Wingnuts: Why Goldwing owners SUCK!

i agree with bruce on the:squid: thing there. a putz is a putz no matter what bike they are on.

and i was told while i was at the dragon that one of the fastet times was on a wing that had modded floorboards and such. they are as ba as they are comfy.
Lump them all into a category if you will, but I don't think that's fair. My data point of one is that my dad rode a goldwing for years, and he is the most focused, safe, technically competent, AND polite rider that I have ever known. I try to emulate his skill and technique, but I know that no matter what I do, I will never be half the rider he is.

I'll spare you the embarrasement of showing this thread to my dad. I'm sure he'd have input for you, but he'd probably also get permabanned for his first post LOL.

My take is that you witnessed a group of jackasses, period. Doesn't matter much what kind of bikes they were on.

Nah, this is business as usual. By the way, is it a stereotype if its 99.9% true?

I don't care who your Dad is, what he does, or how long he's been riding. The Goldwing is a bastardization of motorcycles across the board.

Hmm, lets take the feeling a freedom, excitement, and vulnerability and replace it with pampering luxuries and a false sense of security. The Goldwing is 5000 lbs of all the **** we need a motorcycle to get away from in the first place.
Oddly, I also had a bike run a stop sign and pull out right in front of me today. Wasn't a Goldwing, but some naked sporty bike, the pilot had long flowing blond hair and (once she passed me) a really, really nice tuckus. Couldn't get her to stop and talk, though... :(
ALLRIGHT!! gigity gigity...:D
Lazyboy. Thats what I call gigantic cruisers with 2 tons of chrome, those gynecologist footrests, suitcase sized saddlebags, AC, cd get the picture.

Anyways, today as I drove my car home from work(a bright green convertible blaring heavy metal) I come up to an intersection that I frequent in my hometown. Im on the main road and to my right is a some what rundown shopping center. Also to my right are three bikers in the exiting lane waiting to pull right onto the main road.

The leader of the pack is a small framed man in his 40's with with a baby blue polo shirt, khaki shorts, and what I can only assume are penny loafers. Attached to his shiny new 3/4 helmet is a helicopter pilot styled headset. He was sitting atop of a brand new Honda Goldwing with all the spaceship-esque styling and big rig chrome you would expect from such a bike.

I should have known to prepare for stupidity to follow after seeing the leader of this pack's feet scuffing frantically against the pavement as he struggled to stop his own bike. After seeing the fear in his eyes I dared not look away.

With him was a woman, and in the back of the pack was an obese man in similar atire. All of them on brand new Goldwings. The leader and the woman behind him pull out of the shopping center and head on there merry way.

Just then the light turns green and I start to drive keeping my eyes on the fatman and his two wheeled RV. Without even glancing my way he pulls right out in front of me not noticing my crayola green convertible with the top down blaring Avenged Sevenfold. He heard my horn though and he spaztically jerked the bike to the right almost running onto the slightly elevated sidewalk and into pedestrians.

These are no doubt the same oblivious snobby and soft cagers that pull out in front of me in their Lexus' and BMW's when I'm riding without care or consequence. WINGNUTS AND LAZYBOYS MAKE ME SICK! Thanks for reading, I feel better. Cheers
I don't really see were you are justified to too be so angry. you can't control the action's nor the sucsess of other's,be thankful your not an idiot an enjoy the blessing's you have in your is a gift that's why they call it the present.....Loosen up laugh at the retard's and enjoy yourself!:D
OK, here's my take on all of this. What p!sses me off is these nearly retired mid-life crises blokes who, just because they have the money to blow and want to look bad-@ss, run out and buy the biggest hog they can get without having any intention of taking the time to learn to ride properly or actually earn the experience to call themselves bikers. Like you said...same fools that cut you off in their BMWs on their way to the club.

A riding teacher and tester I know said there are two groups of wanna-be bikers he fears most...the young punks who's first ride is a Hyabusa, and the middle-aged pot-bellies who want to become over-night Hell's Angels. And, of course, the statistics support this.

Polo shirt and penny-loafers...yup, pretty hard-core.
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A riding teacher and tester I know said there are two groups of wanna-be bikers he fears most...the young punks who's first ride is a Hyabusa, and the middle-aged pot-bellies who want to become over-night Hell's Angels. And, of course, the statistics support this.

