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2008 Mileage Contest!


Touring Mod
Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
Lexington, NC
Visit site
OK guys lets get this going. Its a bit late to start, but considering that some you canadians are still in the snow, it might work for you all.

As of May 15th, post a picture of your odometer.

Here is the Spreadsheet!
Google Docs - Fz6 Mileage

There will be two classes,

Class 1, Commuters.
(This is for you guys who ride everyday to work or class. Obviously you will gain more milage than those that only ride for rec.)

Class 2, Recreational
(The weekend warriors! Obviously some of you will ride to work from time to time, just along as it isnt a regular occurance)

End date will be November 15th!

Maybe by then we can work up some sort of prizes or something by then.
If you would like to enter later on in the year, that is always fine. You just can post miles riden before the 15th.

Lets get this going!

Good Luck! :thumbup:

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Re: Milage Contest!

What about a class for both? I ride to work almost everyday and take weekend rides out of state. Anywhere from 200 to 500 miles in a weekend.
Re: Milage Contest!

Sounds like a plan, and a fair monthly span as some of us can't ride all year. Ice...

We'd be lucky to come close to Nov. 15th!

Cool contest but the winners are going to be those going on the big trips! I'll jump in and grab a pic on Thursday.

bmccrary, REMIND US!!! :thumbup:
Re: Milage Contest!

The only reason for the commuter class is because you will get more miles than someone who just does the weekend warrior.

Working on replacing my TPS right now, once that is done I will be back in charlotte and I can post up my milage.

Re: Milage Contest!

OK guys lets get this going. Its a bit late to start, but considering that some you canadians are still in the snow, it might work for you all.

As of May 15th, post a picture of your odometer.

There will be two classes,

Class 1, Commuters.
(This is for you guys who ride everyday to work or class. Obviously you will gain more milage than those that only ride for rec.)

Class 2, Recreational
(The weekend warriors! Obviously some of you will ride to work from time to time, just along as it isnt a regular occurance)

End date will be November 15th!

Maybe by then we can work up some sort of prizes or something by then.
If you would like to enter later on in the year, that is always fine. You just can post miles riden before the 15th.

Lets get this going!

Good Luck! :thumbup:

Whirly has it won already. Please send me a first class ticket so I can present the prize in person.

Re: Milage Contest!

Whirly has it won already. Please send me a first class ticket so I can present the prize in person.


Yeah wait a minute... we need to make this contest retroactive to last month!!! :( I've put on 6000 km in the last 25 days!

I'm pretty sure Yukon Alex would be a very close second... :thumbup:

Oh well... time to start planning the next trip.... victory WILL be mine... Muah ha ha! *evil grin*
Re: Milage Contest!

We will obviously use the honor system, but if you could set your camera up so it shows the date would be great, lol

Oh and dont worry, Im going out tomorrow for a 300+ mile trip that wont count towards it, but oh well.

Re: Milage Contest!

so, miles put on in 6th gear overnight up on the rear stand don't count?

Sure they do, just take a picture of the odometer...he, he, he

Id like to see who could use the least amount of gas to go the farthest distance. Now that would be a challenge.
Re: Milage Contest!

I got better gas milages in the twisties beating the heck out of it then on the highway... this could be fun, lol.

Replacing that TPS helped alot. I got on average 48mph.
435 miles today in the Great Smokey Mtns...Im sore and going bed.

Re: Milage Contest!

Sure they do, just take a picture of the odometer...he, he, he

Id like to see who could use the least amount of gas to go the farthest distance. Now that would be a challenge.

I think that would also be the idle in 6th gear on the stand.
Re: Milage Contest!

Here's my photo

I generally commute 2 or 3 days a week on my bike, and only do a couple of bigger rides per year.

Oh btw this is in Km's not miles.
Re: Milage Contest!


2496 miles, Great day to start it buddy, it is supposed to rain for the next 4-5 days :mad:
