forum tribute



Can you ask danny how I can upload video to google, I would hate to miss the next production. Being a Leo im totally vainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

He's sleeping like a little baby right now. He will be up soon and he'll let you know. :thumbup:
(maybe I'll wake him up in a loving way) (if you know what I mean ;) )


uploading a video on google

to upload a video go to Google register an account, its free.
by clicking on the "sign in" at the top right corner on the screen. sign up and log in. than click on "my account", that will bring up another screen, under "my services" you'll see the option "video". click on that and it will take you to "upload video program" I use the web based uploader. click on "upload your video". browse your computer and find the video you want to share, give it a title and description, select a catagory. I've made all of the video's I've done unlisted with exception of the FZ6-Forum video. once the upload is complete there will be a delay before the video goes live. once its live send me the link and I'll be able to download it to my PC and add it to my next video I make. I chose google because it gives you the option to download the video as well as just veiw it. ok now get to work!!!:thumbup: