All Obama supporters should watch this:

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Yes, I am.
May 24, 2008
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atlanta, ga
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Anybody who supports Barrack Obama and is a hard working productive member of society should watch this. For those of you who do not know what "redistribution of wealth" is, it is socialism. Socialism is the "plundering of the productive by the unaccountable to give to the unproductive." In other words, it is the opposite of capitalism, which rewards people who have the desire and drive to benefit our economy and society rather than pull it down and punish the productive. Barrack clearly indicates that he affirms taking money from the middle class/wealthy and giving it to the poor. If you dont believe me, just listen to his words for yourself.
[ame=""]YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered[/ame]

The logical end of this type of thinking is communism. That probably sounds extremely crazy but if do just a little bit of research you will find that the government already controls nearly every facet of our lives. If Barrack gets elected you mark it down as the beginning of the end of our country.

Edit: Taking out all offensive statements.
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I just listened to the whole show. Let's take a look at things in the US now:

-All the "productive" companies are putting the nation into a TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT
-Capitalism is beginning to suck you want to keep things the way they are now? There's a SLIM chance everything will upright itself.

OR do you want to change the standards? Hmm....

Here....go to this site:

...and click the REFRESH button a couple of times. Maybe it'll change your mind.
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Anybody who supports Barrack Hussein Obama and is a hard working productive member of society should watch this. For those of you who do not know what \"redistribution of wealth\" is, it is socialism. Socialism is the \"plundering of the productive by the unaccountable to give to the unproductive.\" In other words, it is the opposite of capitalism, which rewards people who have the desire and drive to benefit our economy and society rather than pull it down and punish the productive. Barrack Hussein clearly indicates that he affirms taking money from the middle class/wealthy and giving it to the poor and more specifically, black people.

Wow, so your going to base a video off someone's character. Real mature. As somebody whom is black, need I remind you that just because his skin is color is the same, take notice that he is BI-RACIAL or is your judgment that clouded that you bypassed that issue.

You need to go back to your ****ing cave where you belong and keep your racist comments to your self. It's people like you that divide America, not Obama.

And need I also say that I vote strongly republican but there is no way in hell I will vote for McCain/Palin after what George Bush did to this Nation nor would I vote for McCain/Palin after attending to some of their rallies.

I will proudly vote for Obama for real change. This so called Socialism as you call it is nothing more than what Republicans can come up with because they know it is done and over with. They use hate, drudge up shady BS for what gain? Nothing. You can't bring up an association with somebody when your EIGHT YEARS OLD. What 8 year old do you know, knows the difference between a "international terrorist" and a "domestic terrorist"

Seriously, I hope this gets locked before it goes any further than this. I'll be more than happy to take this in PM.
[COLOR=\"DarkGreen\"]I just listened to the whole show. Let's take a look at things in the US now:

-All the \"productive\" companies are putting the nation into a TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT
-Capitalism is beginning to suck you want to keep things the way they are now? There's a SLIM chance everything will upright itself.

OR do you want to change the standards? Hmm[/COLOR]

Without getting into a huge debate, nothing you said really makes any sense. Productive companies dont put a nation into debt. Government overspending puts a nation into debt. Our government believes it knows better what to do with our money than we do. Thats why we pay them over 25% of our income. Oh and guess what, companies pay half of the total income tax also, so the more workers they employ on the States side, the more money they have to shell out to this government to make sure that deadbeats get free housing and to make sure that our astronauts can drive across the moon in style while picking up rocks. Capitalism doesnt suck unless the goverment interferes.
So, to answer your question, no, I dont want things to stay like they are now, but if you think socialism is the answer then you must be currently living in government housing and I guess I'm supporting you with income.
Politics... :ban:

but if you think socialism is the answer then you must be currently living in government housing and I guess I'm supporting you with income.
:ban::ban::ban::ban: Do you not think before you talk?? I don't care much about politics but when your attacking members off the forum I think you deserve a nice long ban... btw REPORTED
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Wow, so your going to base a video off someone's character. Real mature. As somebody whom is black, need I remind you that just because his skin is color is the same, take notice that he is BI-RACIAL or is your judgment that clouded that you bypassed that issue.

You need to go back to your ****ing cave where you belong and keep your racist comments to your self. It's people like you that divide America, not Obama.

And need I also say that I vote strongly republican but there is no way in hell I will vote for McCain/Palin after what George Bush did to this Nation nor would I vote for McCain/Palin after attending to some of their rallies.

