Breaking Bad -- ok, it's a tv series


hot diggity
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Aug 10, 2008
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Austin, TX
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Anybody else watching this series? Despite the bleak subject -- a science teacher get cancer and decides to cook meth as a means to generate funds to leave his family -- it's really well done for a television series.
Yep, I think last season was better than this one but I still watch it. For those who don't know its on AMC.
I'm pretty hooked on it.

It's only really good if you watch it from the beginning (Season 1)
Yep - it's awesome. Being a chemist makes it even more fun to watch.

I was cringing the whole time the kid was carrying the hydrofluoric acid up the stairs. I knew it was going to end badly, and as soon as I realized that he was going to pour it in the tub, I knew what was going to happen...
I've never heard of it.:confused::iconbeer:

Well then get on it... While I'm not a fan of most t.v. this one's really worth a watch.

While I agree that it's kinda important to know the back-story, I still think one could follow along and "get" the story without it.

Like I said in my initial post, the subject matter isn't all that cheery, and the mood of the show is rather dark, but the cast is just amazing. The distrustful, moody wife, the wanna-be punk gangsta Jesse, the brother in law DEA guy. Just a really great cast and cast of characters.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's enjoying the show.
Well then get on it... While I'm not a fan of most t.v. this one's really worth a watch.

While I agree that it's kinda important to know the back-story, I still think one could follow along and "get" the story without it.

Like I said in my initial post, the subject matter isn't all that cheery, and the mood of the show is rather dark, but the cast is just amazing. The distrustful, moody wife, the wanna-be punk gangsta Jesse, the brother in law DEA guy. Just a really great cast and cast of characters.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's enjoying the show.
sounds like good t.v. too me!!!:D what network and time?
sounds like good t.v. too me!!!:D what network and time?

AMC sundays at 10pm

Season 1 is on DVD, but it's only 7 episodes. Season 2 which is airing right now is supposed to be 13 episodes. I hope it gets renewed again.

you can also find it at "alternate" sources
AMC sundays at 10pm

Season 1 is on DVD, but it's only 7 episodes. Season 2 which is airing right now is supposed to be 13 episodes. I hope it gets renewed again.

you can also find it at "alternate" sources
Thankyou,I will check it out tommorow night.:thumbup::D
It's one of my season pass shows on the dvr. The setup from last week is ominous, something horrible is about to happen. He is about to turn another corner and keep going.
i have never watched but it looks good. ever watch SOUTHLAND? that show is dumb seems like a weak knock off of THE SHIELD. just my opinion
The shield was a great show. Haven't heard of Southland.

My other favorite on network tv is Rescue Me. That and Breaking Bad are both really well done.
Walt is turning!!! He realized that his normal life sucks anyway, he was ready to die but now has to deal with his own mundain position in life and he can't do it anymore. He's tired of his wife bossing him around and treating him like a charity case, tired of his arrogant tough guy brother in law marginalizing him, he's tired of the disrespect. He came so close to dying, yet the "party" was for his wife, no one really cared about Walt, he was just some sickly guy in the background that no one really wanted to talk to. Now he wants recognition for being a drug king pin that has everyone fooled, and he's about to become drunk with power...

He will drive them away, they will turn on him, and he will use that as the excuse to pursue his new life.
Yeah, you can see Walt's getting drawn in by the potential power of the "rep" that his Heisenberg character is starting to build.

I'm waiting for how they resolve the two family members being on other sides of the law -- Walt and his DEA agent brother in law. The dea guy is going to have a serious meltdown...