Sometimes there's just no escape.


Avid 4WD Hunter
Elite Member
Sep 6, 2008
Reaction score
South Australia
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Got forced off the road on my way home from a ride this arvo.

A car came through a corner I was just about to enter and swerved onto my side of the road, so I had to swerve to avoid a head-on. totally off line and late for the corner now, so I had to lay it down or smash through a fence.

Lots of people think it's OK now to use both lanes to go through a corner fast. This guy started the corner in my lane and finished in my lane to straighten out his corner.

I've wracked my brains trying to think of an escape route I might've missed but the short time frame and situation tell me I'm dead lucky to be alive as he only just missed me. If I had've held my line for the corner and braked I'd be dead.

If I had've tried to take the corner after the avoiding action I'd be wrapped up in barbed wire on the side of the road.

If I had've emergency braked I would've hit the fence upright and probably cut my head off.

Horn was useless also.

Braked hard, then locked up rear to get sideways then locked up front and slid into fence wheels first.

Sometimes there is just no escape.

This is the thread I put up about the crash.,

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Damn it man. Are you ok?

How is the bike?

Stupid freaking cagers.
Damn it man. Are you ok?

How is the bike?

Stupid freaking cagers.

Thanks man. I'm OK. Gear did it's job perfectly. Hardly felt the impact and not a scratch on me:rockon:.

Bike's seen better days. Tank needs fixing and a few scrapes on the right side engine cover and my bars are bent slightly, oh and my rear brake lever is twisted but aside from that it's all good. Rode it home. Oh and the bar end will need a sand blast and powder coating. I'll put up some pics tomorrow.

going to stay away from this place except at night for a while. Sick of folk trying to kill me. Might be up for some serious touring soon.
