Anyone good with graphics?


Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Boise, ID
I'm starting a website My goal is to have a 'one stop shop' to find useful information about motorcycling.

Forums are great for debate and all, but not so great for storing knowledge.

Anyway, I'm more of a coder than a designer so...If anyone has some photo shop skills I'd like to see your submission.
Requirements are that it will display well at 135x135 pixels and go well on a dark background. Should be a transparent png graphic.

The winner gets my gratitude and an attribution somewhere on the site.

Oh and you are all welcome to register and help make this site happen. Still in the very early stages of setting up but the sooner the better.

I think it would be great to have a place to direct newbies to the answers to the common questions that get asked over and over.
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I can do what I can to help in my off time over here in Iraq. I can use something to take my mind off of some very annoying things over here. I can design, but i just need to know some concept ideas.
Hmm I'm going with orange and dark gray for the colors scheme, but other than that Not sure what to tell you.
What is it that you want here? A header? A logo? A title page? Your request is very vague...

If you are starting a website, you should seriously consider hiring a graphic designer. If not, your website will probably look like it was designed by a programmer (no offense :D ) If I get a sec and if you give me some idea of what you are wanting, I'll mock something up though! Good luck with the site!
What is it that you want here? A header? A logo? A title page? Your request is very vague...

If you are starting a website, you should seriously consider hiring a graphic designer. If not, your website will probably look like it was designed by a programmer (no offense :D ) If I get a sec and if you give me some idea of what you are wanting, I'll mock something up though! Good luck with the site!

Ill repeat it a bit more slowly... I want a LOGO...Requirements are that it will display well at 135x135 pixels (wikipedia logo size) and go well on a dark background(the site will be gray orange and white themed). Should be a transparent png graphic.

If I had $1000 to pay someone to make a logo for a website that I don't plan on making any money with, believe me I wouldn't be asking for help here.

Other than that I don't have specific requirements. Use your imagination. Just something that looks bikeish. Maybe like an OCC type font. Just don't rip someone off directly.
I'm starting a website My goal is to have a 'one stop shop' to find useful information about motorcycling.

Forums are great for debate and all, but not so great for storing knowledge.

Anyway, I'm more of a coder than a designer so...If anyone has some photo shop skills I'd like to see your submission.
Requirements are that it will display well at 135x135 pixels and go well on a dark background. Should be a transparent png graphic.

The winner gets my gratitude and an attribution somewhere on the site.

Oh and you are all welcome to register and help make this site happen. Still in the very early stages of setting up but the sooner the better.

I think it would be great to have a place to direct newbies to the answers to the common questions that get asked over and over.

Ill repeat it a bit more slowly... I want a LOGO

Nowhere in your original post did you say you wanted a logo. Don't treat me like an idiot...doucebag.
Nowhere in your original post did you say you wanted a logo. Don't treat me like an idiot...doucebag.

Sorry if I wasn't more clear about this. I thought giving the dimensions and a link to the site with a 'insert your logo here' icon on it would have would have been enough of a hint, but your right, I didn't explicitly say logo.