Got my Airhawk cushion on Friday


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Jul 8, 2008
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Raleigh, NC
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I'm a new member here, and want to share my experience of my new airhawk seat cushion.

After 1 hour of riding my butt and lower back get quite sore, so I was looking for ways to minimize the discomfort on my 06 FZ6. After reviewing different options, I opted for the airhawk small cruiser model.

I couldn't test it yesterday as Hanna was blowing through Raleigh, so today I rode for 4 hours and absolutely no pain! I could have easily gone a few more hours.

It is not a perfect fit for the FZ6, but close. Getting the air level right took several tries and I adjusted several times during the course of my riding. The mounting straps go under the seat, and aren't the greatest fit, and cosmetically it is less than stellar - however it works absolutely amazing. I highly recommend this to any rider who finds the FZ6 seat to be too hard or uncomfortable.

This is the one I got, though bought it new on ebay for less:
AIRHAWK Seat Cushion - Small Cruiser Seating System w/Cover - The ROHO Store

I also put grip puppies on which help reduce that vibration we have all come to know.

Overall, these additions greatly improve the comfort of the FZ6 and I look forward to extended riding now.

That's alot of money! out of curiosity, why didn't you just get a corbin? or modify your stock?

I do hope it work sout for you though... let us know!


Put up pics too!
I read mixed reviews on the Corbin. Some users state the seat is too hard, though I like the look of it. The price point is also pretty high. I looked at the Yamaha gel seat as well as modding my existing seat with different foams and gels.

Based on my research, foams and gels aren't going to provide the same level of comfort and pressure point relief as the airhawk. It is expensive, but I bought mine from an authorized reseller on ebay for $124.00 plus shipping, so that was pretty good.

I have a memory foam back rest cushion which I sat on the bike. It definitely made the ride more comfortable, but the airhawk gives me a better weight distribution and I don't feel any pressure points. Modding my seat with memory foam was my 2nd choice, but when it is cold out, the foam gets hard and inflexible. Plus, when hot out, that foam does not breath, so things got pretty sweaty down there. The airhawk design allows for some air circulation.

One other upside, the airhawk is portable, so can be used on any bike.

Man - I feel like a rep for airhawk :)

I'll get some pics posted soon.
"The airhawk is portable and can be used on any other bike"

I assume it must have straps. At that price it will probably end up being used on someone elses bike, after it has been stolen from yours.

I have the Yamaha lowered seat and it is brilliant for long, long rides or a hop around the block. It also looks a lot better than a black egg box, sorry just my opinion.

\"The airhawk is portable and can be used on any other bike\"

I assume it must have straps. At that price it will probably end up being used on someone elses bike, after it has been stolen from yours.

I have the Yamaha lowered seat and it is brilliant for long, long rides or a hop around the block. It also looks a lot better than a black egg box, sorry just my opinion.


I guess you didn't read his entire post... He mentions it uses straps to stay put...
The straps go under the seat, but unclip at the sides, so yes it could easily be stolen. My riding pattern does not lend to being in places where theft is an issue. If I was in unfamiliar territory, I could easily unclip it, roll it up and carry it in my helmet.

If I get ambitious enough, I may mod my seat so the cushion is installed under the vinyl, giving a somewhat cleaner look and theft proof. I'll let you know if I go this route.
PS - yes it does look like black egg shells - LOL, but comes with a cover. One side is a rubbery material to minimize slipping on the seat, and the top is a cloth like material. You can see from this picture, the loops in the front of the cover to strap the device down.

I got a few more hours in today, and still can't believe the comfort. I am not affiliated with this company, and not getting any kick back for writing a positive review (wish I was though).
Anyway, this link to the manufactures site explains the how the product works. About Us - ROHO Shape Fitting Technology - The ROHO Store

Cosmetically, this is ugly, but I am happy with the results. I hope it doesn't get stolen :)
I'm thinking of adding a beaded cushion on long trips (making my own from a car seat from Walmart). Ugly as hell, but long distance riders claim they really work. Better ventilation apparently.

