Petrol prices

So here are the prices from Germany,sorry Pseudo Cloggy, I´m a little late. For normal ( 95 Octane ) Gas we pay 1,379€ (7,505$ per Gallon) and the same for ( 98 Octane ) Super gas.


Here is a german site for gas prices.

Benzin Diesel Kraftstoff
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So here are the prices from Germany,sorry Pseudo Cloggy, I´m a little late. For normal ( 95 Octane ) Gas we pay 1,379€ (7,505$ per Gallon) and the same for ( 98 Octane ) Super gas.


Here is a german site for gas prices.

Benzin Diesel Kraftstoff
Off topic, are you into football mate, I have always enjoyed watching Dortmund in the champions league.
If these figures are true then Holland overtakes UK in being the most expensive country for petrol on this thread :(


Bloody Hell Cloggy, looks like were gona have to resurect the who pays the most tax in the world thread lol.

Happy new year to you and yours mate.

If these figures are true then Holland overtakes UK in being the most expensive country for petrol on this thread :(


Bloody Hell Cloggy, looks like were gona have to resurect the who pays the most tax in the world thread lol.

Happy new year to you and yours mate.


yeah but I took the average prices, and considering you're reasonably close to london I don't think it will make that much difference, but I think we hammered the tax thing to death last time ;)

A very happy new year to the Perryn tribe.
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If you recall. The Dutch anin't doing to bad at the moment. The dutch are a part of the world, so that makes it a world series lol.

But that's even worse, getting beaten at your own game ;),

mind you the British have been doing the same in football (soccer for our freinds across the pond) for longer now :thumbup:
The proper one mate, soccer lol. Only you could have a world series and not invite the world lol.

That's because the whole world that plays good enough to get into the show is here in the United States. Besides, they footbol as opposed to football. I had often thought it should be called sockher anyway. Who wants to play a game where you can't touch the ball with your hands or rip the other guys uniform parts off in a good hit? I mean, what's the point. Seems to me the fans in the stands are have a better go of that...
Thats why we have Rugby, the original Football. Where gentlemen kill each other for 80 minutes and then congratulate each other after.
USA and Canada had very respectable world cups recently.
Thats why we have Rugby, the original Football. Where gentlemen kill each other for 80 minutes and then congratulate each other after.
Without helmets and body armour ;) a mate of mine used to play American football (football? what has this to do with your feet) in England, he was twice the size with all his kit on.
It wouldn't be such a bad game if it wasn't for all the time-outs. The only way to watch American football is highlights on television. They keep trying to break through in Europe (Amsterdam Admirals and London Monarchs etc) and keep pumping millions of dollars into it but I don't think it will ever become a spectator sport over here.
Soccer on the other hand, what do you need to play, 1 football four shirts (or other things to be goalposts), and they have never heard of time-outs. Even Rugby has developed Rugby league to make it better for the spectator, with less stoppage time.

USA and Canada had very respectable world cups recently.

Who knows in a few years time the Brits might be beaten at their own game yet again ;)
Thats why we have Rugby, the original Football. Where gentlemen kill each other for 80 minutes and then congratulate each other after.
USA and Canada had very respectable world cups recently.

So when are Rugby League and Rugby Union going to get together and form one Rugby?