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Feb 24, 2011
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Melbourne Australia
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I dropped the bike in my drive this morning. Going from a grassy patch onto concrete and caught the slightly higher concrete lip, front wheel out from under me.Bang.:mad:
I didnt have my gloves or my helmet on, coz I was just taking it out beyond the gate so it would warm up while I donned my gear.
The damage to the bike, see the photo: I'm pretty lucky really

The damage to me, I burnt my knuckle on the exhaust while checking everything out- got off lightly, no sprains, no torn muscles trying to hold the bike up, I guess coz it went down so fast there was no time to tighten my grip on anything

What I really did learn was:

That Oggy Knobs( frame sliders) are a fantastic investment in case of this type of drop, saved lots more scrapes.

Lifting a fz6 is pretty damn easy using that system of facing away from the bike and lifting with your legs, like that girl heaving up that Harley, shown on this site the other week.

Now I gotta get a sharpie to touch up the cover.
I 'spose the big thing I learned was that I should have been more "on the ball" even tho I was just idling the bike out my driveway

Bugger!:( my pristine baby, isn't anymore, at least now I'm not worrying about the first time I drop it
Bugger! my pristine baby, isn't anymore, at least now I'm not worrying about the first time I drop it

What a relief! Now you can go on really enjoying your ride!;) Seriously tho, a sharpie and a new Oggy Knob and you will pretty much have your pristine baby back. Glad you didn't get hurt and a little adrenaline makes the FZ6 seem light as a feather when you pick it up!!
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