The off-roading bigginer's trail ride report (video) - Lake Hughes Truck Trail


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Feb 14, 2009
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The off-roding biggner's trail ride report.
Well, first of all, enjoyed alot.
And, lessons that I have earned today.
* Proper gearing for the trail/dirt riding, like jacket, pants, helmet, and boots etc.
* Checking tire pressure before start on the dirt.
* Check and prepare trail route map more carefully, GPS absolute for me as novice.
* Weather, temperature, and WATER... ha ha ha
Today's riding route was Lake Huges Truck Trail which started at near the Lake Huges Rock Inn store.
First of few miles climb up was little bit difficult for me.
Some of spur and ruts which made me very very slow speed; and happy scenery views.
Otherwise, road condition is pretty nice if ride slow ^^;
With street version of riding gears, I had enormous sweat and felt some dizze when I riding down pretty twisted road.
I had to rest every shadowed area to get water...whew...
During the ride, I met couple of riders who do really go fast !!! (when could I do ??? never !!!)
My diy chest camera mounting was tested on the dirt today.
It works better than I expected on the trail.
However, camera does not keep steady angle when bike and body moves around.
I might need more tightening using straps.
Results could be seen at the 2:53 of the video, and rest of them after then.

Here is the photos and short video clips of today's riding.

[ame=""]YouTube - Lake Hughes Truck Trail, July 10, 2010[/ame]

Thanks for watching... ^^