Polo shirt and penny-loafers...yup, pretty hard-core.

Just like the riders I see on sport bikes wearing a full coverage helmet, riding jacket, shorts and sandals...

You're right on with the statistics too, but whats the answer to the problem? I see this kind of stuff more than most people do and hardly a week goes by that the subject doesn't come up. "What's the responsible thing to do?" We try and encourage all new and limited experienced riders to take the MSF course, heck I've been at shops that offer to pay for it, we try to steer newbies (both young and old) to bikes more well suited for them but probably 7 times out of 10 with the "pot bellies" as you call them and 9 out of 10 with the younger crowd they cave to peer pressure and/or vanity and purchase bikes that ill suited for their skill levels.

Just last week we sold a new R6 to a guy that told us he was an "A" class motocrosser and had ridden most of his life. It came in on the back of a roll back before the end of the week totaled with 369 miles showing on the odometer. I did the wreck estimate so I know that to be a fact. He rode it for a day or two, built up his confidence and ****iness, picked up his G/F and went for a ride. Came in to a turn to fast and didn't consider the extra weight of his passenger (not to mention she was more than likely not leaning with him) the bike went wide and off the road. At 80+. Fortunately they both escaped with relatively minor injuries.

It was all we could do to get him financed on the bike, and he "couldn't afford" collision insurance so now he is the proud owner of a new R6 that can't be ridden until he spends a little over half what a new one costs on repairs and is now only worth a quarter of what it cost him to buy.

Sad, very sad. But at least they are both OK and might one day ride again.

I'll have to jump in too :Flip:

I AM jealous over those pot bellied brainless twerps who are able to insult those magnificent machines every time they climb IN.

Here it's the BMW's, Harleys, and to some extent Goldwings. You wanna have a toy that costs more than my annual salary, kewl. You want to delude yourself into thinking you're a biker, kewl. You want us all to think you're kewl, while we know you're a douche? Kewl.

But get out of my WAY g*ddamit ... they are ALL over the road, big as a bus, and the brains of a bus driver. Let me take your bike out of it's misery, i'll look after it, and ride it, a lot. Please?
The Honda segment of "Twist The Throttle" has a nice piece on the Goldwing, design, engineering, manufacturing, history etc. I must say I have a new appreciation for this machine now. Complexity rivals/exceeds an automobile.

If it helps any, the first Goldwing was designed as a "muscle" bike.
I'll have to jump in too :Flip:

I AM jealous over those pot bellied brainless twerps who are able to insult those magnificent machines every time they climb IN.

Here it's the BMW's, Harleys, and to some extent Goldwings. You wanna have a toy that costs more than my annual salary, kewl. You want to delude yourself into thinking you're a biker, kewl. You want us all to think you're kewl, while we know you're a douche? Kewl.

But get out of my WAY g*ddamit ... they are ALL over the road, big as a bus, and the brains of a bus driver. Let me take your bike out of it's misery, i'll look after it, and ride it, a lot. Please?

Thank you! All exept for owning a Goldwing....or a Harley...but f**k yeah I'll take a BMW.
Tuchas!!! Tuchas!!!

It's from the back of the throat drink straight lemon juice... little bit of milk... That noise you got it!!! You master that and you can run Hollywood my friends

I'm a speller, not a talker! Damn New Yorkers! :Flip:

:rolleyes: :D :D :D
...I should have added that to me, a bike's a bike. They're all cool in their own way, and to each their own. But they are NOT toys, they are vehicles of the road, and any rider worthy of one should take the time to learn to ride the d@mned thing right. That doesn't mean taking the $30,000 annual bonus and running out to buy a Honda Goldwing just to show up someone's buds. Anyone I know who takes in seriously learns to ride on an appropriate starter bike, takes the time to get comfortable and aware, ATGATT etc., and moves up from there. Sure, we all want to be cool and have something to be proud of, but we all know the risks and responsibilities involved.

Many Goldwing owners do not suck and have earned their ride, and are some of the coolest guys on the road. I could see myself touring in style on one of those birds some day. It's the clowns that want to buy an attitude that run me down.