Check this dude out

Pretty cool. He didn't get his knee down once??? :rof:

Great control, slow speed turns like that can be tough.

At the risk of off-topic, have you guys seen Ken Block in his WRX gymkhana practice... I know it's a car, but looks fantastic..

[ame=""]YouTube - Ken Block Gymkhana Practice[/ame]

I'll remove it if you want... not bike related.

I have seen that car thing too, it is insane how much control he has too.

It just goes to show that no matter how good i get at riding/driving there will always be someone that can put me to shame...
^ of course! i have the privealge to drive that car daily. LoL.

and these guys ride/drive all day long of every day and it's no wonder they can possess this kind of skill. (without sounding immature)

either way, both great videos and ken block is among my favorite drivers.
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Now this is what I want to see. Some crazy skill this dude got. I wish I could be as good as he is. But in time, maybe I will...:cheer:
That was amazing :eek:!!!! IF I remembered where to go, I would definitely hit the pavement at least.......a dozen times, not to mention every cone out there.

That guy has serious skills :thumbup:!!!
Awesome skills!! We have set up cones in the highschool parking lot here but nothing that extreme. About once every couple of months we set up cones and practice stopping and slow cornering.