Firefox Tweak


Elite Member
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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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I just found a site that shows you how to optimize your Firefox browser. If you are not comfortable messing with settings, proceed with caution. You can screw up your settings if you do it wrong. This being said, I did it with no problems.

My browser is MUCH faster, very noticeably. All you have to do is open a new tab and follow the directions exactly. DO NOT USE THE BRACKETS. It says that on the site, I'm just reinforcing it.

Also, I used copy and paste to make sure I got the spelling exact! Didn't want to screw anything up with a stupid typo.

Have fun with your *new* faster browser!
Great find Steph. Anything that makes the browser work faster is a bonus.

I have just done this, and it works a treat. I'm no pc-guru, so if I can do it, you can too. But.. (as Steph said) follow the instructions exactly. Copy and paste is the best way.

When you type in the first command [about:config] a box will pop-up asking you to be careful.. click ok, then just follow the sites instructions.

Just to re-inforce...
If you get this wrong while attempting these suggestions, you will screw your browser... proceed with great caution

I don't want to scare anyone off, just a friendly warning... BE CAREFUL.

Go for it, and enjoy quicker browsing. I guess, if it does screw up, you could un-install FF and reinstall again... But I'm sure you'll be ok.

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No-one else interested in trying this tweak??

I have noticed a great improvement, especially loading time for the forum here (always takes a while.. being so far away in Oz), but even some of our local Aussie sites are heaps quicker.

It's not hard to do, just follow the instructions provided in the link.

Do what we did, use copy and paste, saves making a screw up.


Agree: I just opened up another tab and toggled back and forth between the instructions and the active sheet. After a restart, FF works fine (so at least I didn't screw it up), hopefully it will work better!