Things I learned while camping....


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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If the forecast calls for rain, it will rain
If the forecast calls for sun, it will rain
If the humidity is 100%, your sheets will be wet when you crawl in
Bug repellent should be called bug attractant
Smoke from the campfire will find you no matter where you sit
Captain Morgan starts calling your name at 2:30pm
Waterproof tent means, put a tarp over and under it
Lighters will always die when you need it to start a grill
Poker is VERY hard to play with 12 and 13 year old kids. No sense of betting.
Men will always make a comment about 2 women camping with no men.
Boyfriend will always want to start the campfire.
Taking down the camp is 10 times more work than putting it up
Rain + dirt = MUD. Enough said.
Kids will always stick bugs they find 2 cms from your nose
Drinking sucks when the nearest bathroom is a km away
Raccoons will search your camp, doesn't matter if you put all your food in the car before bed

But all in all we had a great 8 days!! We booked our site for next year! Hopefully it will be a drier summer than we have had this year!

Stephanie's Photos - Camping 09 | Facebook
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LOL. I was just camping two weeks ago and as I was going down the list I was saying yup, yup. (Except for the kids ones, no kids on our trip)

My buddy's tent didn't have a rain cover, he had just set up a couple tarps. Well that night it stormed like crazy and apparently the tarps weren't tied down properly so they split, he woke up in a puddle, everything was soaked. He said he felt it during the night but just moved a little so the rain wasn't falling directly on him and went back to sleep. He'd had a lot of these :iconbeer::iconbeer: that night so moving was much easier than getting up and fixing it. Sucked for him, but it was too funny in the morning watching him try to dry his stuff off. :popcorn:

Oh and for the bathroom one, I made sure to select the campsite nearest to the bathroom for reason #6 you listed. :thumbup: (not so much for me, but for the ladies)
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There is a saying in the Army, "We ain't training unless it raining, if we are training it must be raining."

Sounds like you guys had a great trip. The kids will remember it forever. :thumbup: