poor biker. idiot biker.

Yep one a wheelie first thru a green light and one a nonstopper at a red light. Kind of a match made in heaven. Always gotta look and make sure there isnt some asshat trying to kill you when it turns green.

On that note its harley drag weekend at beech bend again. Liquor stores and bars are full of harleys. I had a group of them pull out of a bar at 12 freaking 30 two of them unable to even pull out into one lane of a fourlane. I was passing in the fast lane and got to share one side of my lane with a drunk asshat on a harley and the other side with a dumb redneck in a giant lifted truck with stupid freaking giant wheels on coming in my lane. It was freaking wonderful.

I am sorry to those of you that own harleys. I really apoligise for this. Please if you are a part of this forum understand that you are more than likely not included.

80% of Harley riders are the biggest bunch of freaking asshats ever. Stupid attitude, no gear, horrible riders, on crappy overpriced bikes, with insanely loud pipes, and stupid toothless ugly whores on the back.

If you dont believe me, come to bowling green ky this weekend and see for yourself. Its twice a year.
I swear to God almost every liquor store and bar in town is open and full of bikes packing themselves and the bikes full.

I will just shut up now. Please excuse my offtopic rant. But I just about got ran into a truck by a asshat on a harley leaving a bar at 1230 who cant even turn out of the bar in a whole lane when the nonriding idiot is already pointed that direction.

Also they dont wave.
That actually looked kind of cool - almost, somehow graceful for an accident. Hope they weren't seriously injured except for the pride.
80% of Harley riders are the biggest bunch of freaking asshats ever. Stupid attitude, no gear, horrible riders, on crappy overpriced bikes, with insanely loud pipes, and stupid toothless ugly whores on the back.

Also they dont wave.

Loved your rant!:rof:
would agree but you forgot to mention that the harley is the most expensive thing they own. Their truck is either a chevy or a ford that is pre 1990. all rusted out. and they live in a trailer that has had a roof built over it.... lol..... oooo and they put that harley on a home made or cheap crappy open trailer and tow it where ever they are headed......
would agree but you forgot to mention that the harley is the most expensive thing they own. Their truck is either a chevy or a ford that is pre 1990. all rusted out. and they live in a trailer that has had a roof built over it.... lol..... oooo and they put that harley on a home made or cheap crappy open trailer and tow it where ever they are headed......

Twenty years ago, maybe... ;)
Yep one a wheelie first thru a green light and one a nonstopper at a red light. Kind of a match made in heaven. Always gotta look and make sure there isnt some asshat trying to kill you when it turns green.

On that note its harley drag weekend at beech bend again. Liquor stores and bars are full of harleys. I had a group of them pull out of a bar at 12 freaking 30 two of them unable to even pull out into one lane of a fourlane. I was passing in the fast lane and got to share one side of my lane with a drunk asshat on a harley and the other side with a dumb redneck in a giant lifted truck with stupid freaking giant wheels on coming in my lane. It was freaking wonderful.

I am sorry to those of you that own harleys. I really apoligise for this. Please if you are a part of this forum understand that you are more than likely not included.

80% of Harley riders are the biggest bunch of freaking asshats ever. Stupid attitude, no gear, horrible riders, on crappy overpriced bikes, with insanely loud pipes, and stupid toothless ugly whores on the back.

If you dont believe me, come to bowling green ky this weekend and see for yourself. Its twice a year.
I swear to God almost every liquor store and bar in town is open and full of bikes packing themselves and the bikes full.

I will just shut up now. Please excuse my offtopic rant. But I just about got ran into a truck by a asshat on a harley leaving a bar at 1230 who cant even turn out of the bar in a whole lane when the nonriding idiot is already pointed that direction.

Also they dont wave.

But how do you really feel wrightme43????
Yep, that is the reason I quit being in a hurry to jump out from the signal.Damn red light runners.

Trust me there are more Harley's in Reno this weekend for Butt Vibrations (ok they call it street vibrations, I just changed it a little). We're talking thousands of those expert bikers.
A couple of weeks back during a trip on my FJR I rode with a friend on his Harley in Montana for a few hours. He comented he was cornerning as fast as he could while I was thinking - I have never cornered so slow.
We call Harley's butt jewelery.
Yep one a wheelie first thru a green light and one a nonstopper at a red light. Kind of a match made in heaven. Always gotta look and make sure there isnt some asshat trying to kill you when it turns green.

On that note its harley drag weekend at beech bend again. Liquor stores and bars are full of harleys. I had a group of them pull out of a bar at 12 freaking 30 two of them unable to even pull out into one lane of a fourlane. I was passing in the fast lane and got to share one side of my lane with a drunk asshat on a harley and the other side with a dumb redneck in a giant lifted truck with stupid freaking giant wheels on coming in my lane. It was freaking wonderful.

I am sorry to those of you that own harleys. I really apoligise for this. Please if you are a part of this forum understand that you are more than likely not included.

80% of Harley riders are the biggest bunch of freaking asshats ever. Stupid attitude, no gear, horrible riders, on crappy overpriced bikes, with insanely loud pipes, and stupid toothless ugly whores on the back.

If you dont believe me, come to bowling green ky this weekend and see for yourself. Its twice a year.
I swear to God almost every liquor store and bar in town is open and full of bikes packing themselves and the bikes full.

I will just shut up now. Please excuse my offtopic rant. But I just about got ran into a truck by a asshat on a harley leaving a bar at 1230 who cant even turn out of the bar in a whole lane when the nonriding idiot is already pointed that direction.

Also they dont wave.

Freakin Steve!! dude, I love your posts man....... :) so right on, its sickening.

Coming from the cruiser scene myself, I can tell you your percentile theory of asshats (I'm going to start using that by the way :)) is in fact statistical perfection. I hated that crowd, stayed away from them but liked the machines and artistic craftsmanship of the chopper scene. The fellas I rolled with were younger custom bikers (3guys), of whom most had sportbikes and dirtbikes and were anti-asshat. They could ride big time. None of them were squids. Harley guys in general are about as cookie cutter with their german brain bowls, as the little leather girly streamers that hang from their over priced handlebar ends (god dammit that's gay!!!!). And that was only on the weekends. During the week - those same pricks, put on their tie, and dress clothes to go do some accounting work in the office with their mercedes parked out front.

Acting like they were really hardcore bikers on the weekends.........

Come on, its the same crowd that thinks Chaps belong on a bike instead of strapped on an S&M Homesexual. Enough said. enough said.

Thanks king of france!!! BTW - yeah, they don't wave, happened just today, I made sure Mr. Billy Bad ass i dont' talk to sportriders ate my exaust fumes and a couple of pieces of rubber upon my exit.

I got so sidetracked by 43's input, I didn't comment on this crazy video.

Accidents do happen. I have seen 1000s on the net and can honestly say it is never the fault of the weather or the road or the bike.
A slight error of judgement can cause an accident and that is just a fact of life.
Most of the accidents that you see on the net are caused by idiots like this.
Lets hope the members of this forum can learn a lesson by this.
