RANT!!! thank god for frame sliders


wait... what goes here?
May 21, 2008
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Carlisle, Pennsylvania
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:rant:Today I had my first D'oh! moment. I had to lay the bike down parking it at work this morning:(. Not to long ago my boss made up this rule that employee's can only park in the back row of the parking lot of the stripmall I work in. Its no big deal the parking lots only 4 rows but I desided to not listen to this rule just because I've been there a little over a year now and parking was never an issue. But ever since he hired his step-daughter her and his wife are running the business. Anyway I was told park where I'm supposed to or leave. I pulled into the lot this morning and the only vehicle in the parking lot is my managers truck. I rode down through the spaces to the one beside her truck point the nose of the bike out of the space and stop got to put my foot down. Well all the sinders and gravel from over the winter was pushed out here. My right foot slid out and the bike fell right. then I got my grip back and with my index and middle finger still over the brake lever I get a good grip on the bar try to lift the bike. The full weight of the bike is now smashing my ring and pinky finger between the grip and the brake lever:eek:. thats when I gently layed it on the slider stepped off and picked it back up and got a big bruise on my left knee some how some where in this process. Luckily neither me or the bike was hurt other than the bruise but I wasn't able to lift a 250 rebel of my leg I could only imagine this. Needless to say im protesting parking in the back row again. If my boss has a problem he can pay to replace anything that may get broken or start paying my insurence he can certainly afford it.:Flip:

I feel better now:rolleyes:
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I'd at least have him get the area cleaned up! Glad it wasn't an off at speed and everything is OK!

Scope out the spaces and be sure one you're landing in is free of debris. ;)
I'd at least have him get the area cleaned up! Glad it wasn't an off at speed and everything is OK!

Scope out the spaces and be sure one you're landing in is free of debris. ;)

I was told when im on the bike I can still park in the middle now otherwise I was taking a push broom out there
I know that first fall hurts the most, lucky you didn't get a bent lever, oh I guess your fingers cushioned that.
At the mall by me we park our bikes on the end of the row where the spaces end in an oval painted area without planter beds and curbs and can get several bikes in. They don't want anybody parking on the sidewalks next to the bldgs but employees do in some shopping centers maybe your boss will give you permission if you ask about a spot.
It can be a problem with vandels if we take a whole parking space for one bike in a busy lot. If I see a bike in a space I'll pull into it too unless it's a chopper they aren't into sharing with our kind except at the strip joint.:Flash: