Christmas Tree Pics


FZ6 Junkie
May 25, 2008
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Clemson, SC
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well i thought with the holidays approaching, this would be a great time for everyone to show their decorations off. I will start off. The two pics are at my parents house(since i am still in grad school) and it is cell phone camera quality. :( Feel free to put any decorations pics up but at least your tree.
well, since it is our first year in the new house and we got cathedral ceilings in the living room we decided to get as big of a tree as we could. We went to a cut your own tree place last weekend and cut this 9 and a half foot tall christmas tree that is about 6 feet across. It is Huge but we love it!


Merry Christmas everybody!
We're going out to cut a tree this weekend. I'll post a pick once I've completed the decorations. Over the years, we've been collecting brass ornaments and we're fast approaching enough to fill the tree!

Thanks for sharing! Great thread!
Here's our's this year. The star on top just went out. All I do is wrap the lights, my wife and kids decorate.


Looks nice, but Christmas trees, already!! They must be really fresh or plastic otherwise you only have twigs when it's christmas :)
Looks nice, but Christmas trees, already!! They must be really fresh or plastic otherwise you only have twigs when it's christmas :)

Proper water and feed, you can keep a tree for a few months! BTW, they love a little whiskey in their water... keeps them greener and they lose less needles. ;)

We always cut a fresh tree, never bought one already cut. When you do get a cut one, you have to go home and prep everything and have the water ready. Then you cut at LEAST 3" off the base and immediately put it in the water. The tree will drink between 2 and 3 gallons in the first day before it is saturated so be SURE the water level stays high by checking often in the first few hours. In other words, don't set up a tree at night and go to bed! In the night, the water lever will fall below the base and guess what? The tree immediately starts to close the pores to protect itself and will not pull the proper amount of water when it finally gets more.

You can sometimes save a decorated tree by lifting it and while holding it, have someone drill 1/4" holes at a 45 degree angle into the bottm edge of the base toward the center of the tree. Drill 5 of 6 around the base then put it back into the stand and water well. These holes open new pores to drink from and you'll have a green tree until Christmas so long as you keep it watered!

These tips provided are from years of experience and growing up in the Pine Tree State of Maine. :steve:
Great idea for a thread.

My tree got fleeced in the split....but I'll see what I can come up with:thumbup:. Stay
:rof: Good effort Botch , ladies and gentlemen we have a WINNER :cheer::cheer::cheer:
I will put mine up on the traditional 12 days before x-mas just like the song lol.

I think Botch has the best one so far though. It looks like the Grinch's tree lol.
