I'm the **Expletive**


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2008
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Central Texas
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So I went to the movies last night, and I decided to ride my bike. Well I'm one of those guys that like to be as seen as possible when I ride, so usually wear all my gear, reflective vest, silver helmet, reflective tape on my tank bag, and both headlights are usually on. Anyhow as I pulled off the highway and I was riding on the access road, and some lady (texting on her cell phone of course) pulled out right in front of me. I was going about 45 at the time and I had to stop suddenly. I only have about 6 months of riding experience so it kind of scared the crap out of me. The rear wheel locked up on me but I managed to keep it straight and came to a screeching halt. When I got to the red light I pulled up next to her and knocked on the window to ask her if she saw me, thats when I saw her texting on the phone. Anyway... she called me an A$$hole and told me not to bang on her window! So I told her that she really shouldnt be texting on her phone while driving and she should pay more attention especially at night! She ended up giving me a half A$$ "sorry" and the light changed so I went my way and that was it.

I really wish people would be more considerate of others. I guess that is alot to ask for.

Just a little rant on my part.
So I went to the movies last night, and I decided to ride my bike. Well I'm one of those guys that like to be as seen as possible when I ride, so usually wear all my gear, reflective vest, silver helmet, reflective tape on my tank bag, and both headlights are usually on. Anyhow as I pulled off the highway and I was riding on the access road, and some lady (texting on her cell phone of course) pulled out right in front of me. I was going about 45 at the time and I had to stop suddenly. I only have about 6 months of riding experience so it kind of scared the crap out of me. The rear wheel locked up on me but I managed to keep it straight and came to a screeching halt. When I got to the red light I pulled up next to her and knocked on the window to ask her if she saw me, thats when I saw her texting on the phone. Anyway... she called me an A$$hole and told me not to bang on her window! So I told her that she really shouldnt be texting on her phone while driving and she should pay more attention especially at night! She ended up giving me a half A$$ \"sorry\" and the light changed so I went my way and that was it.

I really wish people would be more considerate of others. I guess that is alot to ask for.

Just a little rant on my part.

It seems like only yesterday (actually about 4 years ago) screaming "You almost killed me you stupid b****" , at a redlight.
You know, I had a very similar incident the other day.
I was making a left, my arrow turned green, I was the first in the lane and I pulled ahead. On the other side (across the road), a guy in a Ford Exploder makes a right into my lane coming head-on. I had to swerve hard left and go into the other side of traffic to avoid him (no cars). I pulled up next to him at the next light, asked him if he saw me and why he pulled ahead on a red when it was clear I had a green arrow. He started yelling at me "How do you know I didn't have a green light?" Simply put, because I did and they wouldn't make a green arrow go on the same time as a head on green. Duh?
"Funkin biker!" he retorts. At this point my anger started to swell, I put the kickstand down, and almost jumped off my bike. I mean really, the guy was all bent out of shape that I bugged him about almost killing me. I decided against it and just reminded myself that a$$sholes like that will get theirs. Karma is a bitch to people like that.

Glad you are ok, and kept calm. It's really hard with people like that.
good job handling the situation, i might have grabbed her phone and threw it down the road and then rode off...
That same situation with texters seems to happen pretty often in a lot of accidents... I read an article about that related to the level of accidents all aound the world... the numbers were scary... Too bad I don't really remember where I read that from...
I would seriously consider a shurieken star into the drivers window.........they fit nicely in your jacket pocket.......:rockon:

Ever considered a \"Stebel\" :D

You said you've only been riding for six months. You should practice on getting use to using your horn in these kinds of situations. Emergency braking is critical, but if you can do it along with using the horn, or perhaps if early enough, you can use the horn first. I will guarantee you that any driver will know that they just pulled out in front of you, especially if you have the horn mentioned above. No need to be pulling up next to them banging on the window and exchanging words. One blast from that horn and their phone will be on the floor while they say Holy ****e.
You said you've only been riding for six months. You should practice on getting use to using your horn in these kinds of situations. Emergency braking is critical, but if you can do it along with using the horn, or perhaps if early enough, you can use the horn first. I will guarantee you that any driver will know that they just pulled out in front of you, especially if you have the horn mentioned above. No need to be pulling up next to them banging on the window and exchanging words. One blast from that horn and their phone will be on the floor while they say Holy ****e.

Yup - the horn - it makes their eyes go real wide! :eek:
Dang! lol I guess I am not the only one who thought that was a messed up situation. I still get nervous on my bike at night especially on uneven highways but I try to be seen as much as possible.

When I was talking to her I kept thinking about Joey from friends when he was saying "never hit a woman, never hit a woman" lol
You said you've only been riding for six months. You should practice on getting use to using your horn in these kinds of situations. Emergency braking is critical, but if you can do it along with using the horn, or perhaps if early enough, you can use the horn first. I will guarantee you that any driver will know that they just pulled out in front of you, especially if you have the horn mentioned above. No need to be pulling up next to them banging on the window and exchanging words. One blast from that horn and their phone will be on the floor while they say Holy ****e.

I have only been riding a sport bike for about 6 months but then again my 1st bike was only a 230cc dual sport bike...

I did use the horn, but I dont think it made any difference. I should upgrade the horn. i did think about one of those railroad horns. I will check out that Stebel horn though.
Wot a coincidence....I just got a Stebel in the mail today :)

I had an incident last week in a parking lot (at very low speed thankfully), where a commercial van pulled out in front of me (he was turning right, I was going straight and had right-of-way). He never even looked left, not once. I pulled up cleanly about 4 feet from his door and lent on my horn to "alert" him as to my presence. You know what he did? Absolutely nothing!! He didn't even hear my horn....he just kept driving on his merry way, never once looking left, completely oblivious to my presence.

That decided it for me. The silly factory "meep-meep" horn is history. The 139dBA (@1m) Stebel is going on my bike this weekend. :rockon:

If you wanna do an install pic series that would be much appreciated. I have one on the way and know nothing of how to install it. Why did yam put such a ridiculously underpowered horn on here. GREAT BIKE, crappy quiet horn.
You handled that very well and calm. Me? I wouldn't have hit her but definitely would have told her where she could stuff the phone...
If you wanna do an install pic series that would be much appreciated. I have one on the way and know nothing of how to install it. Why did yam put such a ridiculously underpowered horn on here. GREAT BIKE, crappy quiet horn.

I can do that, no problem....look in the "mods" section on Sunday evening.

In this situation i like to practice the art of slowing down , having another look at the situation and then lining up my left boot with there side mirror and accelerating:D:D....... WHAMMO!!!!!!! mirror falls off they wake up to themselves and you keep riding.....LOL.......Well ive done it once but i think you probably handled it a lil betta , just glad no-one was hurt :thumbup: