Warning MA people - a little giveaway for you :)


The tall one
Jul 9, 2009
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Nice, FR
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So after I low-sided in the rain and screwed up my left frame slider I ordered a new pair that I never got to install. So now that my bike is totaled I still have the frame sliders and an extra brand-new oil-pan gasket that I ordered by mistake when I had the epic oil-pan stripped thread issue.

That's about $50 (including shipping) worth of brand new stuff that I don't really need so since I hate going to the post office and dealing with shipping and handling I'm willing to give it FOR FREE to anyone who's willing to come pick them up. Or we can arrange something and we can meet somewhere else when I'm out for a ride or something. FYI I'm in Framingham all day round (I work from home) and if the weather permits I'm allover MA during the weekends :)

Shoot me a PM if any of you is interested and Merry Christmas in advance :D
That is a great offer! If only the weather were nicer and Framingham wasn't so far away I would consider it. Good luck getting rid of them though!
To those wondering what happened: http://www.600riders.com/forum/fz6-general-discussion/22604-got-rearende-grand-cherokee-today.html

About the actual items: I don't really mind them sitting here but I just know I will never use them so might as well help someone protect their bike. When I had the little lowside in the rain, the bike fell on its left and in the second crash it felt on its right side and I can assure you those frame sliders saved me a ton of $$$$ and saved the bike a ton of damage. There was not a single scratch on the engine cover and frame. So yeah - if I can help someone I'd be glad to :) Even if you already have frame sliders you are still more likely to use them than me (and I sincerely hope you won't need them but we all know that **** happens).

As for postage: damn, I feel like an ******* for not wanting to post them to someone who probably needs them but the thing is I can only go to the post office at lunch break (yeah I know ... I work from home but I'm not a freelancer so I still try to obey certain rules) and it's a damn hell doing that because of how congested Route 9 gets between 12:00pm and 2:00pm. It literally takes me 1 hour to go 1 mile each way. And on top of that, every time I go to the post office it's always damn crowded and I have to spend another 30 minutes waiting in line. I really HATE the overall experience and I do whatever I can to avoid it.

CZAR357: where in Mass are you? Everything in MA is nearby for me so as long as the weather is nice on the weekend and you're easy to find without a GPS (they broke my car window and stole my gps 10 days ago ... the one and only time I forgot it on my dashboard when my friends and I went to the movies :( ), I'd be willing to bring them to your place (or at least meet somewhere in between framingham and where ever it is that you live) :)
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i would be intereste in the items, at least the frame sliders as i am way too lazy to actually order some for myself. let me know if you awoudl still like to ive the away and i am sure we will figure something out.

Thank you:thumbup:
Sliders are still available and Saturday seems like it will be windy but not rainy ... if you know what I mean :D


I just realized something: :Sport: -----------> Squid :spank:
I might be in Nashua (mass/NH state line) helping my brother load up his pellets on Saturday. othet than that i am not sure what the rest of the day brings.

BTW, Have you checked out www.nestreetriders.com ? it is a decent local forum (it is a bit more open than this forum) and it has a lot of people on there thta do local rides. no substitute for the family atmosphere here, but it will net you new local rides. and if you check it out search for "Drunkathon" and you will get a good local meet coming up.
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CZAR357: where in Mass are you? Everything in MA is nearby for me so as long as the weather is nice on the weekend and you're easy to find without a GPS (they broke my car window and stole my gps 10 days ago ... the one and only time I forgot it on my dashboard when my friends and I went to the movies :( ), I'd be willing to bring them to your place (or at least meet somewhere in between framingham and where ever it is that you live) :)

I live in Holyoke and go to college in Amherst. I don't have any transportation right now though because my rear tire caught a nail and my father borrowed my car to go to New York for a week. Just bad luck I guess.
reiobard: sorry dude but CZAR357 was technically first :) No hard feelings I hope :iconbeer:

CZAR357: you live/go to school right around the area of my daily ride so I can just pass by on Saturday (if the weather is good and I go out for a ride that is) and I can give you the stuff. Just let me know where exactly can we meet ... keep in mind that I currently have no GPS so please choose an easy-to-find location that's on a main road or something :)
reiobard: sorry dude but CZAR357 was technically first :) No hard feelings I hope :iconbeer:

CZAR357: you live/go to school right around the area of my daily ride so I can just pass by on Saturday (if the weather is good and I go out for a ride that is) and I can give you the stuff. Just let me know where exactly can we meet ... keep in mind that I currently have no GPS so please choose an easy-to-find location that's on a main road or something :)

Your daily ride is over an hour from your house? The weather doesn't look too promising for tomorrow but if you were to get out I would be at work all day at the Stop & Shop on Lincoln street in Holyoke. If it is easier for reiobard and you together you are more than welcome to give it to him.
reiobard: sorry dude but CZAR357 was technically first :) No hard feelings I hope :iconbeer:

CZAR357: you live/go to school right around the area of my daily ride so I can just pass by on Saturday (if the weather is good and I go out for a ride that is) and I can give you the stuff. Just let me know where exactly can we meet ... keep in mind that I currently have no GPS so please choose an easy-to-find location that's on a main road or something :)

no hard feelings at all! also glad that you are still riding and we will have to be sure to get you on some of the group rides next year.
And the winner is:

:cheer::cheer::cheer: CZAR357 :cheer::cheer::cheer:

reiobard: today was an awesome day! I was sweating my ass off in all my winter gear. I had forgotten how nice it is to ride and not freeze in the process. I also wanted to test my rain gear but it never really rained so I didn't get to do that :( I'll definitely come for one of the group rides next year :)
Thanks a ton zmeiaspas! YOU ROCK!! And we will definately have to get together next year for a ride because I doubt we will get anymore nice days like was before it started to rain!