08-FZ6 Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
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On a roll today...08-FZ6

What do you do for a living?
IT Specialist

How long have you owned your FZ6?
May 2009

What other modes of transport do you have?
2008 Mustang GT (slightly modded)

If you could have any bike what would it be?
I have always loved CBRs and I also really like the Buell Lightning XB12Scg

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
spending time with my kids

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Hmm, well I lived in Germany for 7 years and traveled all over Europe but I guess Switzerland was the best. I always wanted to go to Las Vegas and I am pretty sure that will be my favorite once i go.

How would you best describe yourself?
Family man w/ a wild side.

What pets have you got?
2 cats

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
The internet.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Not sure what I would outlaw but I would make a mandatory death penaly for all crimes against chilren.

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
no clue

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?
Windows but I would love to try a Mac.

F1 or MotoGP?

Which track or album rocks your boat?
Aenima by Tool

What is your favorite film?
This is a tough one. I love Quentin Tarantino films so maybe True Romance.

Meat or Veg?

What is your favorite beverage?
Pepsi Max at the moment.

And finally, your number one rule in life?
It's not really a rule but a saying that has always meant a lot to me is, "One who is forgotten is one who has never lived."