Why you NEVER park your bike outside of a bar...


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Apr 17, 2008
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If I caught some drunk chick jumping on my bike, I thinks a good spankin' would be in order....:spank:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=386PedSaklM&feature=related"]YouTube - Drunk girl cant hold up motorcycle[/ame]
If I caught some drunk chick jumping on my bike, I thinks a good spankin' would be in order....:spank:

YouTube - Drunk girl cant hold up motorcycle
The thing that pisses me off is that they just run away. I hope they got caught.

When my bike was about two weeks new (to me) I parked it right out front of our local supermarket so I could see it from the check out.
This big hairy fecker started to look at it, before I could blink he had thrown his hairy arsed leg over it.
Unfortunately I forgot where I was. I ran to the window and banged on it. When he looked I shouted F'off. Then I remembered where I was oops.
I had to then get back in line and pay.
I mean how many off us would walk by a car, open a door and sit in the drivers seat to check for comfort? Thats why I got the alarm.


Damn drunks.

The bikes need the Scorpio alarm with proximity sensor... woulda scared the crap outta those slobs.


The thing that pisses me off is that they just run away. I hope they got caught.

When my bike was about two weeks new (to me) I parked it right out front of our local supermarket so I could see it from the check out.
This big hairy fecker started to look at it, before I could blink he had thrown his hairy arsed leg over it.
Unfortunately I forgot where I was. I ran to the window and banged on it. When he looked I shouted F'off. Then I remembered where I was oops.
I had to then get back in line and pay.
I mean how many off us would walk by a car, open a door and sit in the drivers seat to check for comfort? Thats why I got the alarm.



Just te reason i got my Scorpio alarm with proximity sensor and remote texting, everytime some tool go nears my bike...i work at the biggest club in our city, plus on the biggest night club strip in our city...

Just te reason i got my Scorpio alarm with proximity sensor and remote texting, everytime some tool go nears my bike...i work at the biggest club in our city, plus on the biggest night club strip in our city...

Sorry I hadn't finished, thinking about this has really p'ed me off.
My first big bike was an ER-5. Not flash, reliable and forgiving.
Avril and I used to live on the main street in and out of town. One night I came out to discover the bike laying on the floor.
I picked it up and the crankcase had been split, bars bent, mirror broken and dented tank. £900.00 to fix it.
I checked with the police to get the CCTV footage. I was informed that on that evening the cameras were off at our end of town.

I was pissed off.

I checked with the police to get the CCTV footage. I was informed that on that evening the cameras were off at our end of town.

I was pissed off.


Now THAT is just wrong. What is the point of having all these CCTV cameras around, if the bloody things are switched off :banghead:

We thought our company at work was doing us a favour when they installed camera's on the perimeter fence around the carpark, until someone had their car broken into, and we found out, the camera's aren't there for our vehicles, but to make sure no-one gets over the fence.

Now THAT is just wrong. What is the point of having all these CCTV cameras around, if the bloody things are switched off :banghead:

We thought our company at work was doing us a favour when they installed camera's on the perimeter fence around the carpark, until someone had their car broken into, and we found out, the camera's aren't there for our vehicles, but to make sure no-one gets over the fence.

Its all to do with finance, they only had enough CCTV operators to cover the cameras in the town center. Reading has about 30,000 people on the weekend drinking and fighting.

It sucks

I parked my Z1000 outside the Highway Inn one night(SA guys will know it ).Made the mistake of parking next to a Harley,came out and the Harley was gone and my bike wouldn't run properly,took a while to find out why but some ahole had pulled off 2 spark plug leads.To this day I reckon it was the Harley rider .
If I caught some drunk chick jumping on my bike, I thinks a good spankin' would be in order....:spank:

YouTube - Drunk girl cant hold up motorcycle

What people sadly just don't get, is that our bikes will newer be the same if they are repaired ......
It's bad enough if you dump it your self; but if someone else did it ......,- I would be in a very unforgiving mode.

+1 on the Alarm Nelly.
an alarm is in the winter plans, my last bike was knocked over one morning in the parking lot with a tire track leading up to it, i spent probably an hour and a half looking for the car that had matching treads. Never found it and it is probably a good thing, i am not sure what i would have done to the car if the owner denied it...

Luckily i have calmed down a good bit since then and realized that it is (after all) just a bike and can be repaired. AND it is insured so it could get fixed regardless...
Drunk chicks are the WORST.

What would be cool is a scorpio alarm, wired in with a stebel airhorn, combined with two of those alarmed disc locks. If you're not deaf, you are running the **** away.
I can't count the number of times I have caught people trying to get on my bike or someone elses. I generally approach them with, "would you mind if I sat in your car." When asked this questions I usually saw the WTF look and I calmly relpied with "that is why I don't want you sitting on my bike."

When I catch other Soldiers doing it I generally just berate them as I am part of the sensitive Army! :Flip:
I park in sight of my bike at the shops, Macca's, Deli...you name it. The only place I park where i can't see it really is major shopping malls, and i don't stay long.....I don't care if it's only a bikelol...Bikes can be repaired, people can':Flip:. It's my bike, stay the.... (expletive deleted)... away from it is my attitude. :rockon:

If somebody comes over and talks to me about my bike then I'm quite friendly:thumbup:....don't get me wrong...lol.

I parked at the beach once and found little sandy footprints on the tank and seat when I got back to the bike. A dad must have lifted his kid up there :eek:
I park mine where it can be seen and away from the main entrance, but I guess that would not stop someone from coming over to take a look and a quick sit down. After reading this, the alarm is sounding real good. I did not think of it as a pedestrian deter ant, just a theft deter ant. But makes sense.
Many years ago,me and a mate stopped at traffic lights in the center of town, next thing two drunken birds jump on the back of our bikes. We were still learners on 125 bikes !

It was bizzare trying to get them to get off. I can only imagine what would have happened if cops had come across the scene, do you reckon they would have believed us when we said what was happening. Bet we would have got done for carrying pillions, and without helmets too !
What the hell is wrong with people? I would never and have never even considered sitting on someone elses bike. Especially if I don't know who it belongs to. I'll check it over, see if they take care of it admire it, but no way am I going to get on it. Probably wouldn't even touch it. If you ask me it's a great way to get shot.
I'm with you... Looking and staring is one of the greatest forms of flattery, but if you put your hands on my bike I get to put my hands on you. Those chicks wanna ride something, then wait til I get out by y bike... Put a cover on that thing before you let them on... the bike I mean;)