Oz's Question of the day #62(4/8/09)

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Mr. Fisher is a night watchman in a large company.
On a certain morning when Mr. Fisher wants to go home, his boss tells him:
"I'm going on a business trip to Norway tomorrow I will depart from Heathrow airport."
Mr. Fisher however advises him to take a boat.
"Why should I?" asked the president.
"Last night I dreamed that the plane to Norway crashes, just before it lands," is the response.
The president smiles first, but since he is pretty superstitious he decides to take the boat. When he arrives in Norway, he is told that the plane which he should have taken had crashed.
When the president returns from the trip he immediately fires him.


PM answers please.
Mr. Fisher has clearly made some sort of an arrangement with the devil. He's lucky he was only fired. Should have been burned at the stake.

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This one doesn't count though cause I just got the last one.
Id send a guess... but i dont want to waste your time :confused:

Send a guess, that's how I started. I didn't know the answers but would think up some wise ass answer that technically could've been right but I knew it wasn't the answer. Eventually, there were some I could really answer, and now I try to get in on as many as I can.
Answer:Nightwatchmen should not be sleeping at night.

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congrats guys and thanks for playing.
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