Treatment of road rash.

i agree with nelly 100%. A doctor is the way to go...but if you must forgo this without medical treatment, make sure to keep the wound clean, redress it at least twice a day. As for the scars.....i've got plenty from my two bike wrecks....chicks dig em
Back when I was young and naive (now I'm old and naive) I tried to follow a buddy on a sport bike with my enduro during our lunch hour. Tried to take a corner at the same speed he did and laid down my bike. Yeah, enduros can't corner like street bikes can as I found out. I had a nice sized road rash on my right arm from it, about 6 to 9 inches long.

When I returned to work I didn't find anything in the first aid kit except alcohol wipes. Thinking alcohol would kill the infection I opened one up and placed it on my arm. Don't try that. It hurt like mother freakin' bloody hell. After rolling around on the bathroom floor waiting for the pain from the alcohol to subside I tried to return to work. My supervisor sent me to my doctor to get treatment for my injuries and the doctor scrubbed out gravel that was buried in my arm.

The previous message was brought to you by Darwin Awards, where candidates attempt at removing themselves from the gene pool. :thumbup:

I'd suggest going to the doctor. You never know what kind of contaminants or foreign objects you introduced to your road rash.

Now that is classic! I can feel the pain!

You know what they say around here?

Soak it in sider.

Say it out loud. It doesnt help but at least your doing something constructive. LOL LOL LOL LOL