from my foot and leg, anything else from the frame slider down on the right side of my bike is pretty much gone (Benjie has some pics I believe)

A number of folks stopped to offer assistance and I am very grateful to the local inhabitants for their concern and assistance.

After parking my bike in a very nice gentleman's driveway, the real horror started. I had to ride pillion.

While I am grateful for the lift, I hate riding pillion. I'm also grateful my pillioner has had so much experience carrying passengers.

We took the trailer back to the bike, picked it up, went back and packed and headed home.

I'd like to thank our tour guide Benjie for an excellent sporty ride and was very happy to meet him. Another top bloke. I got to speak to Dunno on the phone and he sounds like a top bloke too.

Well these things happen on bikes and if I hadn't been near the centre line I'd still have my blue bike. This is due to a lack of track knowledge basically.

Gear! My Berik boots (and some quick thinking) is why I don't seem to have any broken bones. The quick thinking more explains why i still have a lower leg.

The bike. I sheered off the front axle slider, ripped off the radiator hose, ripped off the pickup rotor cover (taking some of the crank case with it), mashed the frame slider into the side of the bike, cracked the frame, sheered off the right foot peg and mashed my rear brake lever under the peg mount.

My boot and the impact scuffed the side pod badly and the bar end and front brake lever are scratched.

I'm limping but not too bad and very sad to see the end of such a noble beast and reliable steed. Like losing an old friend.

Depending on finances I may or may not upgrade. FZ1 perhaps.

Thanks to those who helped make this a good weekend away, and it's just a shame to finish off on a slightly sour note, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.



I found the story of how it all happened!!
Thanks for finding the story, Shreve, and to Mike, I am SO sorry that you and your bike got hurt. I am also very impressed with your quick thinking while in the middle of a wreck. Sounds like you could have easily lost a leg or at least boogered it up pretty badly. :jawdrop: Keep us posted on the replacement.
Jamie, thanks for the entertaining photos!! :rof::rof: