The ride of torture.

Now I feel just fine. I felt fine with in a few hours of getting home. Do you think huge amounts of fireworks smoke could of caused it?

We were down in a bottom, and the smoke just hung in the air. When the fourwheelers all started it was just like being in a thick fog.

I dont think it was food poisoning. The chicken was fresh and kept cold. Then kept cooked and eatin.

I think it was just areally awfull headache. Dehydration is a strong possibilty. All I had to drink all day was 2 cups of coffee, a coke, and a sprite.
I dont feel any different in my thought patterns, or muscle controls. Just my left eye felt really bad, and that is where the headache was. Who knows. I dont have any medical insurance so the doctor unless there is just something major, and I am scared is right out.

If it was hot out and you were running around doing stuff it could very will be dehydration. If you were one of my Soliders I would have chewed your butt for drinking all those Cokes and not water!

Was you pee clear or bright yellow? Seriously. If it was bright yellow, and you didn't take a multi-vitiman in the morning, you were dehydrated. Caffine is a dyuretic and will pull water from your body's cells to process the caffine, that is why sodas are a no-no in the heat.
Well I only went pee once while I was there, and once right before bed, so yep I probley was dehydrated. I was sweating alot because I had stuff for riding on. Rolled up my pants and played with the kids in the creek. We rounded up snails, mussels and caught one of these. Discover Life -- Turtles identification guide & checklist
I know they are endanged here, so we let it go. The site says there arent any left here, but they are.

For Charlie. We were off 231 at the allen/warren county line then out 916, then off on old greenhill then off on some just the people that live there named roads, then off on a privite road. Then down a very old wagon ford road.
You possibly could've had a migraine.....but it does sound like you were dehydrated....being out in the sun and drinking only soda. Migraines and headaches are completely different. Do you still have a headache?

Normally when I get a migraine, I have pain in my eye sockets and my head is very sensitive to light and sound.
Ummmm nothing really. I didnt know I was going. If I had I would of brought water. I had just planned on going riding stopping for a nice lunch, then being home by dark.
Ummmm nothing really. I didnt know I was going. If I had I would of brought water. I had just planned on going riding stopping for a nice lunch, then being home by dark.

I'm relieved that you're ok. I rode many a mile on road bicycle and in the process of learning what to pack on a 100 mile ride I experienced minor dehydration more than once. ;) For what it's worth I never had any of the symptoms you described (headache, light sensitivity, blurry vision). For me it was weakness, cramps and dry skin (not enough liquid in body to produce sweat in spite of heat and exercise). Thankfully not bad enough to require medical attention, just a rest and some sports drinks. Older and wiser now I carry a half liter of water in my tank bag even when I don't think I'm going to need it.

The no insurance part sucks. US health care needs to be reworked from top to bottom - regardless of who wins election. How were you planning to determine if you're in bad enough shape to go to ER? Who's going to make the decision for you if you're "out of it" with a concussion etc? Something to think about regardless of your :squid: factor since accidents can and do happen. Just glad you're better - ride on ! :Sport:
Hey Steve,

I am also chuffed you are better. I am going to be devils advocate though so hear me out.
If you were a patient who presented to my ED with your symptoms and focal problems you would get a head CT.
Steve you are a man of a certain age (not old) but the age group that will not go to a doctor (its generic). I believe that you are still a smoker so have certain risk factors despite your external physical fitness.
You are also a Dad to a beautiful young lady who will need you guidance, love and wisdom for a long while.
You need to consider that some events in life are a "Hello" moment. You may have had one of these on that evening. You may not?
Having your health batted around on this thread will achieve two things.
a. numerous suppositions of a diagnosis that will bring you no closer to what actually happened.
b. Cause you undue worry.

If you have any repeat symptoms you need to bite the bullet and rock up to the ED. The best case scenario is that you are fit and well and can now go and work your but off to pay for the exam.
Please look at the bigger picture and look after yourself.

Your buddy

RGN Neil Perry Bsc (hons)
I am happy you are okay man. That headache or whatever you call it must of sucked. The closest I have ever had to that was when I got shot 6 times square in the back of the head in a shoot out with a guy while playing paint ball. I know how did I get shot in the back of the head. I had a mask on and me and the guy got caught in a bad shoot out close range and when he shot me I got mad and turned to walk off. He had already sent the shots off and everyone hit me dead in the back of the head. That sucked the shots didnt hurt but the pressure build up was unbearable. Every time my blood pressure would go up or adrenline my head felt like it was going to pop. I learned after that to never turn my back until I am for sure I have my hands raised and the enemy knew I was out. Sry got carried away just glad to relate. But again happy your home safe take care. :) :thumbup:
Classic migraine headache. I get them on a regular basis. They run in my family. I used to be able to use Aleve on them, but even that doesn't cut it now. I went to the doctor, and he gave me some sample Imitrex and a prescription for it if they worked. They truly do work! They can be expensive, though. With my insurance, it cost $25 for 9 pills. But I figure, if you find something that works, use it.

Migraines can get so bad for me sometimes that I feel like taking a drill to my skull. Nausea, light sensitivity, fun at all. Talk to your doctor and see if they can get you some samples of Imitrex.
