State Troopers give differing advice on lane splitting


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Jul 4, 2008
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I always said I wouldn't do it, but today I made the mistake. There was a big accident on a main road and traffic was at a stop. The temp gauge on my bike was very close to H after 15 minutes, which concerns me. I was stopped at a bit of an angle so I could use my mirror to watch for cars and so I could move out of the way if needed. After the second time I heard skidding tires behind me, I decided it probably was truly safer to lane split. Just last week a few of us at work were discussing this. A State Trooper told my boss that if he was going to do it and traffic was stopped, he should use the shoulder. I've also talked to Dallas PD officers who suggested it. So I proceeded at 10-15 mph. Keeping an eye out for any sudden movements from the cagers. As I approach the scene of the accident, one ST waves me past... a second (he was way off of the shoulder in the grass) starts waving his hands and motions toward his car. I guess I could have pretended not to see him (since the first had wave me past), but I'm just to honest. After I stop, he starts talking loudly about "You see that traffic boy. You should be sitting in it." I tried to explain why I had decided to do it, but he turned around. My guess is he just doesn't like motorcycle riders (especially anything that look sporty). So next week I get to go talk to the DA about it, and I won't be doing it again.
There is absolutely no problem lane splitting in ZA and it’s not illegal as long as it’s safe to do so. Most cagers get upset during peak hour traffic and try to block the tweelies :Sport:cruising between the cars. The main risk is our minibus taxis, a law unto themselves, their passengers often hop out in busy traffic without looking and get connected. One ninja down 40 million to go.
What you were doing was not considered lane splitting ( IMO ). That was no different than a cager driving along the shoulder bypassing traffic, just like you. Thats not even permissable in California, where lane splitting is allowed.
shoulda gone down the centre between the cars they never would have been able to catch you if u pretended not to notice them

honesty claims another victim....
Every state has different laws regarding lane splitting. In Utah is illegal. In CA is only legal if traffic is going less than 30 mph.
But riding the shoulder is illegal in every state (unless otherwise posted). Sorry to hear about your luck, I do it myself but I know if I get caught it'll be a ticket...
In CA is only legal if traffic is going less than 30 mph.

This is actually not true, but an unwritten suggestion. The whole reason that lane-splitting is not illegal in California is that there is nothing written about it in our laws. By this, since it is not explicitely stated to be illegal, it is by default legal so long as the basic speed law is not being violated.
I would never ride on the hard-shoulder. For one it will be covered in crap waiting to give you a puncher. Filter between the 2 outside lanes, it's the safest as it's where people expect you to be (in Europe at least).
This is actually not true, but an unwritten suggestion. The whole reason that lane-splitting is not illegal in California is that there is nothing written about it in our laws. By this, since it is not explicitely stated to be illegal, it is by default legal so long as the basic speed law is not being violated.

Funny, the Statey I talked to told me it's only ok if traffic is going under 30mph. Yet another case of differing advice.
I always said I wouldn't do it, but today I made the mistake. There was a big accident on a main road and traffic was at a stop. The temp gauge on my bike was very close to H after 15 minutes, which concerns me. I was stopped at a bit of an angle so I could use my mirror to watch for cars and so I could move out of the way if needed. After the second time I heard skidding tires behind me, I decided it probably was truly safer to lane split. Just last week a few of us at work were discussing this. A State Trooper told my boss that if he was going to do it and traffic was stopped, he should use the shoulder. I've also talked to Dallas PD officers who suggested it. So I proceeded at 10-15 mph. Keeping an eye out for any sudden movements from the cagers. As I approach the scene of the accident, one ST waves me past... a second (he was way off of the shoulder in the grass) starts waving his hands and motions toward his car. I guess I could have pretended not to see him (since the first had wave me past), but I'm just to honest. After I stop, he starts talking loudly about \"You see that traffic boy. You should be sitting in it.\" I tried to explain why I had decided to do it, but he turned around. My guess is he just doesn't like motorcycle riders (especially anything that look sporty). So next week I get to go talk to the DA about it, and I won't be doing it again.

That sucks. The simple fact that your actually safer lane splitting in times like that didn't even enter into his mind? Sometimes people follow the law too closely. Its illegal to drive in bus lanes here but I still do it...the Gardai dont say anything against it (for the most part). If that were me, i'd park the bike up and go back to the first state trooper that waved you by and ask him why he didn't pull you in, and then ask the second why he pulled you in...get the answer there and then. There should be a black and white, and no grey area when it comes to simple rules of the road like this one.

Would make life alot safer and easier for us bikers. Sure the fumes of the cars in front, behind and beside you would have you on the ground in no time.
Funny, the Statey I talked to told me it's only ok if traffic is going under 30mph. Yet another case of differing advice.

Yep, that is the general understanding here as well under the "safe speed law", but it is not specifically written anywhere at to if this is legal vs illegal or what speed it is legal to be done it. This is why if you get a ticket in california for lane splitting, you can easily argue it by arguing that your speed was safe for the given conditions under the safe speed law and it is up to the officer to prove you wrong. Remember, innocent until proven guilty.:thumbup:
I would be more upset with a cop calling me "boy". That's really condescending and IMO is a red flag for someone who would abuse their power.
As many have posted here - you were not lane splitting - you were illegally cruising in the shoulder while your vehicle was not in an "emergency state". If I'm in my big ass truck (which is as rare as a bigfoot sighting) last thing I want while rolling into an emergency shoulder, is worrying about anybody in my blinders using that stopping lane as a right of way lane, including us riders. We all take risks out there (some of us more than others :)), so be ready to pay the consequences. Do the crime, do the time..

Lane splitting in Cally is like breathing - its a no brainer, and I don't even think twice about it. Its proper riding technique out here, in fact a rider sitting in traffic and not splitting is kind of considered a pussy!!! People look at you like you can't ride if you are snailing with traffic on a bike. At least while I ride, (provided drivers see you) anticipate you making that move on the inside of the cages and seperate most of the time. It's amazing what state lines can do to seperate mini-cultural acceptance of such activity. Lane splitting is perfectly acceptable out here, and most of the time expected!!

So vote NO on "Flat Lining" (dying sucks) and vote YES to "White Lining", this message sponsored and approved by CWLA (California White Liners Assocation). Hey could be........????

you were illegally cruising in the shoulder while your vehicle was not in an \"emergency state\".

You know, I was wondering about that. Last time I was stuck in traffic and my bike was getting too hot and my fans were constantly cycling and draining the battery, was that an emergency? What about the constant threat of cages slamming into you? The sound of tires squealing? Is that an emergency situation?
I guess that's something the judge would have to decide...:(
You know, I was wondering about that. Last time I was stuck in traffic and my bike was getting too hot and my fans were constantly cycling and draining the battery, was that an emergency? What about the constant threat of cages slamming into you? The sound of tires squealing? Is that an emergency situation?
I guess that's something the judge would have to decide...:(

Constant threat of cages slamming into you??? You have no business driving on a street period if that's an emergency, time to put your keys down. Battery draining because your bike is overheating, you must have a poorly maintained bike with low fluid and a cheap electrical system, a properly maintained motorcycle will regulate the temperatures within operating temperatures in the worst of conditions... The sound of tires squealing - again, time to put your keys down and start taking the bus buddy - all the items you speak of are part of the the driving and riding experience.

If your shiiaat, ain't on fire, smokes not spewing from your headers, steam not showering from your radiator or a deer's antlers stuck in your front forks, and you don't plan to STOP - you ain't got no bizzzznesss in that lane, period. Now if you are whitelining - the above dosen't apply :) just kidding.