Roll Starts: Batteries not Included


Apr 20, 2011
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Nashville, TN ([email protected])
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So yesterday i had just washed my car and i went for a qwick spin down the interstate to dry it off. As i was coming back through town, there was a guy on a bike on the side of the road with his flashers on. i pulled into a lot to turn around, and as i did i saw him walking across the street pushing the bike into a gas station (lucky place to break down really). so i pull into the station and i figured i had my tools in the car anyway, so i walked over to the guy as he was pumping gas to see what had happened. The bike was an 80's model Yamaha 550 (maxim i believe) and apparently the bike cut out on him. I think he left the gas on reserve and ran it too far down. anyway as you may know, when you run the fuel out of the carburetors, it can be a major pain to restart the engine. So we did a roll start as to not kill the battery. Here's how:

we were in a flat area so we rolled the bike up the steepest grass embankment. told the dude to put the bike into 2nd gear (This is very important if you dont want to dump the bike. when trying to drive the motor from the wheel the ratios are backwards ie. 6th is easiest and 1st is hardest)

-hold clutch and straddle the bike/push bike until 5-7mph and jump on
-when moving fast enough (5-7) pop the clutch, if the bike doesn't turn over, grab the clutch again
-keep trying until the bike starts, and if possible try to go a little faster

*I did this with a carbureted machine on half-choke (started first try:rockon:)
** People seem to ask how to do this quite often and i havent seen a HOW-TO write-up yet. Hope this helps.
Good point about 2nd. Doesn't matter in a car ;)

Thinking about carburetors only reminds me I've been neglecting the old CB in my back yard, though...for shame... :p
My battery died this weekend. I had to pop the clutch to get her home, and it was no problem. I did it in 1st, but will try 2nd next time. Good info.
I think that bike also has a position on the tank valve for prime and the gas would fill the bowls. I think you just give em a few minutes to fill.

Or it just Off Gas and Reserve and in that case may not prime... but I think reserve position might let it prime...
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