The disgusting thread!



Post something that you've seen people do or have heard of doing that is disgusting.

My sister in-law went over to a friends house to see her 2 week old baby. The girl is holding her baby in one arm and holding a bottle in the other. She then noticed that her baby had a booger in his nose. Instead of putting the bottle down to clean his nose, she put her mouth over the baby's nose, sucked the booger right out and swallowed it. My sister in-law started gagging and said OMG what is wrong with you?!?!? The girls says....well, when you have kids, you'll understand.

Why do people do sick sh*t like this? It just blows my mind!
Disgusting is: my colleague who breaks wind almost at will and seems to regard it as an achievement.
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Post something that you've seen people do or have heard of doing that is disgusting.

My sister in-law went over to a friends house to see her 2 week old baby. The girl is holding her baby in one arm and holding a bottle in the other. She then noticed that her baby had a booger in his nose. Instead of putting the bottle down to clean his nose, she put her mouth over the baby's nose, sucked the booger right out and swallowed it. My sister in-law started gagging and said OMG what is wrong with you?!?!? The girls says....well, when you have kids, you'll understand.

Why do people do sick sh*t like this? It just blows my mind!
That is gross, I hate to think what she does with the poop.

when I was in highschool I was cutting class and walked into the school bathroom. there was this dude squating in the middle of the room pants down pinching a loaf in the middle of the floor. I was like dude WTF and I kid you not the moon fish swam back upstream as he tried to pull up his pants and run out of the room.

I bet he was the same guy that used to write on the walls with crap.:confused:
At my old apartment complex's pool, some mom decided it would be ok to change her baby's diapers at poolside. (That part's no big deal.)


You can suck your kid's boogers all day long for all I care, but don't make me swim in baby shiat.
Was told a story about a guy that worked as a fisherman during the summer. At the end of summer, he had built up a thick layer of callouses on his hands. At that point he would sit down and peel off the thick layer on his hands, put it all into a ball, throw it in his mouth and eat it.:eek:
Wow. Some truly sick stuff...
Ok, I work with thrid graders all day long so you can imagine I see and hear of my share of sick.. But the one that takes the cake:
We just had a birthday celebration, the parents bought chocolate doughnuts for treats. A kid comes up to me with chocolate all over his face (like most of them have at this point). I tell him "go wash your face you have chocolate all over it." He wipes some off with his finger and tastes it. Then he says (with a sick look on his face) "I never had a treat, I just came back from the bathroom."
Wow. Some truly sick stuff...
Ok, I work with thrid graders all day long so you can imagine I see and hear of my share of sick.. But the one that takes the cake:
We just had a birthday celebration, the parents bought chocolate doughnuts for treats. A kid comes up to me with chocolate all over his face (like most of them have at this point). I tell him \"go wash your face you have chocolate all over it.\" He wipes some off with his finger and tastes it. Then he says (with a sick look on his face) \"I never had a treat, I just came back from the bathroom.\"

OMFG....please tell me he was joking with you!!!! That is beyond disgusting!
I forsee this thread getting very disturbing...

I'm surpised it hasn't got completely out of hand either, but the day has just began :) - keep'm coming folks! Janette, you'll have to warn me of the baby booger eater if she ever shows to a party, I might have some gum under my shoe that might tickle her fine palette of tast buds... My goodness.

Danny - peak a poo... I see you. Funny story bro.

Post something that you've seen people do or have heard of doing that is disgusting.

My sister in-law went over to a friends house to see her 2 week old baby. The girl is holding her baby in one arm and holding a bottle in the other. She then noticed that her baby had a booger in his nose. Instead of putting the bottle down to clean his nose, she put her mouth over the baby's nose, sucked the booger right out and swallowed it. My sister in-law started gagging and said OMG what is wrong with you?!?!? The girls says....well, when you have kids, you'll understand.

Why do people do sick sh*t like this? It just blows my mind!

:eek: EWWWW! We have kids and I am certain the thought to suck snot out of an infant's nose has never crossed our minds. Now, either this girl is incredibly lazy or she loves boogers.
Here's a dandy... true deer lease story. One guy has to go crap while out hunting. It's very cold and everyone has camo overalls on. Well this guy
drops his camos and squats over a log and relieves himself.
When he pulls up his camos the poo poo ran all down inside and all over him.
He didn't clear his overhalls!!
If it were warm, he could have jumped in a pond, but no it was freezing.
Time to just chunk everything and go to the laundromat.
That guy was not allowed back. OOOh!!
This happened to me. A few years ago I started having these phantom like smells, meaning that I would get a wiff of somthing every now and again and could not figure out where it was coming from. Even after I would get out of the shower I would get a wiff of this smell. This went on for about a month or 2, then one day as I got out of the shower I was drying my hair and moved the towell across my face and there it was again. I found out that it was coming from this lump that I had under my ear. It wasn't that noticable but it was a little bigger then a quarter and stuck out almost a 1/2 inch.

I go to the doctors and they lance it(cut a hole) in the lump and they start pushing and squeezing, I'm not sure what came out since I couldn't see it but the smell was :eek:.

(now for the gross part)

The doctor told me to go home and push and squeeze on it (like a pimple) to see if I could get more of the infection out.

I get home go into the restroom and start sqeezing and nothing comes out for like 15 seconds and then POP, it looked like a huge zit just popped all over my mirror, which was about 2 feet away (not groosed out yet, well just keep reading)

I clean off the mirror (while gagging) and start squeezing again, this time I almost puked. As soon as I started squeezing it looked like a horror movie, I had a solid stream of blood and some other fluid shooting out about 4 feet and hitting the wall.

Needless to say after I cleaned the last part up I didn't squeeze it any more, I ended up having surgery to remove the rest of what ever else was in there.