AGV Breeze Perf Leather Jacket


Junior Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Melbourne, Florida
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I'd been wanting to find a decent leather jacket suitable for use in Florida summer weather... hot, humid and hot. In the past, I've been very happy with my JR Reactor 2.0 jacket (mesh and leather), but wanted to go with all leather.

So I bought an AGV Breeze jacket. AGV Sport - AGV Sport Products It's full leather, perforated on front, back and inside of the arms. The upper jacket and outer arms are non-perf leather.

  • Back pad is not CE certified
  • Shoulder armor is velcroed to the liner, not tucked into liner pockets (A little awkward to put on but I got used to it. The armor does not move once the jacket is on though.)
  • No zipper option for attaching to pants

  • Perforated in front and back allows more air than just holes in front
  • Leather is lighter weight than standard leather jackets & awesome in high temp weather
  • 100% leather protection and constructed well, no flimsy seams

If you want a basic leather jacket, with armor, that is suitable for HOT weather, this jacket works great. I can honestly say that it's comparable to full-mesh airflow, with the protection of full leather. The plain foam back pad is a little disappointing but I've seen some "CE rated" backpads that look like plain foam to me. I might buy an aftermarket "sew-in" or "wear on the body" back protector. The velcroed shoulder pads are CE rated and have the hard shell. You have to be a little gentle when donning the jacket, so as not to twist the shoulder pads, but once the jacket is on the pads stay firmly in place. Forearm/elbow pads are CE-rated and are located in liner pockets. The backpad is the only real detractor IMO. For being a full leather garment that is actually comfortable in 95 degree humid weather, I think it was a good investment at a little less than $200. My biggest requirement was 100% leather with armor AND comfortable in scorching heat so that I would actually wear it on an 8-hour ride. This fits the bill.
