2009 weight contest


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Feb 4, 2008
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Over the past few days members of the forum have been adding to threads explaining that they want to lose weight this year...

We have the 2009 mileage contest so how about the 2009 weight contest.

It is not to see who loses the most weight. But post your weight now and post the weight you would like to achieve. From time to time I will get this post up and see how we are all doing.

It just adds a bit of incentive and is probably more important than how many miles we drive.

I will start it off but PLEASE no nude photos for the before and after pics. :spank: :D

As of today I weigh 82.3kg that is 181.5 pounds and I want to lose 8kg or 17.5 pounds.

Who is brave enough to take up this challenge.??? :thumbup::thumbup:

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Steve, first off, i like your slippers :thumbup:, second off, if your pulling a 180 weight, then you are the last one to be worried about weight. i got 100lbs on you. im not showin a pic of my scale below yours
Current weight: 225 lbs
Goal weight: 200 lbs

I've done it before (and gained it back), so hopefully I can do it again. :D
Curent weight: 235
Goal weight: 199 which convienently works out to 3lbs/month

I was a runner in high school (only a few short years ago :( ), I was big for a runner at 185, but I lift more than run now, so I'd be happy being under 200.
Curent weight: 198
Goal weight: 165

Did it years ago during my first divorce from the evil wife, now going on 20 years with the good wife divorce is not an option. Got to find a new way to lose pounds, not going to be easy. Mmm ... think I'll have a little snack.
Current weight: 82 kg / 180.4 lbs
Goal weight: 86 kg / 189.2 lbs

That's right. I want to gain 4 kg. However 4 kg in pure muscle:) I have a high metabolism so it's a lot harder for me to gain muscle than lose fat so it's gonna be tough.. Might be fun to compare how much I can gain to how much you guys lose...:)
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current weight 300lb
goal weight 250
get agym memebership and now i work out at work also I'm giving myself until june to drop it
Current weight: 82 kg / 180.4 lbs
Goal weight: 86 kg / 189.2 lbs

That's right. I want to gain 4 kg. However 4 kg in pure muscle:) I have a high metabolism so it's a lot harder for me to gain muscle than lose fat so it's gonna be tough.. Might be fun to compare how much I can gain to how much you guys lose...:)

Chris to be eligible for this you have to put a naked photo on here, so the ladies can judge if you have gained the muscle. :thumbup:

I know this is long but there is some good advice IMO :) ...

EDIT: Was discussing this on another forum as well so I rewrote my advice to make it a little easier to read

Was 240 in April
Goal was 200 reached it in Sept
Was 206 in Jamaica in Nov
Now 217
Goal 180-190 with definition.


For anyone else looking to shed some pounds here is my advice, I am no weight lose guru nor do I suggest you start by choosing one. Unless you are a very driven person you will fail in your dieting goals mainly because you are setting unrealistic goals. You will NOT lose 30lbs in a month. You should be happy to lose 4lbs in a month. I already know what you are saying "4lbs a month, then why should I even bother?" Because you dolt 12 months of that and you will have lost 50lbs.

Start with minor changes because major ones will just make you want to quit that much sooner. Trust me going out and getting a gym membership and starting a new diet tomorrow is setting yourself up for failure for most people. First you can lie to everyone else but if you are going to lie to yourself be consistent. If you are going to round up how long you excercised then you MUST round up how many calories you ate.

Ok you have decided to take the first step. For the first few days do nothing different in regards to your diet and excercise but observe it. Pick a day or two and add up all the calories you are eating and don't subtract anything for excercising. Take three pictures of yourself front, back, and the dreaded side. Step on the scale and record your weight. Put those pictures, the calorie number, and the scale in a safe place for a month and ignore them.

The next thing to do is start making small changes and setting small goals. None of the goals should be in regards to the amount of weight you wish to lose.
1) Throw out all "high level" junk food ie candy, ice cream, chocolate and replace those with "medium" or "low" junk food ie pretzels, crackers, etc. Don't try to make the jump to fruits and vegetable snacks to start off, remember small changes small goals.
2) You must start some sort of cardio excercise. Jog, treadmill, do a video, or whatever for 5-10 minutes. Stop when you start to get too frustrated but try to do whatever it is to take your mind off of it, listen to music, read, I play xbox.
3) Try to do crunches and push-ups.
4) Your goals during this period should be to increase you excercise period or intensity and decrease your portions. Try to increase your excercise time by 10-30secs each time or if you went .5 miles last time in 10 mins go further in 10 mins. You can still eat the same foods just try to reduce their portions.
5) Don't think about fat content etc think about it right now as addition and subtraction. You were eating X calories but now you are eating X calories - junk calories - portion difference - excercise.
6) Try to excercise everyday... remember its starting at 10 mins

After a month pull out your pictures and numbers. Take and record new ones. If you didn't lie to yourself you should see postive results. Put these away again for a month. Now start to make more small changes to your diet where you can. Remember to think of it as addition and subtraction. Eat a candy bar one day and then try to burn those 200 calories off, I promise you will stop eating candy bars after RUNNING for an hour :) Keep increasing your cardio and get serious with the crunches and push-ups.

After the second month you can start thinking about a gym membership and making more dietary changes.

You aren't going to see huge changes immediately but if you didn't lie to yourself and started excercising just 10mins a day at the begining then you are hopefully doing 30-60 mins now and its easy because you didnt start out with that huge change. Eating a lot less junk food is probably easier when you start to realize to subtract what you just ate you would have to run for 10 times longer than if you just ate that carrot.

Speaking of carrots... try to find a reward at the end to hold your focus. Maybe its a reunion, maybe its a wedding, maybe it is a vacation in a bathing suit, or a new tattoo on your chiseled body ;) Everytime you start to slip think about how you will feel in that bathing suit or how your high school crush will look at you when you do succeed vs if you dont.

Good luck
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Current 213
Goal 180

I'm in the over 50 crowd and that adds another dimension to the weight loss equation. This is just a tip for you younger guys who have some extra pounds now - according to my doctor it takes roughly twice the effort to lose the weight at 50 than it would have at 30 - get rid of the flab sooner rather than later!

In my quest to lose the pounds I will be giving up the sacred golden liquid for the next 6 months - there's a bunch of extra calories and carbs there, especially since I drink craft beer or home brew exclusively (no Miller Light allowed in my firdge:D)

Good luck to all (myself included) :cheer:
OK, first off, I was planning on dropping some weight in 2009 (already dropped a whopping 3 lbs over the holidays), now weighing in at a stealth 286 lbs.:eek: Goal is to be less of a lard a$$, but anything in the 250 lb range would make me happy to start with. I hope putting the numbers out there publicly helps me stick with it.

Thanks for some added motivation,

Current weight - 155-160 lbs.
Desired weight - 170-175 lbs.

I'm underweight for my height and frame size because I blew off the gym for over 6 months.
Eighteen months ago I weighed 265, had a scare that sent me to the hospital (high BP), worked at getting my weight down to 221 through diet and exercise. I was on BP meds until my weight dropped and my BP dropped as well.

I've been slacking off, eating fast foods, snacking over the holidays. I just came back from the doctor and my weight is at 248. My BP is going back up as well. So for my new year's resolution I will not eat out at all. I also plan on using the treadmill.

Current weight: 248 lbs / 112.5 kg
Goal weight: 199 lbs / 90.3 kg
currently: 252
goal: 195

Do we have any kind of time frame for this one? I'm sure I'll be 195 at some point before I die :)