I will proudly vote for Obama for real change. This so called Socialism as you call it is nothing more than what Republicans can come up with because they know it is done and over with. They use hate, drudge up shady BS for what gain? Nothing. You can't bring up an association with somebody when your EIGHT YEARS OLD. What 8 year old do you know, knows the difference between a \"international terrorist\" and a \"domestic terrorist\"

Seriously, I hope this gets locked before it goes any further than this. I'll be more than happy to take this in PM.

Um, you totally missed my entire point. If you had any intelligence, you would know what that "so called" socialism is. If you are a productive member of society, then Obama wants to take from you and give to others. I was not being racist in any way shape or fashion. I merely stated that Obama is in all likelyhood trying to drudge up the some sort of "reparations" for black people and wants to take my dollar and support someone else with it.
Um, you totally missed my entire point. If you had any intelligence, you would know what that \"so called\" socialism is.

Calm Yourself... I don't care if you want to talk politics but leave the verbal attacks on the other members out of it... reported AGAIN :ban:
There is nothing logical about anything you just wrote. Why dont you try throwing around Hussein a few more times to solicit fear.

Actually, logic was at the center of my entire argument. If you would just open your mind for a second instead of assuming a certain presupposition about what kind of ulterior motives I might have. I assure you, I am not an "end justifies the means" kind of person. Just listen to what Obama says.:thumbup:
Politics... :ban:

:ban::ban::ban::ban: Do you not think before you talk?? I don't care much about politics but when your attacking members off the forum I think you deserve a nice long ban... btw REPORTED

So I guess others may voice their opinions but I cant voice mine? I'm not attacking anyone, I'm giving an example. Does nobody here care that your money is being taken from you and given to someone else? I mean, if you want to give your money to someone, great. I give money all the time. But there is a big difference between, me giving and having it taken from me. Suppose I do not want my money to be given to people who have the ability to work for it like I do.
Calm Yourself... I don't care if you want to talk politics but leave the verbal attacks on the other members out of it... reported AGAIN :ban:

I dont see where you reported him for his sarcstic and verbal attacks. Call it both ways if youre gonna call it.
So I guess others may voice their opinions but I cant voice mine? I'm not attacking anyone, I'm giving an example. Does nobody here care that your money is being taken from you and given to someone else? I mean, if you want to give your money to someone, great. I give money all the time. But there is a big difference between, me giving and having it taken from me. Suppose I do not want my money to be given to people who have the ability to work for it like I do.

I don't care what your opinion is or the next guys... Just don't verbally attack the other members and the whole barrack hussein thing... that is unnecessary... I don't care who your voting for or why but I hate it when people start to use improper language and verbally abusing each other over it... Its unneeded and uncalled for... and that goes for EVERYONE... Instead of arguing and b*tching at each other just use logical explinations and leave the "oh well you must be stupid" comments out of it... bottom line... don't be a :squid:

and btw I did... I'm not like the refs in the NBA :rof:

rant over
Without getting into a huge debate, nothing you said really makes any sense. Productive companies dont put a nation into debt. Government overspending puts a nation into debt. Our government believes it knows better what to do with our money than we do. Thats why we pay them over 25% of our income. Oh and guess what, companies pay half of the total income tax also, so the more workers they employ on the States side, the more money they have to shell out to this government to make sure that deadbeats get free housing and to make sure that our astronauts can drive across the moon in style while picking up rocks. Capitalism doesnt suck unless the goverment interferes.
So, to answer your question, no, I dont want things to stay like they are now, but if you think socialism is the answer then you must be currently living in government housing and I guess I'm supporting you with income.

Ahhh.. the old socialism schtic.

Tell me this, in detail how is Obama's Tax plan Spreading the wealth? Is he giving TAX REFUNDS to the unemployed? Is he giving TAX REFUNDS to the illegal aliens? Is he giveing TAX Payers money to anyone that is not a tax payer? ... no .. he is not. But John McCains health care plan is exactly that ... his $5000 dollar tax Credit is .. its completely refundable! He expects to give $5000 dollars to everyone one in the US that files a return... even if they did'nt even make $5000 to begin with... much less pay it in taxes. THATS REDISTIBUTION OF WEALTH. That is the core of socialism, not higher taxes for the wealthy, and lower taxes for the poor. Thats been the DEMOCRATIC agenda for ages.... and all of a sudden the person you support calls it socialism and you raise a brand and charge on. Stop, do some research, and support whomever you will because you chose to make an inteligent choice. Not because someone told you this or that is better.
OK, let's introduce a modicum of objectivity. I have a good friend with one of those growing companies. In fact, his company was the fasted growing in our highly productive county a couple of years a go. He typically grows at 25-40% per year, employing that many more people each year. He has run the numbers under an Obama presidency and projects that his growth would drop to zero. I suppose the counter-consideration is that the increase in taxes will go to help people who he might otherwise have employed.