Of course the stock seat doesn't really bother me for the first 800 miles or so...

The best investment comes from Biking shorts make a HUGE, HUGE difference.
I opted for something similar- the crazy creek air pillow from Amazon, for $15. Pretty happy with it, though I'm sure the airhawk is better.
Well, I finally got adventurous and decided to mount the airhawk cushion under the seats' vinyl cover.

After obtaining an electric staple gun from Lowes, I removed the fastening staples from the seat.

It was apparent I just couldn't place the airhawk on the existing foam and recover it. I ended up filleting and shaping the foam on the driver's portion of the seat, reducing it by approx 3/4"

After testing the airhawk on the modified seat, while sitting on the bike, I ensured the inflation level is where I wanted it.

I then replaced the vinyl cover and secured with the electric staple gun.

It fits great, though the vinyl does look a bit disfigured due to the egg shell surface of the airhawk.

With the resulting mod, I sit the same height as before, the cushion does not slip around and I don't have to worry about theft; and less concerned about looks. In fact, it feels more secure now, vs sitting on top of the seat, when cornering.

The only drawback is the inflation valve is under the seat, so no fine tuning. Worst case, I can remove staples from a few inches of the seat and access the valve.

Still feels great on the butt and lower back.

When I get a moment, I'll snap some pix of what the seat looks like now.

Well, I finally got adventurous and decided to mount the airhawk cushion under the seats' vinyl cover.

After obtaining an electric staple gun from Lowes, I removed the fastening staples from the seat.

It was apparent I just couldn't place the airhawk on the existing foam and recover it. I ended up filleting and shaping the foam on the driver's portion of the seat, reducing it by approx 3/4\"

After testing the airhawk on the modified seat, while sitting on the bike, I ensured the inflation level is where I wanted it.

I then replaced the vinyl cover and secured with the electric staple gun.

It fits great, though the vinyl does look a bit disfigured due to the egg shell surface of the airhawk.

With the resulting mod, I sit the same height as before, the cushion does not slip around and I don't have to worry about theft; and less concerned about looks. In fact, it feels more secure now, vs sitting on top of the seat, when cornering.

The only drawback is the inflation valve is under the seat, so no fine tuning. Worst case, I can remove staples from a few inches of the seat and access the valve.

Still feels great on the butt and lower back.

When I get a moment, I'll snap some pix of what the seat looks like now.


Takes some pics :spank: :thumbup:
I have the Corbin seat, a Pro Pad, and an Airhawk. Around town, I'm happy with just the Corbin. The stock seat was torture for me even on short rides. The Corbin is good. BTW - I got it used on ebay for a couple hundred bucks. The Pro Pad was added for some trips, and is good for a 300+ mile day, but that is about it. For longer days, I use the Pro Pad under the Airhawk. The combination is good for all day, but I don't like the squish feel of the thing. Most of my riding is the commute of about 40 miles one way, so the Propad is great for that. I hope this helps.

Ride safe...
Well, I finally got adventurous and decided to mount the airhawk cushion under the seats' vinyl cover.

After obtaining an electric staple gun from Lowes, I removed the fastening staples from the seat.

It was apparent I just couldn't place the airhawk on the existing foam and recover it. I ended up filleting and shaping the foam on the driver's portion of the seat, reducing it by approx 3/4"

After testing the airhawk on the modified seat, while sitting on the bike, I ensured the inflation level is where I wanted it.

I then replaced the vinyl cover and secured with the electric staple gun.

It fits great, though the vinyl does look a bit disfigured due to the egg shell surface of the airhawk.

With the resulting mod, I sit the same height as before, the cushion does not slip around and I don't have to worry about theft; and less concerned about looks. In fact, it feels more secure now, vs sitting on top of the seat, when cornering.

The only drawback is the inflation valve is under the seat, so no fine tuning. Worst case, I can remove staples from a few inches of the seat and access the valve.

Still feels great on the butt and lower back.

When I get a moment, I'll snap some pix of what the seat looks like now.


Um just a silly thought i had, what if you are on a road trip and it springs a leak ? Sorry i always think worst case