I'm voting for McCain - not crazy about him, but I'm not going to hold him responsible for the current economic debacle either. And I do believe his motto: COUNTRY FIRST. I am not in the income category that would be hurt by Obama's policies. In fact, the solace I take is that if he is elected, I will personally do BETTER. But I believe the COUNTRY will be better served by rewarding productivity than penalizing it.
As I have found out in the past, Politics are not east to discuss on this
forum. However cooler heads can prevail, so everyone simmer down and
just calmly discuss politics if you like.( No slander or cussing allowed.)
Thank everyone in advance.
I have no real interest in US politics.
But if I had the choice of a young dynmamic guy and a guy who could peg out at any minute and leave the whole country in charge of something akin to a Barbie doll on acid. I know who I would vote for.

The fact alone that he chose her to be the potential vice president would make me change allegiance. Is he totally insane??

I am clearly an Obama supporter, alot of things influenced my choice, but one of the majors is his tax plan, and his idea of keeping jobs in the US. My company just sent 400 jobs to india, I don't care how you look at that its not good for the U.S. McCain supports companies doing whatever it takes to be profitable, such as out-sourcing, he's signed multiple bills that make outsourcing to india, manilla and a few other select countries tax deductable. That's taking jobs away from Americans and handing them to someone else. He is big buisness. And with his ties to the Bush family-Brown&Root-Haliburton, we will stay in as many wars as he can drum up. It's simply profitable for his intrests. Thats my belief anyway, If you dont know what Brown and Root is, I urge you to do some research. I believe one of the major issues with Gov now is that it's out of touch with the working man, Obama is closer to understanding our concerns than McCain.
Just so everyone is clear, I seriously did not mean this to end up as a cut throat debate. Im not for McCain or Republicans or Democrats or anything else, I only wish that people know the facts before voting. The media would have everyone believe that "Change" is all we need. Well perhaps that is true, but they would also have you believe that Obama's change is all there is, and that my friends is wrong. I would dare say that at least 50% of Obama voters do not know what he stands for or what he will do after he is elected.
I am clearly an Obama supporter, alot of things influenced my choice, but one of the majors is his tax plan, and his idea of keeping jobs in the US. My company just sent 400 jobs to india, I don't care how you look at that its not good for the U.S. McCain supports companies doing whatever it takes to be profitable, such as out-sourcing, he's signed multiple bills that make outsourcing to india, manilla and a few other select countries tax deductable. That's taking jobs away from Americans and handing them to someone else. He is big buisness. And with his ties to the Bush family-Brown&Root-Haliburton, we will stay in as many wars as he can drum up. It's simply profitable for his intrests. Thats my belief anyway, If you dont know what Brown and Root is, I urge you to do some research. I believe one of the major issues with Gov now is that it's out of touch with the working man, Obama is closer to understanding our concerns than McCain.

That was kind of one of my points though. Bush wanted to give tax breaks to larger companies so that they would have more incentive to keep jobs here. I mean the tax rate in India is comparatively non-existent to here (pardon my lack of research for the percentage). I totally agree with you that we should completely stop outsourcing jobs to India and production to China. I also agree that government is out of touch but it's with a motive. I believe Obama is only in touch with the "working man" so much as he gets their vote. Therein lies the problem with politicians.:eek:
I have no real interest in US politics.
But if I had the choice of a young dynmamic guy and a guy who could peg out at any minute and leave the whole country in charge of something akin to a Barbie doll on acid. I know who I would vote for.

The fact alone that he chose her to be the potential vice president would make me change allegiance. Is he totally insane??


I have to say, even though I will vote for McCain, I totally agree on the choice on VP. Even though I don't have a problem with her ideology, I do have a problem with her lack of expeience. If McCain croaks, it'll be "Excuse me Madame Mayor, uh, I mean President."
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